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The new financial tools of the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) – Direct Budgetary Support.

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Presentation on theme: "The new financial tools of the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) – Direct Budgetary Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 The new financial tools of the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) – Direct Budgetary Support

2 Summary Legal Bases and Eligibility for EC Budget Support Under ENPI
What is Budget Support? Budget Support and Aid Delivery Methods Sectors – Key concepts The Language of Budget Support The cycle of operation Potential Risks and benefits of budget support

3 What is said on budget support in European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument ENPI Regulation EC N° 1638/2006 Art 15 “Community Assistance may also be used…for sectoral or general budget support if the partner country's management of public spending is sufficiently transparent, reliable and effective, and where it has put in place properly formulated sectoral or macroeconomic policies approved by its principal donors, including, where relevant, the international financial institutions”

4 EU Objective (in addition to the Paris Declaration objectives)
Channel 50% of government-to-government assistance through country systems, including by increasing the percentage of our assistance provided through budget support and SWAP arrangements

5 Making Article 15 practical –Eligibility Criteria for Budget Support
Sector Programmes Annual Reviews Sectoral policy and strategy Largely based on IMF assessments (Take your pick …PRGF, PSI, Article IV) Macroeconomic Stability PEFA-PFM/PMF; Reform Programme; Annual Review of reform programme Sector PFM (Sector PEFA?); Reform Programme; Annual Review of reform programme Improvements in Public Financial Management

6 PFM and Eligibility Eligibility: the establishment or implementation of a credible and relevant programme to improve public financial management Weak PFM does not exclude the possibility of Budget Support No Thresholds (= static minimum conditions) Dynamic interpretation (= direction and magnitude of change)

7 What is Budget Support? Budget Support: the transfer of funds to the National Treasury Forex transferred to central bank Forex converted to local currency and placed in “Treasury Account” Respect of conditions for disbursement No follow-up on « use » of funds by EC Budget support = Money + Conditions in a context of dialogue, capacity development, and alignment Coherence with Aid Delivery Methods concept used in Project and Sector Guides

8 What is Budget Support? + Foreign Exchange Reserves € Treasury
PARTNER COUNTRY’S CENTRAL BANK MONEY Foreign Exchange Reserves € Treasury Account(s) Tax and non tax revenues EC Funds € + CONDITIONS In context of dialogue, capacity development and alignment Now focus on budget support Budget Support is: Transfer of funds to the national treasury account (consolidated fund, national treasury fund, le Trésor); Where the funds are used in accordance with public financial management system Conditions for disbursement: (i) General conditions (ii) Specific conditions Budget implementation through partner country’s Public Financial Management system

9 Aid Delivery Methods APPROACH FINANCING MODALITY Project Sector
EC procurement and grant award procedures Sector Pooled or basket funds The same comments as for the previous slide – explain that you will be looking at The approaches The modalities The thin line shows that specific procedures would be used for the Sector Approach. Specifics procedure means donor procedures There have been examples of projects supported by CPF – but this is rare and we have no current examples Meeting with RY: Use micro/meso/macro level Global/Macro Budget Support

10 Sectors: Three Key Concepts
Sector Approach a way of working of governments and its partners in a sector Sector Programme The sector policy and operational action plan for the sector Sector Policy Support Programme (SPSP) The EC tool for supporting a Sector Programme What is a Sector? Defined by the Partner Government A “Management Concept”

11 General and Sector Budget Support – the origins
Structural Adjustment Support Support to PRSP (PRBS) Budget Support (General or Sectoral) Sector Policy Support Programmes (SPSP) Project Support

12 The Language of Budget Support
Medium Term Sector Budget Support Short-term Floating and Non-floating Fixed Tranches and/or Variable tranches Untargeted or Targeted General Conditions Specific conditions Direct Indirect Medium Term General Budget Support Disbursement Methods Generation of local currency equivalent of foreign currency transfer Broad Objectives of budget support Type of Budget support

13 Objectives of GBS & SBS General Budget Support (GBS)
Representing a transfer to the national treasury in support of a national policy and strategy, Short Term Or Medium Term Sector Budget Support (SBS) Representing a transfer to the national treasury in support of a sector policy and strategy Medium Term

14 Direct and Indirect Budget Support
when the local currency is convertible Transfer into local currency takes place through the normal channels of the banking system Indirect Budget Support: when the local currency is not convertible Transfer into local currency takes place outside the normal channels of the banking system – through sale of forex on a foreign currency auction, for example

15 Disbursement Methods for budget support
Targeted budget support Non-targeted budget support Payment against audit of expenditure documents Payment against performance criteria and indicators Traditional budget support arrangements, eg the Structural Adjustment Support Programmes of the 1990s focused on the fulfillment of policy conditions. The current approach is to allow governments to choose their own policies but to agree on what ought to be the outcomes of their policies and spending programmes. An additional variable tranche is provided if outcome targets are met in full or in part. Moreover, the results of the performance review by which the EC variable tranche is decided, are announced to the press and the public so as to encourage wider debate over results/ policies.

