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EQ: Where do we record our data and findings?

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Presentation on theme: "EQ: Where do we record our data and findings?"— Presentation transcript:

1 EQ: Where do we record our data and findings?

2 Here are some pages of the notebooks of famous scientists…
Leonardo da Vinci Charles Darwin Galileo Galilei Isaac Newton

3 Notebooks are the real textbooks!
Notebooks are used by all scientists to record their ideas, thoughts, and discoveries. Our society benefits from these notebooks by having this knowledge and then building more knowledge from them. Notebooks are the real textbooks!

4 You will create and maintain your own notebook in this class
You will create and maintain your own notebook in this class. We will all use the same format. Here comes a set of format guidelines!

5 Notebook Format Use a composition journal with gridlines. Write your name and class on the inside cover. First 2 full pages are a Table of Contents (Page and Topic columns) and next 3 full pages for a Homework Log (Date, Time, Topic, Check columns). Note entries are titled by date, CW or HW, and topic. Entries are in pen and on numbered right pages. Omissions are made with one horizontal line. Research sources are always cited. Left pages can be used for additions, corrections, source citations, etc. Use grid for charts, graphs, sketches, diagrams. Skip a line or 2 between entries. Notebooks should be neat but functional. Notes are authentic. They are written summaries of research or investigation. Copies of data are not authentically yours and generally do not belong in this notebook.

6 Go make a great notebook!

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