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Factors that Affect Rate of Reaction

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Presentation on theme: "Factors that Affect Rate of Reaction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Factors that Affect Rate of Reaction

2 BIG Idea of Unit Chemicals react together in predictable ways
How to name ionic and covalent compounds How to balance chemical equations How to identify the common types of reactions TODAY.. What factors influence the rate at which these reactions occur?

3 Outline Rate of reaction Collision Model
4 main Factors & Investigation: Temperature Concentration Surface Area Catalyst

4 Rate of Reaction Rate of reaction = Quantity of product produced
Time Required Chemical reactions occur at different rates Today we will consider some of the key factors that influence the rate of reaction

5 Collision Model The rate of reaction is affected by the number of collisions of reactant molecules In order for collisions to be effective, the molecules must collide with sufficient energy Molecules must also collide with proper orientation

6 Collision Model Factors we will examine that influence the reaction by: Increasing the number of collisions OR Increasing the fraction of collisions that will be successful

7 Factor Investigation 4 groups – listed on front board
1 group per factor (Temperature, Concentration, Surface Area and Catalyst) for investigation 1 envelope per group – 1 hand out per member Safety precautions Materials required Investigation Procedure Clean up Instructions READ OVER ENTIRE CONTENTS OF HANDOUT BEFORE BEGINNING ACTIVITY

8 Investigation Presentation
Each group will complete assigned investigation and create brief presentation for class Each member of the group must be involved in the investigation/presentation. Explain procedure of your investigation and most importantly: how does YOUR factor effect reaction rate? Explain using your results! Information gathered from presentations will be compiled into note for class available online!

9 Finale Demo of the Day!

10 Reminders: Lab tomorrow Quiz Friday on:
Factors that Effect the Rate of Reaction Types of Chemical reactions Classifying types of chemical reactions Balancing chemical reactions

11 Temperature Increases energy of particles due to increase of temperature Increase speed of particles and there are more successful collisions because molecules to contact one another more readily and with harder force Therefore increased temperature = increased rate of reaction

12 Concentration Concentration: the amount of a substance (solute) present in a given volume of solution “Packing” in more molecules increases the number of collisions Therefore a more concentrated solution = increased rate of reaction

13 Surface Area If particles are in the same phase (liquid/liquid or gas/gas) then it is easy for them to mix with each other This gives particles maximum opportunity to collide But if one of the reactants is a solid, the reaction can only take place on the SURFACE of the solid The smaller the size of the particles, the greater the surface area that the reaction can take place in Therefore, smaller surface area = increased rate of reaction

14 Catalyst Substance that enhances the rate of chemical reaction without being consumed itself They decrease the amount of collision energy needed to break bonds and form new ones making the fraction of successful collisions more effective Catalysts provide an easier path for reactions to follow Note: An enzyme is a protein compound that acts as a biological catalyst Therefore presence of catalyst = increased rate of reaction

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