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Presenter: Lorena Pulido

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1 Presenter: Lorena Pulido
HR/Finance Connection PLC Presenter: Lorena Pulido

2 Agenda Calendar Overview FTE Vs. Calc FTE Salary Calculation Steps
Employee Percentage Impacts of editing vs. Deleting calendars Calendar Scenarios Payroll Accounting Adjustment Overview One Source vs. Multiple Sources Accounts Open Discussion on SEBB District Round Table Topics

3 Calendar Overview 2. What is the difference between # of active days vs. # of full work days? Menu Path: Web/HR/Employee Mgmt/Setup/Codes/Calendar Codes

4 Calendar Overview Calendars on the position record should reflect the full time FTE for the Position, Certificated Position calendars usually have 180 days and classified position calendars should have 260 days.

5 Calendar Overview Calendars on the assignment record reflect what the employee is actually expected to work. Calendars on the assignment that match the calendars on the position are ideal, but not always possible.

6 FTE Vs. Calc FTE? FTE – Full Time Equivalent is found by dividing the total seconds per day (Hours per day boxes) on the assignment, by the total seconds per day on the calendar (default Hrs./Day). For example: FTE = [(2x3600) + (30 x 60) + 0]/ [(8 x 3600) + (0+60) + 0] = 9000/28800 = Another way to calculate FTE is to divide the decimal Hrs. Per Day on the assignment by the default Hrs./Day on the calendar. For example: FTE = 2.5/8 = .3125 Calc FTE – Calculated FTE is found by multiplying the FTE by the Employment Percentage. For example: * 100% = * 1.0 =

7 Salary Calculation Steps
Menu Path: Web/HR/Employee Management/Assignments View/Edit Select Salary Information Tab Select the View Salary Calc Steps link

8 Employment Percentage
% Employ – calculated by adding the default minutes per day for each day that is being worked on the assignment calendar, and dividing it by the total minutes on the associated position control record.

9 Calendar Checkboxes What does the checkbox: “Do not use calendar to find Calc FTE” do? Overwrites the calculation between the hours in the calendar and the actual hours worked by the employee and allows you to overwrite the employee FTE Field. What does the checkbox: “Use FTE instead of Calc FTE to calculate pay amounts” do? This option disregards the number of hours and minutes on the calendar. This option should only be used for no-time assignments. This option removes the option of editing the % employ and the Calculated FTE. If this checkbox is selected, it automatically checks the “Do not use calendar to find Calc FTE” checkbox.

10 Scenarios 1. Whenever Donna Explor’s assignment (Classified/Base/Bus Driver) was viewed or Edited, the Alert shown below appeared. An assignment audit was run and the update changed the Per Diem contract and the calculated contract to $4, however the correct salary is $4,

11 Scenarios 2. Based the information below, what is an employee’s FTE?

12 Scenarios 3. Everything looks fine in the Salary Information tab, however there is no breakdown information on the breakdown tab. If you enter and attempt to save the breakdown, you see the message below. The assignment audit does not correct this issue.

13 Scenarios True/False: The checkboxes on the following assignment should be checked?

14 Scenarios True/False: The following assignment should have the checkboxes checked?

15 Scenarios Based on the following images, will Worker’s Comp Hours be calculated through payroll? If so, how many hours will be calculated for this employee?

16 Impacts of editing vs. Deleting calendars
When you edit a calendar, the effects are experienced everywhere the calendar is referenced. Including: Employee Management Salary Negotiations Positions Employee Assignments Profile Contracts Retirement reporting Worker’s compensation calculation of hours Employee’s profile calendar for Time Off Insurance Tracking

17 Impacts of editing vs. Deleting calendars
If you delete a calendar, you reference everywhere in the system. There is no easy fix to recover a deleted calendar. Difference is knowing that you can edit a calendar on an assignment or a position, but we recommend you don’t delete a calendar in the calendar code table - unless you just created it, know it is not associated to anyone, and that there is no history in any plan.

18 Payroll Accounting Adjustments Overview
Payroll account adjustments are used to correct the general ledger posting of salary and benefits. The process reclassifies both the salary and any associated benefits to the appropriate accounts. Corrections are often required when: Salary and benefits are charged to the wrong account. An accounting decision is made to change the account used for an employee or employees. The employee changes duties and the accounting changes are not made before payroll is run. OSPI makes changes to how salary and benefit accounts are to be used. Note: Because this is a Payroll process which creates Check Detail records in the Checks tab of the Employee Profile, you can’t run this process when records are selected for any other Payroll process, including Current Payroll, Quick Void, Void Check, Manual Check, or Payroll Payables. This process is completed in RDS and not in the web.

19 Payroll Accounting Adjustments – 1 source Acct
When you only need to reclassify charges from one salary account to one or more salary accounts, you can use this menu path. Menu Path: RDS/HR/Payroll/Acct Adj.

20 Payroll Accounting Adjustments – 1 source Acct

21 Payroll Accounting Adjustments – 1 source Acct

22 Payroll Accounting Adjustments – Multiple source Accounts
When you need to change one or more salary accounts, use this process. The accounts can be changed to split between multiple salary accounts using percentages. This method is most commonly used. Menu Path: RDS/HR/Payroll/Utilities/Payroll Accounting Adjustments

23 Payroll Accounting Adjustments – Multiple source Accounts

24 Payroll Accounting Adjustments – Multiple source Accounts

25 Scenarios True/False: I can adjust a Benefits only pay item?

26 Scenarios True/False: Do the adjustment transactions post back to the months in which the original checks were posted?

27 Tips: 1. Always run a transaction recap report to ensure the adjustment posted correctly. 2. Your process will take longer to process if you have ran payroll accounting adjustments on the same employees. 3. If your process is taking way too long to process – you may have been locked out of the payroll accounting process and may not know it. To correct this – go to: HR/Payroll/Current Payroll/Run number, click Edit, click the unlock button. 4. If you process more than 6 payroll accounting adjustments on one person, it’s best to make adjustments using journal entries as the check register reports do not overwrite the last transaction ran. It will give you a detailed breakdown by month and account percentage that was changed. 5. When making a payroll accounting adjustment in RDS, remember that the process corrects salaries and benefits already paid. 6. In order to correct future payrolls, you may want to coordinate with your payroll department to ensure they update the account information/account distribution in their Employee Management working plan (as well as export/import into payroll), but they also need to update this information in their S-275 plan. Your payroll person might also need to update breakdown information.

28 Questions?


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