16 But we don’t like target budget support
Does not address systemic problems Large transaction costs for little benefit Perverse effects – delays priority spending Apparent “control” is illusory - fungibility Becomes a “document chase”

17 Disbursement Methods for budget support
Fixed tranches Variable tranches Fixed Variable It depends on performance All or Nothing Traditional budget support arrangements, eg the Structural Adjustment Support Programmes of the 1990s focused on the fulfillment of policy conditions. The current approach is to allow governments to choose their own policies but to agree on what ought to be the outcomes of their policies and spending programmes. An additional variable tranche is provided if outcome targets are met in full or in part. Moreover, the results of the performance review by which the EC variable tranche is decided, are announced to the press and the public so as to encourage wider debate over results/ policies.

18 Floating and Non-floating tranches
No fixed cut-off date for meeting the disbursement conditions Indicative dates only Example: HIPC initiative In practice most EC programmes involve « floating » tranches Non-floating tranches disbursement conditions have to be met by a given date If condition not met by a given date, the money is lost

19 Seven areas of assessment for SPSPs
7. Institutional and capacity development National and macroeconomic framework 2. Sector policy and overall strategic framework 6. Performance measurement 3. Budget and Medium Term Expenditure Framework SPSP 5. Donor coordination 4. Public Financial Management systems

20 The cycle of operations
IQSG Country Strategy Paper and National Indicative Programme Potential Impact + Prospective Eligibility Programming Identification Formulation Implementation Evaluation Financing Evaluation Focus on joint evaluations QSG1: Identification Fiche Focus on Eligibility + Next Steps QSG2: AAP/AF or Financing Proposal/ Eligibility+ Context+ Conditions Decision process for tranche release Justification against Payment Conditions, including eligibility Financing Agreement including Technical & Administrative Provisions Payment Conditions, including eligibility

21 Budget Support: where are the benefits?
Lower transaction costs Recognise reality of fungibility Greater harmonisation and alignement Improved domestic accountability capacity development Increased sustainability Higher overall impact coherence Efficient use of resources ownership Where are the Benefits?

22 Risks and budget support
Development Risk Country & EC objectives (eg MDGs) undermined by key factors – ownership, macro stability, PFM, overloading… Reputation Risk Fiduciary Risk EC programmes in difficult countries will tarnish the EC’s reputation EC funds not used for intended purposes

23 Addressing risks through criteria for disbursement
General Conditions for disbursement Apply to all tranches Will usually be limited to the eligibility conditions Specific conditions for disbursement Apply to individual tranches Will usually focus on key performance criteria and indicators

24 Typology of Indicators
IMPACT IDEA EXAMPLE Wider effects Consequences of outcomes Literacy rates OUTCOME/RESULT Results at the level of beneficiaries (supply meets demand) Enrolment rates OUTPUT Schools built Concrete consequences of resources or measures taken (supply) INPUT Financial resources provided or measures taken Resources allocated, used, laws passed

25 Why result/outcome oriented approach and variable tranches?
End “stop-go” and allow graduated response Encourage attention on quality statistics Potential benefits of Results/outcome based variable tranches Create incentives Focus on “Results” Policy Space Streamline Conditionality

26 Choosing indicators (1)
Link between indicators and national policies Indicators should be drawn from the national policy and strategy Indicators chosen for disbursement purposes should be coherent with the analysis of the country context Technical characteristics of the indicators Clear and unambiguous definitions Source of indicators should be identified Methodology to calculate the indicator should be described Sensitivity of the indicator to policy changes should be assessed Timing of the availability of the indicators should be known

27 Choosing indicators (2)
Choosing targets for the indicators Get the balance right between being overly ambitious and excessively prudent Choose indicators and targets with the maximum transparency Set the targets early! At least for first year, and indicatively for subsequent years, including a possibility of revision

28 Methods of performance evaluation
Fixed tranche – all or nothing Variable tranche Individual performance score Weight for each performance indicator Key issue – the link between payments and performance Overall Performance Score Individual performance Weight of indicator in all indicators = X SUM OF

29 Common problems with indicators
Absence of precise and unambiguous definitions Delays in the availability of data Lack of comparability of data across years Lack of relevance of the indicators chosen Difficulty to assess whether objectives missed due to weak performance or over-ambitious objectives

30 Conclusion Budget support as money + conditions in a context of dialogue, alignment, and capacity development Budget support has its own language – but it is not that difficult Budget support has potential benefits; but it also has risks Benefits and risks need to be addressed in the design of programmes

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