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Tools for Studying Space

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1 Tools for Studying Space

2 Refracting Telescopes
• Uses a lens to bend or refract light. • Objective lens produces image by bending light from a distant object so that the light converges at the focus.


4 Reflecting Telescopes
 Chromatic Aberration • Light of different colors is focused at different places. In light optics, wavelengths of higher energy (blue) are bent more strongly & have a shorter focal length. Reflecting Telescopes Reflects light off concave mirror, focusing image in front of the mirror.


6 Viewing Methods  Advantages of Reflecting Telescopes
• Most large optical telescopes are reflectors. Light does not pass through a mirror, so the glass for a reflecting telescope does not have to be of optical quality. Viewing Methods

7 NASA IR Telescope, Mauna Kea
 Properties of Optical Telescopes • 3 important properties of refracting & reflecting telescopes: 1. Light-gathering power 2. Resolving power 3. Magnifying power NASA IR Telescope, Mauna Kea

8 Arecibo Detecting Invisible Radiation
Radio Telescopes - makes observations in radio wavelengths.  Advantages of Radio Telescopes • Less affected by turbulence in the atm., clouds & weather. • No protective dome required, reduces the cost. • Can “see” through interstellar dust clouds that obscure visible wavelengths. Arecibo

9 Space Telescopes  Produce clearer images than Earth-based telescopes.
 Hubble Space Telescope • 1st space telescope, built by NASA. Put into orbit around Earth in April 1990. Video



12  Other Space Telescopes
• To study X-rays, NASA uses Chandra X-Ray Observatory. Launched in 1999. • Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory, was used to study both visible light & gamma rays. • James Webb Space Telescope studies infrared radiation. James Webb Chandra X-ray Compton Gamma Ray

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