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Parameters of a Risk-Focused Review Process

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1 Parameters of a Risk-Focused Review Process
7/27/2015 Parameters of a Risk-Focused Review Process 2015 AI Connect (Dallas, TX) July 27, 2015 Presenters Craig Benton, MAI, AI-GRS Director, Valuation Services Synovus Bank and Justin Slack, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS Vice President, Commercial Appraisal Manager HomeStreet Bank

2 Parameters of a Risk Focused Review Process
7/27/2015 Session will cover: Establishing a risk-focused review process for a regulated institution Process for resolving deficiencies Documentation Standards Role of the Bank Reviewer

3 What is risk? Parameters of a Risk Focused Review Process
7/27/2015 What is risk? The probability that foreseen events will not occur. Source: Appraisal Institute, The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 5th ed. (Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2010). Exposure to the possibility of loss, injury, or other adverse or unwelcome circumstance In finance – The possibility that an actual return on an investment will be lower than the expected return Source: Appraisal Institute, The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 5th ed. (Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2010). 506 banks failed from 2008 to 2014 From 2000 to 2007, only 32 banks failed

4 Parameters of a Risk Focused Review Process
7/27/2015 The Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines (IAEGs) requires risk-focused approach be applied to processes throughout an institution’s bank Appraisal Policy Many aspects of risk are inherent in the banking system Organizational re-alignment eliminating administrative monitoring positions Competitive pressures leading to potential relaxing of underwriting standards to achieve growth and/ or market share Process changes that may eliminate steps that provide additional oversight of the loan process New geographical market expansion Speaker Note: Excluding the T.O.C, the word “risk” appears 55 times in the 12/2010 IAEGs

5 Ranking of Risks Parameters of a Risk Focused Review Process
7/27/2015 Ranking of Risks Audit will generally rank and weight the risks in order to determine what areas to focus on during reviews or examinations This will often be done to sync up with what examiners may decide to look at during the next bank exam What can be audited or examined? Anything! Internal Controls/ Policies/ Procedures What should be audited first/next? A new regulation or release of new oversight guidance New processes or procedures put in place since the last examination Presenter Note: While a process or procedure may have been put in place based on feedback from a previous exam, there is no guarantee that current EIC will accept what was put in place. We had a series of “funky” things happen over a short course, though when under a C & D, but many things put in place based on the last exam were not accepted, though essentially verbatim from exam recommendations from the next EIC. I asked once, how can banks expect to stay/ be/ get compliant with various interpretations from the same agency…was told that quote: “examiners are like appraisers, they all have their own opinions…” end quote…

6 Role of the Bank Reviewer
Parameters of a Risk Focused Review Process 7/27/2015 Role of the Bank Reviewer Risk mitigation A bank reviewer’s role is to ensure that the appraisal or evaluation received is acceptable to the bank for the real estate transaction (intended use) The appraisal (or evaluation) does not need to be “perfect” From USPAP SR 1-1 (c) (U-16; Ed.) Presenter Notes: Evaluations don’t have to be USPAP compliant, but given that appraisers don’t have to “perfect”, evaluations should also fall under that same assumption

7 Role of the Bank Reviewer, Continued...
Parameters of a Risk Focused Review Process 7/27/2015 Role of the Bank Reviewer, Continued... An appraisal or evaluation is ordered and reviewed to ensure the collateral value is adequate to cover the loan at an appropriate loan to value ratio A professional code of ethics is usually focused on risk assessment and mitigation (by the professional on behalf of the client, public, society, or life in general) Good thing we have one! A bank reviewer who is an appraiser ordering a valuation service (appraisal or evaluation) from a professional really helps to start the risk mitigation process Presenter Notes: Per 12/2010 IAEGs, the review can also be used to monitor the competency of the appraiser for that specific property type.

8 Risk focused review process
Parameters of a Risk Focused Review Process 7/27/2015 Risk focused review process Staffing of the department What level of education does the review staff have? Reviewers do not necessarily need to have professional appraisal training What level of experience does the review staff have? Not all reviewers need to be appraisers by trade What level of geographical competence is needed? Regulators recognize that banks will not have staff in every location with local market expertise This can be solved by hiring the right third party appraiser or evaluator! What level of property type expertise is appropriate? Reviewers need to have requisite experience levels as well, or need to ensure the report is reviewed by someone who does

9 Risk focused review process, Continued…
Parameters of a Risk Focused Review Process 7/27/2015 Risk focused review process, Continued… Staffing of the department…

10 Review Process/Procedures
Parameters of a Risk Focused Review Process 7/27/2015 Review Process/Procedures Review Procedures Procedures should reflect a risk (mitigation) focused/ based review process More complex property should be subjected to a more detailed review Higher loan amount/LTV/value should be subjected to a more detailed review Essentially, more potential risk should mean more detailed analysis at the bank level review Regulators have followed this “maxim” when examining loan files

11 Risk-focused review process
Parameters of a Risk Focused Review Process 7/27/2015 Risk-focused review process The Review itself What level of detail is needed in the review process itself? What to focus on? What to research independently What can be ignored? Typographical errors Trivial errors Example: A few small errors in a specific approach to value may be trivial by themselves, but if that valuation approach was relied upon, then those errors become much more important to the overall value conclusion

12 Risk focused review process
Parameters of a Risk Focused Review Process 7/27/2015 Risk focused review process Reporting of the review What level of detail is needed in the documentation of the review? Appropriate level for loan amount or property complexity Forms More detailed form for more complex property Checklist for lower loan amounts Forms only provide something to record the review on Reviewers should be encouraged to describe the property and explain their assumptions and conclusions thoroughly The form is not the review

13 Risk focused review process
Parameters of a Risk Focused Review Process 7/27/2015 Risk focused review process Communication with appraiser Once the initial review is completed but not yet documented you may need to communicate with the appraiser to address deficiencies Begin the process with an optimistic attitude (this report will be the best you ever read) and expect a quality work product (after all – YOU most likely ordered the appraisal) Reviewers should be professional in their manner and provide quality specific feedback to the appraiser. Often a phone call or short will be all that is needed to resolve minor issues Regulators prefer a “paper trail” for exam purposes

14 Risk focused review process
Parameters of a Risk Focused Review Process 7/27/2015 Risk focused review process Communication with appraiser is better if there are more than a few comments Allows the appraiser to review comments before a call is made Provides a written record of the comments and communication Store with appraisal review file documents Multiple rounds of review comments must be treated carefully to ensure the revisions to the appraisal report have not introduced other problems Consider not using appraiser again until some improvement has occurred Additional classwork, more experience over time, etc.

15 Risk focused review process
Parameters of a Risk Focused Review Process 7/27/2015 Risk focused review process “Rehabilitation” of appraiser If an appraiser’s work continually requires multiple rounds of revisions, you may have to discuss this directly with appraiser Classwork, Experience Quality Improvement What appraiser’s peers do in that market Other issues FDIC requires grading of appraisals Continual poor appraisal report grades will be looked at by examiners Banks are questioned about these rankings

16 Risk focused review process
Parameters of a Risk Focused Review Process 7/27/2015 Risk focused review process “Rehabilitation” of appraiser Removal of appraiser What kind of system Nature of transgressions? Number of transgressions? What’s a transgression? Communicate with appraiser if they are being removed? The ultimate goal is reliable appraisals

17 Final thoughts Reviewing Another Institution’s Appraisal Report
7/27/2015 Final thoughts

18 Craig Benton, MAI, AI-GRS
Reviewing Another Institution’s Appraisal Report 7/27/2015 Questions/Thoughts? Craig Benton, MAI, AI-GRS Justin Slack, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS

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