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Software Model Checking
Moonzoo Kim
Operational Semantics of Software
A system execution is a sequence of states s0s1… A state has an environment s:Var-> Val A system has its semantics as a set of system executions x:0,y:0 s0 x:0,y:1 s1 x:1,y:2 x:5,y:1 s2 s11 x:1,y:3 x:5,y:2 s3 s12 x:2,y:4 x:5,y:3 x:7,y:3 s4 s13 s21 We view the program execution as a sequence of states. A state consists of variable environment rho and time stamp t. This viewpoint states that information of program remains between two consecutive states. Furthermore, a state in the execution indicates that something happens at the time instant corresponding to the state. As the execution has more states, more computational resource is required to analyze the execution. Therefore, to reduce the overhead, if possible, we need to abstract out unnecessary states in terms of properties. For example, for property p, we don’t need variable x. Thus removing states … Furthermore, not every value of y is important because only s0 and s6 affects the property. Thus, we might want to remove states s1-s5. We will discuss this abstraction in more detail later x:5,y:4 x:7,y:4 s14 s22
Example active type A() { byte x; again: x++; goto again; }
active type B() { byte y; y++; x:0,y:0 x:0,y:1 x:0,y:255 x:1,y:0 x:1,y:1 x:1,y:255 x:2,y:0 x:2,y:1 x:2,y:255 x:255,y:0 x:255,y:255 Note that model checking analyzes ALL possible execution scenarios while testing analyzes SOME execution scenarios
Pros and Cons of Model Checking
Fully automated and provide complete coverage Concrete counter examples Full control over every detail of system behavior Highly effective for analyzing embedded software multi-threaded systems Cons State explosion problem An abstracted model may not fully reflect a real system Needs to use a specialized modeling language Modeling languages are similar to programming languages, but simpler and clearer
Companies Working on Model Checking
Model Checking History
Clarke / Emerson: CTL Model Checking Sifakis / Quielle 1982 EMC: Explicit Model Checker Clarke, Emerson, Sistla 1990 Symbolic Model Checking Burch, Clarke, Dill, McMillan SMV: Symbolic Model Verifier McMillan Bounded Model Checking using SAT Biere, Clarke, Zhu 2000 Counterexample-guided Abstraction Refinement Clarke, Grumberg, Jha, Lu, Veith 105 10100 101000
Example. Sort (1/2) Suppose that we have an array of 5 elements each of which is 1 byte long unsigned char a[5]; We wants to verify sort.c works correctly main() { sort(); assert(a[0]<= a[1]<= a[2]<=a[3]<=a[4]);} Hash table based explicit model checker (ex. Spin) generates at least 240 (= 1012 = 1 Tera) states 1 Tera states x 1 byte = 1 Tera byte memory required, no way… Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) based symbolic model checker (ex. NuSMV) takes 100 MB in 100 sec on Intel Xeon Ghz machine 9 14 2 200 64
Example. Sort (2/2) SAT-based Bounded Model Checker
1. #include <stdio.h> 2. #define N 5 3. int main(){//Selection sort that selects the smallest # first unsigned int data[N], i, j, tmp; /* Assign random values to the array*/ for (i=0; i<N; i++){ data[i] = nondet_int(); } 9. /* It misses the last element, i.e., data[N-1]*/ for (i=0; i<N-1; i++) for (j=i+1; j<N-1; j++) if (data[i] > data[j]){ tmp = data[i]; data[i] = data[j]; data[j] = tmp; } /* Check the array is sorted */ for (i=0; i<N-1; i++){ assert(data[i] <= data[i+1]); } 21. } SAT-based Bounded Model Checker Total CNF clause with 6762 boolean propositional variables Theoretically, choices should be evaluated!!! SAT VSIDS Conflicts 73 Decisions 2435 Time(sec) 0.25 UNSAT VSIDS Conflicts 35067 Decisions 161406 Time(sec) 0.95
Overview of SAT-based Bounded Model Checking
Requirements Requirements C Program ↓ ↓ ↓ Formal Requirement Properties Abstract Model Formal Requirement Properties in C (ex. assert( x < a[i]); ) C Program (F W) Model Checker Translation to SAT formula SAT Solver Satisfied Not satisfied Okay Counter example The formula is unsatisfiable The formule is satisfiable No bug Counter example
Model checking (MC) v.s. Bounded model checking (BMC)
