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Deflated Conjugate Gradient Method

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1 Deflated Conjugate Gradient Method
16/11/2018 Deflated Conjugate Gradient Method for modelling Groundwater Flow in a Layered Grid Lennart Ros Deltares & TU Delft Utrecht July : Thesis Committee: Prof. Dr. Ir. C. Vuik (TU Delft) Dr M. Genseberger (Deltares) Ir. J. Verkaik (Deltares) Dr H.M. Schuttelaars (TU Delft)

2 16/11/2018 Outline Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

3 Outline Introduction Deltares Subsurface, Geohydrology, Clay & Faults
MODFLOW IBRAHYM & problem Equation, Discretization & Method A Simple Example (Matlab) Deflation Techniques Results for IBRAHYM Conclusions & Recommendations Questions Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

4 16/11/2018 Introduction Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

5 Introduction Deltares January 1st 2008 Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

6 Introduction Subsurface Subsurface is schematized in layers .
Successive sand and clay (aquifers and aquitards) Assumption: Horizontal flow in aquifer Vertical flow in aquitard Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

7 Introduction Geohydrology
The driving force for groundwater flow is the difference in height and pressure. To represent this difference we introduce the concept of hydraulic heads, h [L]. Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

8 Introduction Clay Medium Faults Very high resistance. Main property:
Extreme low permeability (vertical) Medium Faults Vertical barriers inside aquifers. Main property: Extreme low permeability (horizontal). Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

9 Consequence: Large contrast in medium parameters
Introduction Clay Very high resistance. Main property: Extreme low permeability (vertical) Consequence: Large contrast in medium parameters Medium Faults Vertical barriers inside aquifers. Main property: Extreme low permeability (horizontal). Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

10 Introduction MODFLOW:
MODFLOW is a software package which calculates hydraulic heads. Developed by the U.S. Geological Survey. Open-source code: everyone can use and improve this program Rectangular grid and uses cell- centered variables. Quasi-3D model. Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

11 Introduction IBRAHYM:
groundwater model developed for several waterboards in Limburg. uses at most 19 layers to model groundwater flow area. uses grid cells of 25 times 25 meter to get detailed information. a lot of clay and faults these cause model to suffer from bad convergence behavior of solver. Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

12 Equation, Discretization & Method
16/11/2018 Equation, Discretization & Method Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

13 Equation, Discretization & Method
Governing Equation: Where: hydraulic conductivities along x,y, and z coordinate axes [LT-1], h head [L], W volumetric flux per unit volume representing sources and sinks of water [T-1], Ss specific storage of porous material [L-1], t Time [T] Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

14 Equation, Discretization & Method
Finite Volume Discretization: Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

15 Equation, Discretization & Method
Discretized Equation Using Finite Volume Method: Where: Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

16 Equation, Discretization & Method
Solution Method in MODFLOW: stop criteria inner loop: or: maximal number of inner iteration is reached MODFLOW uses outer and inner iteration loops We look at inner iteration loop: solves a linear system of equations: preconditioner: iterative method: MODFLOW uses a: Modified Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient Method with: SOR Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

17 16/11/2018 A Simple Example Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

18 A Simple Example Simple Testcase: 2 Dimensional Problem
15 rows, 15 colums A contrast in the parameter on 1/3th of the domain Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

19 Observations for a simple testcase in Matlab:
A Simple Example Observations for a simple testcase in Matlab: Assume A has eigenvalues: Preconditioning MODFLOW: Modified Incomplete Cholesky Preconditoning generally works Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

20 Observations for a simple testcase in Matlab:
A Simple Example Observations for a simple testcase in Matlab: Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

21 Observations for a simple testcase in Matlab:
A Simple Example Observations for a simple testcase in Matlab: Smallest eigenvalue: Next eigenvalue: Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

A Simple Example Observations for a simple testcase in Matlab: Due to the small eigenvalue we have a slow converging model. Want to get rid of this eigenvalue(s) GOAL: IMPROVE CONVERGENCE BEHAVIOUR OF THE IBRAHYM MODEL IDEA: USE DEFLATION BASED PRECONDITIONER Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

