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Any Church Parish LIVE CHRIST, SHARE CHRIST Live Christ Seminar – LCS

2 What is LCSC? The LCSC is a lay response to the New Evangelization. It is intended to be a movement for evangelization by, of and for the parish.   Its goal is to: 1) bring nominal Catholics back to active involvement in the Church, and  2) to start to deepen the faith of those who are already in the parish.  This is done through a Life in Christ Seminar (LCS) where participants meet Christ, start to live Christ, and are taught to share Christ. It is about mainstreaming Catholic lay evangelization, based in the parish.

3 Example of Statistics (You can research of google the stat of the Diocese/Parish you are presenting): 1) 1,170,403 Catholics/146 churches = 8,016 Catholics per church   8,016 parishioner/ 4 masses (Sunday) = 2,004 per mass        

4 Pope Benedict XVI

5 Pope Benedict XVI has proclaimed the Year of Faith, from October 11, 2012, to November 24, 2013.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith gave proposals for ways to live the Year of Faith. Among the many proposals is the following, which in effect pointing specifically to CFC-FFL as a lay association and ecclesial movement:

6 LCSC “Associations and Ecclesial Movements are invited to promote specific initiatives which, through the contribution of their proper charism and in collaboration with their local Pastors, will contribute to the wider experience of the Year of Faith. The new Communities and Ecclesial Movements, in a creative and generous way, will be able to find the most appropriate ways in which to offer their witness to the faith in service to the Church.”

7 SG Frank Padilla…. This is such a short paragraph but so packed with meaning. It mentions: (1) contribution of an association’s charism, (2) collaboration with local pastors, (3) contribution to a wider experience of faith, (4) a creative way, (5) a generous way, and (6) in service of the Church.

8 Bro. Frank Padilla and His wife Gerry Padilla – Presenting his book “The New Evangelization” to Pope Francis

9 A movement…. LCSC The Program…… LCS

10 The Cross Our task is to proclaim Christ and the salvation he won on the cross. This is the LCSC basic mission of evangelization. Our desire is for all Catholics to know Christ, to live Christ and to share Christ. Christ and his cross are at the very center of our lives and our mission. We live for Christ and we die for Christ (Phil 1:21). The color is red, signifying the precious blood shed by Jesus on the cross, and also the call to us to lay down our very lives for the cause of Christ. It is a call to self-sacrificial love and martyrdom.

11 THE DOVE Represents the Holy Spirit. We are a people who live a life in the Spirit, and who are empowered for mission by the Spirit (Acts 1:8). The color is gold. Through the fire of the Holy Spirit, we are purified (Sir 2:5). We are to be sacrificial offerings to God (Wis 3:6). We look forward to wearing crowns of gold in heaven (Rev 4:4).

12 The Host The host represents the Eucharist, which is central to our Roman Catholic faith. LCSC is about mainstreaming Catholic lay evangelization. The white color points to the purity of our lives. We are called to a life of holiness (1 Pt 1:15-16). In fact, we are to be perfect just as the heavenly Father is perfect (Mt 5:48).

13 The Star The star represents Mary, who is the Star of Evangelization. She is crucial to our work of evangelization and mission, being there through salvation history, from Genesis (Gen 3:15) to Revelation (Rev 12:1-7). The star is also a stylized figure of a person leaping and dancing with joy, with Christ in his/her heart and anointed by the Holy Spirit. We reflect the joy of Mary in our life and our mission (Lk 1:47-49). The blue color signifies our consecration as a people to Mary.

14 Things to emphasize: Since LCSC is For, Of and By the Church………….
1. Very important that a Parishioner (CFCFFL member) will lead or part of the team to present the LCSC – Relationship! 2. The graduate of the LCSC is not a "fishing pool" for CFCFFL. 3. There will be a monthly assembly after the LCS for Nourishment. The parish priest or the LCSC coordinator appointed by the Priest will determine which topic/teaching be presented during the assembly. 4. After LCS and become active in the church and decide to join K of C or any of the community in the parish - praise the Lord. 5. How are we different to other community in the church?: While other organizations are recruiting those who are already active in the church, LCSC is reaching out to the nominal and lapsed Catholics. 6. How do we invite the nominal Catholics when they are not attending mass? The answer is the number one of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith proposal (see above) Which is the “contribution of an association’s Charism” CFCFFL is doing this! The one on one Evangelization should be a job for all - in the parish. Each one starting from the first batch of the LCS should bring one soul to the church (Their relatives, friends, workmates, etc) - we will share to them our experience of one on one evangelization.


16 Life in Christ Seminar (LCS)
It comprises a total of 9 separate sessions. 3 Modules, 3 sessions per module. The sessions have basic ingredients: - Prayers, - Teaching, and a - Group Discussion.

17 Life in Christ Seminar (LCS)
The LCS is divided into 3 modules of 3 sessions each. The topics of the 9 sessions are as follows: Module #1: MEETING CHRIST 1) The Love of God 2) The Grace of Jesus 3) The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit Module #2: LIVING CHRIST 4) Repentance and Faith 5) Loving God 6) Loving Neighbor Module #3: SHARING CHRIST 7) Empowered by the Spirit 8) Growing in the Spirit 9) The Live Christ, Share Christ Movement

18 Life in Christ Seminar (LCS)
RESOURCE PERSONS FOR THE LCS In mounting an LCS, we need the following resource persons: (1) Team Leader (2) Speakers. (3) Music (4) Facilitators (5) Administrative support

19 The LCS can be offered in different ways, such as: (1)
The LCS can be offered in different ways, such as: (1) Over one week-end. (2) Over 3 weeks, with one module of 3 sessions per week. (3) Over 9 weeks, with one session per week.  

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