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Drugs acting on Nervous system

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Presentation on theme: "Drugs acting on Nervous system"— Presentation transcript:

1 Drugs acting on Nervous system

2 Monograph of the CNS Drug
Objectives On completion of this period you would be able to learn about the Monograph of the CNS Drug HYOSCYAMUS

3 Known to Unknown Have you seen Datura plant in your collage campus?
To which family it belongs to ? Can you give other example of Solanaceae drug? Does Hyoscyamus belongs to Solanaceae ?

4 Syn: Henbane HYOSCYAMUS Biological Source:
It consists of dried leaves or flowering tops of Hyoscyamus niger Family : Solanaceae Geographical Source: It is a native of West Asia, North Africa, Europe and India. Also cultivated in Russia, Belgium and Hungary Fig.29.1

5 Cultivation And Collection
Done in temperate at an altitude of m Seeds are sown in small seed beds and seedling are raised Seedlings are transplanted in fields in May by keeping a distance of half meter Leaves are collected when the plant is flowering Leaves are carefully dried

6 Morphological Characters
LEAF Size : Length – 25cm Shape : Ovate Apex : Acute Base : Symmetrical Fig.29.2

7 Morphological Characters
LEAF Margin : Triangularly dentate Surface : Hairy Colour : Pale greyish green Odour : Characteristic & strong odour Taste : Acrid Fig.29.3

8 Chemical Constituents
Total alkaloidal content is % In which 75% is Hyoscyamine Atropine and Hyoscine are present in small amounts

9 Uses Antispasmodic and Antiasthmatic
Used to relieve spasm of urinary tract Administered with strong Purgatives to prevent gripping Has weak Parasympatholytic action Sedative and used to check Salivary secretion

10 Allied Drugs Hyoscyamus albus Grown in France and India
Hyoscyamus muticus Grown in Egypt and India

11 Summary In this class we discussed about CNS plant drug – HYOSCYAMUS
Its Biological Source, Morphology, Chemical Constituents, uses and allied drugs

12 Quiz 1. The chief chemical constituents present in Hyoscyamus are
a) Alkaloids b) Glycosides c) Latex d) None of the above

13 Quiz Hyoscyamus belongs to the family a) Annonaceae b) Leguminosae
c) Solanaceae d) None of the above

14 Frequently Asked Questions
Write the Botanical source and uses of Hyoscyamus 2. Write the Morphological characters and Chemical Constituents of Hyoscyamus

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