23 16/11/2018 Deflation Techniques Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

24 Basic Idea of Deflation:
Deflation Techniques Basic Idea of Deflation: General linear system of equations: Now define: And instead we solve the deflated system: Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

25 PROBLEM: eigenvalues and eigenvectors are generally unknown
Deflation Techniques Deflation using Eigenvectors: Assume that A has eigenvalues: and we choose the corresponding eigenvectors such that If we now define Then: PROBLEM: eigenvalues and eigenvectors are generally unknown Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

26 Alternative Deflation Techniques:
Random Subdomain Deflation Deflation based on Physics: Use layers as boundary of domain (1 domain is 1 layer) Original domain Subdomains Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

27 Results for the simple problem:
Deflation Techniques Results for the simple problem: Deflation using subdomain deflation 1 vector represents left part of domain 1 vector represents right part of domain The eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue is in the span of these two vectors. Eigenvalues of and are almost the same, but the smallest is cancelled now. Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

28 Results for the simple problem:
Deflation Techniques Results for the simple problem: Less iterates are needed Residuals go faster to zero when using deflation GOAL: IMPROVE CONVERGENCE BEHAVIOUR OF THE IBRAHYM MODEL or REDUCE NUMBER OF ITERATIONS Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

29 16/11/2018 Results for IBRAHYM Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

30 Results for IBRAHYM Process
First: Subdomain deflation while storing matrix Z and AZ Problem: Memory limiting for large areas. Optimization concerning memory: Claypackages  Layer based deflation (nice structure of Z) Re-using vectors. Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

31 Results for IBRAHYM Process Problem: No gain of wall-clock times.
Optimization concerning wall-clock times: ‘Storing’ AZ using one vector. Pointer-vector instead of IF-loops. Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

32 Results for IBRAHYM Results (small area)
Claypackages  Layer based deflation For 3 small areas (7x7 km): cells Area original code deflation code 1 (yellow) 62 53 2 (blue) 164 121 3 (orange) 287 168 Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

33 Results for IBRAHYM Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

34 stop criteria inner loop:
Results for IBRAHYM Results (small area) REMEMBER: MODFLOW uses outer and inner iteration loops Concerning maximal number of inner iterations: Max. inner iteration Original code Deflation code 20 566 271 30 383 199 40 335 179 50 287 168 75 230 153 total number of iterations when varying the maximal number of inner iterations per inner loop stop criteria inner loop: less iterations needed also: less fluctuation in solution when varying maximal number of inner iterations Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

35 Layer based deflation also ‘solves’ for the faults.
Results for IBRAHYM Results (small area) Concerning faults: Faults Original code Deflation code With 287 171 Without 254 168 Total number of iterations when we take and do not take faults into account Layer based deflation also ‘solves’ for the faults. Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

36 wall-clock time gained
Results for IBRAHYM Results (bigger area) bigger area is 18 x 18 km = cells Original code Deflation code Iterations 1082 757 Wall-clock time sec sec Error E-02 E-03 less iterations needed wall-clock time gained error smaller Error = inflow – outflow also: less fluctuation in solution when varying maximal number of inner iterations Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

37 Conclusions & Recommendations
16/11/2018 Conclusions & Recommendations Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

38 Conclusions & Recommendations
In general: deflation works for modelling groundwater flow. Less iterations are required. Deflation preconditioner makes solution more robust. Wall clock times can be gained, but depends strongly in code used. Recommendations: Deflation in horizontal direction. Code should be further optimised for Fortran: Minimizing memory, IF-statements, Using smart mappings. Cluster multiple layers in one subdomain. Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

39 16/11/2018 QUESTIONS? Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

40 Storing AZ Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

41 Storing AZ Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

42 Conclusions & Recommendations
In general: deflation works for modelling groundwater flow. Less iterations are required. Deflation preconditioner makes solution more robust. Wall clock times can be gained, but depends strongly in code used. Recommendations: Deflation in horizontal direction. Code should be further optimised for Fortran: Minimizing memory, IF-statements, Using smart mappings. Cluster layers in one subdomain. Deflated CG method 16/11/2018

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