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Laughaceuticals: Laughter as Wellness

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1 Laughaceuticals: Laughter as Wellness
April 24, 2015

2 LAUGHACEUTICALS: Laughter as Wellness with Regina & Betty

3 Participants will get opportunities to practice concepts
OBJECTIVES Participants will learn some positive benefits to adding laughter to their life Participants will get a chance to “play” and experience some benefits of adding play to their life & work environment Participants will get opportunities to practice concepts

4 Improve respiration & breathing Increase pain tolerance
Benefits of Humor and Laughter Improve respiration & breathing Increase pain tolerance Reduce stress, anxiety & tension Decrease depression, loneliness & anger Improve mental functioning

5 “I Walked on the Moon” Brian Regan

6 Let’s play!

7 Apparently Purposeless Voluntary Inherent Attraction Freedom from Time Diminished Consciousness of Self Improvisational Potential Continuation Desire “Play” by Stuart Brown, M.D.

8 Social / Emotional Wellness in school employees
Public schools in the US employ more than 6.7 million people. The physical and mental health of school employees is integral to promoting and protecting the health of students and ensuring their academic success. School staff experience depression at higher rates than the general population. One third of new teachers leave the profession in their first three years, and almost half leave before five years. School staff are role models for students and set the tone in the classroom and on the school grounds. Share burnout stories from OEA Choice Trust conference Callout the breakrooms and the stress around providing for students that don’t have homes / food at home Source: School Employee Wellness – a guide for protecting the assets of our nation’s schools

9 Let’s play!

10 Some of the psychological benefits of laughter
Some of the psychological benefits of laughter include increased self-esteem, increased creativity and improved coping abilities. ~Dr. Lee Berk, Loma Linda University Medical Center

11 People who tend to have. a humorous outlook on life
People who tend to have a humorous outlook on life also report experiencing less stress ~Dr. Lee Berk, Loma Linda University Medical Center

12 Laughter reduces stress by increasing the body's secretion of growth hormone, which has a positive effect on immunity ~Dr. Lee Berk, Loma Linda University Medical Center

13 Let’s play!

14 Definition of stress: the body’s response (mental or physical) to change

15 Distress: a negative and unhealthy form of stress often experienced as great pain, anxiety, or sorrow; acute physical or mental suffering; affliction; trouble. Examples include: Negative workplace culture, navigating rush hour traffic, losing a job, moving, getting downsized, etc…

16 Eustress: a positive and healthy form of stress
Eustress: a positive and healthy form of stress. This tends to motivate and excite you. Examples include: winning a race, accomplishing a task, riding a roller coaster, planning a marriage or a vacation, getting a raise, etc.

17 Eustress can help change your mindset and attitude toward things
Eustress can help change your mindset and attitude toward things. It helps you consider the threats in your life as challenges. This changes your mental attitude toward different situations in life and helps you steer clear of distress.

18 What can you do to add more play/laughter to your work/school life?

19 Let’s play!

20 Similar to exercise, busting a gut releases endorphins, which the body uses to fight pain and depression ~Dr. Lee Berk, Loma Linda University Medical Center

21 Laughing 200 times burns off the same amount of calories as 10 minutes on the rowing machine ~Dr. William Fry, Stanford University

22 Laugh or do this…you decide.

23 After a bout of laughter,. blood pressure drops
After a bout of laughter, blood pressure drops to a lower, healthier level than before the laughter began.

24 Laughter oxygenates your blood (and thus increases
Laughter oxygenates your blood (and thus increases your energy level), relaxes your muscles, and works out all major internal systems like the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

25 What can you do to add more play/laughter to your home life?

26 Let’s play!

27 Improve respiration & breathing Increase pain tolerance
Benefits of Humor and Laughter Improve respiration & breathing Increase pain tolerance Reduce stress, anxiety & tension Decrease depression, loneliness & anger Improve mental functioning

28 Contact: Betty Hart,
Questions? Contact: Betty Hart,

29 Please fill out your evaluation form and leave it on your table.
Thank you! Please fill out your evaluation form and leave it on your table. For more resources and information, visit

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