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Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Geo Bowl, “Voyage through the Universe!” CLASSROOM UNSQUARED.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Geo Bowl, “Voyage through the Universe!” CLASSROOM UNSQUARED."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Geo Bowl, “Voyage through the Universe!”

2 Here are the rules: 1. This is a team competition. 2
Here are the rules: 1. This is a team competition Each team member will have a chance to answer a question, then the next member, and so on, and then back to the first until Bowl is over. 3. After seeing the question, the team member can decide to answer the question alone or pass it to the whole team. 4. Length of time to answer and displaying of answers determined by the teacher. 5. Scoring goes like this – Member correct 2 points Member incorrect 0 points Team correct 1 point Team incorrect -1 point 5. Competition based on total number of team points at the end of the Bowl. 6. Awards will be announced by the teacher.


4 1. What is an Astronomical Unit?

5 TIME! And the answer is …

6 One Astronomical Unit (1 AU) is the distance from the Earth to the Sun, or 150 million kilometers

7 2. What is a light-year?

8 TIME! And the answer is …

9 A light-year is the distance light travels in a year at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second

10 3. What is the closet star to the Earth?

11 TIME! And the answer is …

12 The Sun

13 4. What composes the Sun?

14 TIME! And the answer is …

15 Like all stars, the Sun is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium gas with small amounts of many other elements.

16 5. What causes the Sun to give off light and heat?

17 TIME! And the answer is …

18 In the dense core of the Sun, hydrogen fuses to form helium and gives off energy. This process is called nuclear fusion.

19 6. If the Sun was hollow, how many Earths would fill its inside. A. 10
6. If the Sun was hollow, how many Earths would fill its inside? A B C D. 1,000,000

20 TIME! And the answer is …

21 D. 1,000,000 (In fact, 1,300,000!)

22 7. How far is Venus from the Sun? A. 0.2 AU B. 0.7 AU C. 1 AU D. 23 AU

23 TIME! And the answer is …

24 B AU

25 8. What makes up over 95% of Venus’s atmosphere?

26 TIME! And the answer is …

27 Carbon dioxide

28 9. Earth’s atmosphere has a low amount of carbon dioxide and a significant percentage of oxygen. What caused this unusual composition?

29 TIME! And the answer is …

30 Plants have used CO2 to make food and given off oxygen.

31 10. What is the tail of a comet?

32 TIME! And the answer is …

33 Gas trail made when comets approach the Sun and their frozen gases vaporize

34 11. Which of these solar system objects is a gaseous giant. A
11. Which of these solar system objects is a gaseous giant? A. Neptune B. Mars C. Earth D. Asteroid belt

35 TIME! And the answer is …

36 A. Neptune

37 12. What is Olympus Mons?

38 TIME! And the answer is …

39 The highest volcanic mountain in our solar system and is found on Mars

40 13. These 4 objects are the largest of about 60 that appear to revolve around the object with bands. Name the 4 objects and the banded object.

41 TIME! And the answer is …

42 The Galilean moons and Jupiter

43 14. Why would it be impossible to land on Saturn?

44 TIME! And the answer is …

45 Saturn is a gas planet so it does have an actual surface.

46 15. What is the primary material that makes up Saturn’s rings?

47 TIME! And the answer is …

48 Small particles of water ice

49 16. What is found in space between the inner rocky planets and the outer gaseous ones?

50 TIME! And the answer is …

51 The Asteroid Belt

52 17. The universe is organized into generally smaller objects grouped with larger objects and even larger groups of objects. Put this list in order of smallest to largest in organization. Galaxy Planet Star Moon Meteoroid Solar System Galaxy Group

53 TIME! And the answer is …

54 Meteoroid Moon Planet Star Solar System Galaxy Galaxy Group

55 18. What is the faint band of light that extends across the sky and bulges at the center?

56 TIME! And the answer is …

57 The Milky Way galaxy

58 19. Why is the Milky Way galaxy shaped like a bulging band while many other galaxies are shaped like disks with spiral arms?

59 TIME! And the answer is …

60 Earth and our solar system are located within the Milky Way galaxy

61 20. Name and describe the theory of the formation of our universe.

62 TIME! And the answer is …

63 The Big Bang theory says that our universe was born about 14 billion years ago as a singular mass of energy, it exploded, and it has been expanding ever since.

64 Game Over! Count your points up and tell the teacher your team score


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