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Presentation on theme: "DERMATOLOGY MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Seborrhea Normal skin cell turnover – 3 weeks
Time period is shortened in seborrhea Accelerated (few days) => build up of keratin (dead cells) => flakes Altered sebaceous gland secretions Normal secretion of oil in or near hair follicles enriches skin

3 Seborrhea

4 Seborrhea Causes Types Primary: hereditary in some breeds
Secondary: disease/injury to skin from other causes: Allergies, parasites, nutritional disorders, immune- mediated, endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism) Types Seborrhea sicca: dry, only scaliness Seborrhea oleosa: oily + scales

5 Seborrhea sicca DRY and SCALY

6 Seborrhea oleosa

7 Seborrhea – Treatment Medicated shampoos
Reduce scaling – sulfur and salicylic acid (keratolytic, keratoplastic), selenium sulphide (keratoplastic, keratolytic, antifungal, degreasing) Conditioners If secondary, treat underlying cause Antifungal and/or antibacterial meds Omega-3 fatty acid supplements Anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic properties

8 Seborrheic Fungal Dermatitis
Malassezia species Normal in small amounts on the skin Cause infection when skin surface altered/abnormal or immunosuppressed Diagnosed by cytology (stained slides) Samples can be obtained via tape prep or impression smear Tx: 2% miconazole/2% chlorhexidine shampoo Selenium sulphide Other Antifungals: ketoconazole, clotrimazole, miconazole Oral ketoconazole

9 Seborrheic Fungal Dermatitis

10 Atopy (Atopic dermatitis)
Atopy: Allergy to inhaled environmental substances manifested through irritation of skin and ears, usually starting at 1-2 yrs of age Allergens: Dust mites Pollens Feathers Molds Animal and human dander Tobacco smoke

11 Atopy (Atopic Dermatitis)
Clinical Signs: Pruritus Self-trauma to skin +/- secondary bacterial infection Staining of hair from saliva Licking/chewing feet Alopecia, scaling, hyperpigmentation

12 Atopy: Appearance

13 Atopy Diagnosis Accurate history
R/o food allergies, flea allergy dermatitis, sarcoptic mange, & contact dermatitis BEFORE diagnosis of atopy can be made Intradermal skin testing – most accurate to identify offending allergen

14 Skin Testing Skin testing is performed to identify the allergens involved in allergic disease. Under profound sedation an area of hair on the chest is shaved and small injections of substances known to be possible allergens made. After minutes the reactions are recorded

15 Atopy Treatment: No cure ID and eliminate cause
ATOPICA – contains cyclosporin A (immunosuppressor), Anti-inflammatory and antipruritic Treat any bacterial or fungal infections before using immune suppressive drugs Medication (steroids, Abs) and allergy shots (desensitization) Omega 3 fatty acids Antihistamines-more effective if given before symptoms occur

16 Food Allergies 10% of all allergies Usually starts between 2-6 yrs
Processed foods increase likelihood of reaction Fillers, artificial colors, preservatives

17 Food allergies in dogs

18 Food allergies in cats

19 Food Allergies Dx and Tx
Elimination diets: new source of protein for 3 mo. If symptoms improve, reintroduce original protein to see if symptoms recur Use new diet for life May develop allergies to new diet later

20 Treatment Foods can be obtained based on venision and potato, fish and potato, egg and rice, duck and pea, and even kangaroo.


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