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POVERTY What is poverty???.

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Presentation on theme: "POVERTY What is poverty???."— Presentation transcript:

1 POVERTY What is poverty???

2 What is poverty??? Poverty: A state in which income is insufficient to provide the basic necessities.

3 Types of poverty Absolute Poverty – the insufficiency is so severe that it is life-threatening. Relative Poverty – the insufficiency is substantially greater than that of most others in the society.

4 What is the poverty level???
Poverty Level – the minimum income level that Americans should have to live on. In 2011, a family of four that makes less than $22,811 is classified as poor

5 Poverty Numbers for Different Kinds of People
2010 Numbers & Rates in Poverty were: Non-Hispanic Whites: 19.6 million (9.9%) Hispanic: 13.2 million (27.4 %)

6 Poverty Numbers for Different Kinds of People
African American: 10.7 million (27.4%) Asian American: 1.7 million (12.1%) American Indian/Alaska Natives: 0.6 million (27.3%)

7 Who Are the Poor? The probability of being poor is greater for families headed by a female, for racial and ethnic minorities, and for unrelated individuals.

8 Who Are the Poor? African Americans have the highest poverty rate (27.4%).

9 Who Are the Poor? The U.S. has the highest rate of children living in poverty among the industrial countries of the world. The poverty rate is higher outside than inside metropolitan areas.

10 Rich versus Poor The wealthiest 1% of Americans hold more than one-third of all the wealth. The bottom 80% of Americans have only 12.8% of all the wealth.

11 Rich versus Poor The gap between the rich and the poor in the U.S. is greater than in any other industrial nation.

12 Attitudes about the Poor
“The POOR are LAZY” “People on welfare have it good” “Welfare is draining us” “Welfare makes people LAZY”

13 Poverty and the Economy
Concentration of wealth. Entrapping the poor in a vicious circle.

14 Poverty and the Economy
A proportion of the population will be unable to find employment or unable to find jobs that pay more than poverty level wages.

15 Poverty and the Economy
Immigrants are prime targets for companies that pay low wages.

16 Patterns of Family Life
Parents tend to replicate their work survival skills when parenting. Compliance over creativity. Interaction of children with adults generally, and parents in particular, tends to be minimal. Greater proportion of nonverbal compared to verbal interaction among the poor.

17 The Education of the Poor
The lower the income, the lower the educational achievement of children. School personnel affect poverty-level students at the interpersonal level. Children of poor families may experience discrimination.

18 The Education of the Poor
Teachers have different expectations for students from different socioeconomic backgrounds. The poor are less likely than the non-poor to have gratifying and encouraging experiences in school.

19 Social Psychological Factors
Many poor believe that poverty is inevitable Disparagement and Discrimination The non-poor tend to disparage the poor Self-fulfilling prophecies

20 TPP What is the Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement????????????? Bonus Points Opportunity

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