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Rick Csintalan, MD August 20, 2018

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1 Rick Csintalan, MD August 20, 2018
Running Injuries Rick Csintalan, MD August 20, 2018

2 Runner’s Knee

3 Runner’s Knee Pain around the knee cap overuse injury hard surfaces
downhill running tight quads/muscle imbalances weak hips

4 Runner’s Knee Rest, anti-inflammatories, ice, cross training
Stretch quads/ITB/HS Strengthen hips (core), quads Run on soft surfaces Sometimes surgery

5 Achilles Tendinitis

6 Achilles Tendinitis Training error - rapid increase in mileage
Hill Running Improper footwear Tight/weak calf muscles Flat feet

7 Achilles Tendinitis Rest, anti-inflammatories, ice, cross training
Heel lift, sometimes orthotics Correct shoes Avoid hills Stretch and strengthen calf muscle

8 Shin Splints

9 Shin Splints Pain on shin where muscles and fascia attach to the shin bone increased mileage flat feet tight calf muscle hills hard surfaces

10 Shin Splints Rest, anti-inflammatories, ice, cross training
Stretch and strengthen calf muscles Sometimes orthotics Soft surfaces and avoid hills

11 Iliotibial Band Syndrome

12 Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Pain on outside of knee tight ITB weak hips increased mileage downhill running

13 Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Rest, anti-inflammatories, ice, cross training Stretch and strengthen hips Foam roller Avoid hills and long distance Sometimes injection or surgery

14 Stress Fractures

15 Stress Fracture Most commonly shin, feet and hip overload of bone
increased mileage muscle imbalance nutritional/hormonal imbalances

16 Stress Fractures Rest, anti-inflammatories, ice, cross training
Correct muscle imbalances Blood tests/nutritional status Some hips may need surgery

17 Muscle Pulls

18 Muscle Pulls Most common hamstrings Tight and weak muscle
Poor form/over striding Chronic muscle overload Previous muscle pull

19 Muscle Pulls Rest, anti-inflammatories, ice, cross training
Stretch and strengthen muscles Correct form Deep tissue work

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