Target program is finite. But its execution is infinite MC targets to verify infinite execution Fixed point computation Liveness property check : <> f Eventually, some good thing happens Starvation freedom, fairness, etc BMC targets to verify finite execution only No loop anymore in the target program Subset of the safety property (practically useful properties can still be checked) assert() statement a b c a.b.c.a.b.c.a.b.c…
SAT Basics (1/3) SAT = Satisfiability = Propositional Satisfiability
NP-Complete problem We can use SAT solver for many NP-complete problems Hamiltonian path 3 coloring problem Traveling sales man’s problem Recent interest as a verification engine SAT Propositional Formula SAT problem UNSAT
SAT Basics (2/3) A set of propositional variables and Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) clauses involving variables (x1 v x2’ v x3) (x2 v x1’ v x4) x1, x2, x3 and x4 are variables (true or false) Literals: Variable and its negation x1 and x1’ A clause is satisfied if one of the literals is true x1=true satisfies clause 1 x1=false satisfies clause 2 Solution: An assignment that satisfies all clauses
SAT Basics (3/3) DIMACS SAT Format Ex. (x1 ∨ x2’ ∨ x3)
x1 x2 x3 x4 f º1 T º2 F º3 º4 º5 º6 º7 º8 º9 º10 º11 º12 º13 º14 º15 º16 DIMACS SAT Format Ex. (x1 ∨ x2’ ∨ x3) (x2 ∨ x1’ ∨ x4) Model/ solution p cnf 4 2
Software Model Checking as a SAT problem (1/5)
Control-flow simplification All side effect are removed i++ => i=i+1; Control flow is made explicit continue, break => goto Loop simplification for(;;), do {…} while() => while()
Software Model Checking as a SAT problem (2/5)
Unwinding Loop Unwinding the loop 3 times x=0; if (x < 2) { y=y+x; x++; }}} /*Unwinding assertion*/ assert (! (x < 2)) Original code Unwinding the loop 1 times x=0; while(x < 2){ y=y+x; x++; } x=0; if (x < 2) { y=y+x; x++; } /* Unwinding assertion */ assert(!(x < 2))
Examples /* Straight-forward constant upperbound */
for(i=0,j=0; i < 5; i++) { j=j+i; } /* Complex upperbound */ for(i=0; i < 5; i++) { for(j=i; j < 5;j++) { for(k= i+j; k < 5; k++) { m += i+j+k; } /*Constant upperbound*/ for(i=0,j=0; j < 10; i++) { j=j+i; } /* Upperbound unknown */ for(i=0,j=0; i^6-4*i^5 -17*i^4 != 9604 ; i++) { j=j+i; }
Model Checking as a SAT problem (3/5)
From C Code to SAT Formula Original code Convert to static single assignment (SSA) x1==x0+y0; if (x1!=1) x2==2; else x3==x1+1; x4==(x1!=1)?x2:x3; assert(x4<=3); x=x+y; if (x!=1) x=2; else x++; assert(x<=3); Generate constraints C x1==x0+y0 x2==2 x3==x1+1 ((x1!=1x4==x2)(x1==1x4==x3)) P x4 <= 3 Check if C P is satisfiable. If it is satisfiable, the assertion is violated (i.e., the program is buggy w.r.t P) If it is unsatisfiable, the assertion will not be violated (i.e., program is correct w.r.t. P)
Model Checking as a SAT problem (4/5)
Original code Convert to static single assignment (SSA) x1==x0+y0; if (x1!=1) x2==2; else x3==x1+1; x4==(x1!=1)?x2:x3; assert(x4<=3); 1:x=x+y; 2:if (x!=1) 3: x=2; 4:else 5: x++; 6:assert(x<=3); C x1==x0+y0 x2==2 x3==x1+1 ((x1!=1x4==x2)(x1==1x4==x3)) P x4 <= 3 Every feasible execution scenario of the original code has its corresponding solution of C and vice versa. Observations on the code 1. An execution scenario starting with x==1 and y==0 satisfies the assert 2. The code is correct (i.e., no bug w.r.t. P) -case 1: x==1 at line 2=> x==2 at line 6 -case 2: x!=1 at line 2 => x==2 at line 6 Observations on the C A solution of C which assigns every free variable with a value and makes C true satisfies P - ex. (x0:1,x1:1,x2:2,x3:2,x4:2,y0:0) 2. Every solution of C represents a feasible execution scenario 3. C P is unsatisfiable because every solution has x4 as 2
Model Checking as a SAT problem (5/5)
Finally, C P is converted to Boolean logic using a bit vector representation for the integer variables y0,x0,x1,x2,x3,x4 Example of arithmetic encoding into pure propositional formula Assume that x,y,z are three bits positive integers represented by propositions x0x1x2, y0y1y2, z0z1z2 C z=x+y (z0$(x0©y0)©( (x1Æy1) Ç (((x1©y1)Æ(x2Æy2))) Æ (z1$(x1©y1)©(x2Æy2)) Æ (z2$(x2©y2))
