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Computer Ethics, Viruses, and Copyrights

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Ethics, Viruses, and Copyrights"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Ethics, Viruses, and Copyrights

2 Ethical Computer Use Using computers for positive purposes
New technologies Medical cures Increased knowledge

3 Unethical Computer Use
Using computers for negative purposes Stealing information Creating viruses Pirating videos, music, and software

4 Computer Viruses Designed to cause harm to computers
Three categories of viruses Worms Hoaxes Malicious Programs

5 Worms Usually copy themselves automatically
Spread through and networks Often designed to jam networks Typically do not damage the computer Usually an annoyance

6 Hoaxes Usually spread through e-mail
Instructions to delete a file that is not harmful and supposed to be on your computer

7 Malicious Programs Cause damage to the computer
May delete files, erase hard drive, make computer unusable

8 Virus Protection Many available virus protection programs
Norton and MacAfee are most popular Regular updates and scanning necessary to protect computer Never open attachments that look suspicious or are from an unknown sender

9 Copyright Law Denotes that someone is owner of the item
Applies to books, artwork, music, software, movies, and other original creations Provides for “fair use”

10 Software Protected by Copyright Law
Must have license for each computer Site licenses and multi-user licenses available for reduced rates Specifics outlined in the End User License Agreement (EULA)

11 Software (cont.) Copying for re-sale is illegal
Backup copying permitted by some companies Downloading through file-sharing programs is illegal

12 Sources Computer Concepts BASICS, Second Edition by Wells and Ambrose Course Technology.

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