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Psalm 26:8-12 ( Tune: The Lord’s My Shepherd )

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 26:8-12 ( Tune: The Lord’s My Shepherd )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 26:8-12 ( Tune: The Lord’s My Shepherd )
Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 26B Music: The Lord’s My Shepherd, Jessie S. Irvine Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 1. The ha – bi – ta – tion of Thy house, O
Lord, is my de - light; the place in which Thy glo - ry dwells is love - ly in my sight.

3 2. With sin - ners gath - er not my soul; spare
me from blood they spill. In their hand is a wick - ed scheme; their right hand bribes do fill.

4 3. But as for me, I’ll hum - bly walk in
my in - teg - ri - ty. Re - deem Thou me, and in Thy grace be mer - ci - ful to me.

5 4. Be - cause my foot is stand-ing now up-
on a lev - el place; with-in the con - gre ga - tion great Je ho - vah I will bless.

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