Example /* Assume that x and y are 2 bit unsigned integers */
/* Also assume that x+y <= 3 */ void f(unsigned int y) { unsigned int x=1; x=x+y; if (x==2) x+=1; else x=2; assert(x ==2); }
C Bounded Model Checker
Targeting arbitrary ANSI-C programs Bit vector operators ( >>, <<, |, &) Array Pointer arithmetic Dynamic memory allocation Floating # Can check Array bound checks (i.e., buffer overflow) Division by 0 Pointer checks (i.e., NULL pointer dereference) Arithmetic overflow/underflow User defined assert(cond) Handles function calls using inlining Unwinds the loops a fixed number of times cbmc --unwindset "1:1,2:1,3:1" sort.c
CBMC Options (cbmc --help)
--unwind n Unwinding all loops n-1 times and recursive functions n times –-unwindset c::f.0:64,c::main.1:64,max_heapify:3 Unwinding the first loop in f 63 times, the second loop in main 63 times, and max_heapify (a recursive function) 3 times --no-unwinding-assertions Convert unwinding assertions assert(!(i<10)) into __CPROVER_assume(!(i<10)) Useful when you unwind loops less than its maximum upperbound of iteration --show-loops Show loop ids which are used in –unwindset --bounds-check, --div-by-zero-check, --pointer-check Check corresponding crash bugs --memory-leak-check, --signed-overflow-check, --unsigned-overflow-check Check corresponding abnormal behaviors cbmc --unwindset "1:1,2:1,3:1" sort.c
CBMC Options (cbmc --help)
--cover-assertions Checks if a user given assertion is reachable. Useful to check if you use __CPROVER_assertion() incorrectly or unwind a loop less than minimum number of loop iteration --dimacs Show a generated Boolean SAT formula in DIMACS format Example: cbmc --bounds-check –-unwindset c::f.0:64,c::main.1:64,max_heapify:3 ---–no-unwinding-assertions max-heap.c cbmc --unwindset "1:1,2:1,3:1" sort.c
Procedure of Software Model Checking in Practice
0. With a given C program (e.g.,int bin-search(int a[],int size_a, int key)) Define a requirement (i.e., assert(i>=0 -> a[i]== key) where i is a return value of bin-search()) Model an environment of the target program, which is uncontrollable and non-deterministic Ex1. pre-condition of bin-search() such as input constraints Ex2. For a target client program P, a server program should be modeled as an environment of P 3. Tuning model checking parameters (i.e. loop bounds, etc.) Interaction Target program Environ- ment More requirements: The *first* index to the equivalent element should return After bin-search(), all elements in a[] should be the same because incorrect program just changes the element of ith position i < size_a size_a > 0 or size_a >= 0? A program execution can be viewed as a sequence of interaction between the target program and its environment
Modeling an Non-deterministic Environment with CBMC
Models an environment (i.e., various scenarios) using non-deterministic values By using undefined functions (e.g., x= non-det(); ) By using uninitialized local variables (e.g., f() { int x; …}) By using function parameters (e.g., f(int x) {…}) Refine/restrict an environment with __CPROVER_assume(assume) - CBMC generates C assume P foo(int x) { __CPROVER_assume (0<x && x<10); x++; assert (x*x <= 100); } bar() { int y=0; __CPROVER_assume ( y > 10); assert(0); } int x = nondet(); bar() { int y; __CPROVER_assume (0<x && 0<y); if(x < 0 && y < 0) assert(0); }
Warning: # of Unwinding Loop
1:void f(unsigned int n) { 2: int i,x; 3: for(i=0; i < 2+ n%7; i++) { 4: x = x/ (i-5);// div-by-0 bug 5: }//assert(!(i<2+n%7)) or __CPROVER_assume(!(i<2+n%7)) 6:} What is the maximum # of iteration (saying nmax )? What will happen if you unwind the loop more than nmax times? What will happen if you unwind the loop less than nmax times? What if w/ unwinding assertion assert(!(i <2+n%7)) (default behavior of CBMC)? What if w/o unwinding assertion? What if w/ __cprover_assume((!(i <2+n%7))), which is the case w/ –no-unwinding-assertions ? What is the minimum # of iterations (saying nmin )? What will happen if you unwind the loop less than nmin times w/ –no-unwinding-assertions ?
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