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“Putting Dreams to Work”

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1 “Putting Dreams to Work”
Opportunity and Hope “Putting Dreams to Work” Since 1987 2015 WWBIC Standard

2 WWBIC’s Strategic Plan
Defining Our Social Goals 2015 WWBIC Standard

3 “If you don’t know where you are going, you are sure to end up somewhere else.” - Yogi Berra

4 STRATEGIC THINKING To create WWBIC’s vision for the future, we utilized the internationally-adopted Universal Standards for Social Performance Management of the Global Microfinance Industry. 2015 WWBIC Standard

5 STRATEGIC THINKING Using this framework, WWBIC engaged our Board of Directors, advisors and staff in advancing an ambitious plan for the years to come – articulating and aligning our social performance goals and measurements alongside our financial performance goals and metrics. 2015 WWBIC Standard


7 2A. Board is Committed to WWBIC’s Social Mission
Orientation, responsibilities and agreement Members adhere to code of ethics Members have expertise in social performance Contact with clients

8 2B. Board holds WWBIC Accountable to Social Mission and Social Goals
Reviews social performance data Provides direction and oversight of institution’s strategy President evaluated on social performance Prevents mission drift Code of ethics Social performance sub committee Board evaluations include social performance Board reviews social assessments

9 STRATEGIC THINKING Who We Are Who We Care About What We Do
The Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) is a leading innovative statewide economic development corporation that is “Putting Dreams to Work.” Who We Care About We focus on individuals who face barriers in accessing traditional financing or resources. What We Do We open doors of opportunity by providing targeted individuals who are interested in starting, strengthening, or expanding a business with access to necessary resources and tools such as quality financial and business education, and responsible financial products. 2015 WWBIC Standard

Our social goal is to improve the economic well-being of targeted individuals by building assets and advancing self-sufficiency. Provide targeted individuals who are interested in starting, strengthening or expanding a buisiness with access to necessary resources/tools, such as quality financial/business education and responsible financial products. 2015 WWBIC Standard

Positive trending of these indicators will serve as the metric in advancing our Social Goal. Job Creation Businesses Started, Strengthened, or Expanded Increased Individual Income Increased Assets (personal and business) Higher Credit Scores Improved Community Stabilization 2015 WWBIC Standard

12 Our Aspiration for 2017: Statewide Growth and Continued Focus on Key Markets
2015 WWBIC Standard

13 Our Aspiration for 2017: Statewide Growth and Continued Focus on Key Markets
2015 WWBIC Standard

14 Our Aspiration for 2017: Statewide Growth and Continued Focus on Key Markets
2015 WWBIC Standard

To guide our actions we will adhere to these tenets: Strategic Customer-Centric Growth Deliver an Effective and Efficient Customer Experience Invest in our People Pursue Global Best Practices to Increase our Social Impact Contribute to our Community. 2015 WWBIC Standard

16 MACRO IMPACT During and beyond this plan our intent is to facilitate long-lasting impacts throughout our communities. Individual Achievement of Financial and Entrepreneurial Goals Increased Individual Financial Acumen Economic Self Sufficiency Community Stabilization through Business and Home Ownership Social Responsibility 2015 WWBIC Standard

17 Thank You Please call with any questions.
A member of the WWBIC Team will be more than happy to assist you. Southeast Kenosha Phone: ext. 114 Racine Phone: Southwest Phone: Greater Milwaukee Phone: South Central Phone: Northeast Phone:

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