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The two measurements necessary for calculating average speed are…

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1 The two measurements necessary for calculating average speed are…
A. Acceleration and Time B. Velocity and Time C. Distance and Time D. Distance and Acceleration E. Displacement and Time

2 What is the acceleration of an x wing that maintains
a constant velocity of 100 km/hr for 10 hours? A. 0 B. 10 km/hr2 C. 10 m/hr2 D km/hr2

3 A car increases its speed from 9. 6 m/s to 11. 2 m/s in 4. 0 seconds
A car increases its speed from 9.6 m/s to 11.2 m/s in 4.0 seconds. What is the average acceleration of the car during this 4.0-second interval? 0.40 m/s2 (A) 0.40 m/s2

4 A feather and a bowling ball are dropped at the same point and time in a vacuum. Which object lands first? A. Feather B. Bowling ball C. Neither

5 The speed of an object undergoing constant acceleration increases from 8.0 meters per second to 16 meters per second in 10 seconds. How far does the object travel during the 10 seconds? Use xf=xi+vit+ ½ at2 120m

6 While a car turns at constant speed it…
A. Has 0 acceleration B. Has 0 velocity C. Both of the above D. Is accelerating

7 The graph represents the velocity of an object traveling in a straight line as a function of time. Determine the magnitude of the total displacement of the object at the end of the first 6.0 seconds. 50 m 50 M

8 At one instant an object in free fall is moving downward at 50 m/s
At one instant an object in free fall is moving downward at 50 m/s. One second later its speed is approximately A. 25m/s B. 50m/s C. 55m/s D. 60m/s E. 100m/s

9 A ball is thrown straight downward with a speed of 0
A ball is thrown straight downward with a speed of 0.50 meter per second from a height of 4.0 meters. What is the speed of the ball 0.70 second after it is released? [Neglect air resistance] 7.4 m/s (Use vf=vi+at) (2) 7.4 m/s

10 An object has been thrown upward at 50 m/s
An object has been thrown upward at 50 m/s. One second later its speed is approximately A. 100m/s B. 60m/s C. 55m/s D. 50m/s E. 40m/s

11 A rock falls from rest a vertical distance of 0
A rock falls from rest a vertical distance of 0.72 meter to the surface of a planet in 0.63 second. What is the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity on this planet? 3.6m/s2 3.6m/s2

12 An object falls freely from rest off a planet where the acceleration due to gravity is 20 meters per second squared. After 5 seconds, the object will have a speed of… A. 5m/s B. 10m/s C. 20m/s D. 50m/s E. 100m/s

13 A car traveling on a straight road at
15.0 m/s accelerates uniformly to a speed of 21.0 m/s in 12.0 seconds. What is the acceleration in m/s2? 0.5 m/s2 (C) 0.5

14 A cart travels with a constant nonzero acceleration along a straight line. Which graph best represents the relationship between the distance the cart travels and time of travel? 1

15 A ball falls freely from rest from the roof of a building
A ball falls freely from rest from the roof of a building. What is the total distance the weight falls in the first 1.0 second? 4.9 m use xf=xi+vit+1/2 at2 (C) 4.9 m

16 The first The second Neither
A penny is dropped from the top of the Empire State Building then another penny is thrown downward from the same location. Neglecting air resistance, the acceleration of ______ penny is greater. The first The second Neither

17 Approximately how much time does it take light to travel from the Sun to Earth (Sun to Earth distance = 1.5 x 1011 m, speed of light = 3.0 x 108 m/s)? 500 seconds (C) 5.00 × 102 s

18 A Squidling’s ink is fired straight down from the top of a tower
A Squidling’s ink is fired straight down from the top of a tower. Neglecting air resistance, the acceleration of the ink in meters per second squared is… A. Less than 9.8 B. 9.8 C. More than 9.8

19 In a 4. 0-kilometer race, a runner completes the first kilometer in 5
In a 4.0-kilometer race, a runner completes the first kilometer in 5.9 minutes, the second kilo- meter in 6.2 minutes, the third kilometer in 6.3 minutes, and the final kilometer in 6.0 minutes. What is the average speed of the runner in km/min? 0.16 km/min (1) 0.16 km/min

20 What is the acceleration of the car at t = 5.0 seconds?
(A) 0 m/s2 (B) 2.0 m/s2 (C) 2.5 m/s2 (D) 10 m/s2 (A) 0 m/s2

21 What is the acceleration of the car at t = 5.0 seconds?
(A) 0 m/s2 (B) 2.0 m/s2 (C) 2.5 m/s2 (D) 10 m/s2 (A) 0 m/s2

22 What is the speed of the car at the end of 10 seconds? 10. m/s
A car on a straight road starts from rest and accelerates at 1.0 m/s2 for 10 seconds. Then the car continues to travel at constant speed for an additional 20 seconds. What is the speed of the car at the end of 10 seconds? 10. m/s 10. m/s

23 A ball is thrown upwards and caught when it comes back down
A ball is thrown upwards and caught when it comes back down. Neglecting air resistance, its speed when caught is… A. More than the speed it had when thrown upwards B. Less than the speed it had when thrown upwards C. The same as the speed it had when thrown upwards

24 A ball is thrown forward with a velocity of 10 m/s on a train moving forward at 100 m/s. What is the velocity of the ball relative to the earth? 110m/s 110m/s

25 A student throws a baseball vertically upward and then catches it
A student throws a baseball vertically upward and then catches it. If vertically upward is considered to be the positive direction, which graph best represents the relationship between velocity and time for the baseball? 4

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