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DSD Performance Report for the period (01 July 2014 – 30 September 2014) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 25 February 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "DSD Performance Report for the period (01 July 2014 – 30 September 2014) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 25 February 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 DSD Performance Report for the period (01 July 2014 – 30 September 2014) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 25 February 2015 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together" 1

2 Presentation outline Purpose Strategic Priorities Programme purposes
Contextual Analysis Programme Performance and Expenditure Overall Performance "Building a Caring Society. Together"

3 The presentation also provides programme and overall expenditure
PURPOSE This presentation provides a summary and analysis of performance with respect to the implementation of some of the Ministerial priorities as reflected in the Department’s Annual Performance Plan (APP) for the financial year. The presentation also provides programme and overall expenditure "Building a Caring Society. Together" 3

4 "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Strategic Priorities The Department has identified and committed itself to addressing the following key priorities for the MTSF :  Expand Child and Youth Care Services (Isibindi programme) Social Welfare Sector Reform and services to deliver better results Deepening Social Assistance and Extending the scope of Social Security Increase access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) Strengthening Community Development interventions Combat Substance Abuse and Gender-Based Violence Increase household food & nutrition security (Food for All) The protection and promotion of the rights of older persons and people with disabilities Establish Social Protection Systems to strengthen coordination, integration, planning, M&E of services "Building a Caring Society. Together" "Building a Caring Society. Together"

5 "Building a Caring Society. Together"
PROGRAMMES PURPOSE Programme 1: Administration To provide leadership, management and support services to the Department and the Social Development Sector. Programme 2: Social Assistance To provide income support to vulnerable groups. Programme 3: Social Security Policy and Administration To provide for social policy development and the fair administration of social assistance. Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation To create an enabling environment for the delivery of equitable developmental welfare services through the formulation of policies, norms and standards and best practices and the provision of support to the implementation agencies. Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery To support community development and promote evidence-based policy making in the Department and the Social Development Sector "Building a Caring Society. Together"

6 Programme Performance and Expenditure
"Building a Caring Society. Together"

The Social Development Sector delivers its services in an environment marked by high levels of poverty, unemployment and inequality. Some recent policy developments The social assistance programme remains government’s single most significant poverty alleviation programme Commitments to Universalise the Old Age Grant by 2016 were made by both Ministers of Social Development and Finance. To this date the Consolidated Comprehensive Social Security Reform proposals have been completed, that begins to give expression to the right to social security entrenched in our Constitution. Internationally, the grant has been recognised by the World Bank to be amongst the best unconditional transfers in the world. In their recent report, The State of Social Safety Nets 2014, the World Bank ranks the CSG amongst the top five programmes across the world in terms of absolute number coverage as well as percentage of the population coverage. The CSG was ranked the largest social safety net in the continent "Building a Caring Society. Together" 7

Project Mikondzo: Is a collective sector-wide service delivery improvement initiative that is targeting the most deprived and rural poor municipalities, 23 deprived municipalities and 1300 wards in the country. Through this project DSD has been able to: Identify service delivery gaps within local level as well as between policy formulation & implementation Increased DSD foot print and visibility in communities. Increased our understanding of the service delivery challenges and backlogs through direct interaction with local stakeholders e.g. ward councillors, ward committees, Civil Society Organisations, women’s groups, traditional leaders, FBOs, etc. These have assisted DSD to draft a citizen oriented Service Delivery Improvement Plan "Building a Caring Society. Together" 8

Although the Department is largely responsible for policy formulation, it also renders some of its services directly to the public, e.g. Registration of NPOs The Department works with other institutions within and outside government in the execution of its mandate: Critical partners include amongst others the Departments of Basic Education, Labour, Justice, Health and Rural development. Areas of collaboration include critical projects on issues affecting Children, HIV & AIDS, Older Persons, Victim Empowerment, Youth, Social Security. Given the collaborative and interdependent nature of some of the department’s work, it can only meet some of its targets if the other institutions deliver on their commitments as well . – This is a government-wide integration challenge. "Building a Caring Society. Together" 9

JULY – SEPTEMBER 2014 "Building a Caring Society. Together" 10

11 Programme 1 Administration: Monitoring and Evaluation
Annual Target Update Social Development Sector M&E system aligned to outcomes based model Quarter 2 Target Consultation on draft indicators and catalogues for the SDS Quarter 2 Achievements Various stakeholders (Programme Managers, Provinces, and Integrated Development) were consulted on the draft indicators. Produce Biannual Service Delivery Monitoring Reports within the prescribed time frame Quarter 2Target Produce Service Delivery Monitoring Report Quarter 2 Achievement Service Delivery Monitoring Reports were Produced Annual Target Produce Institutional Performance Reports Quarter 2 Target Produced first quarter Institutional Performance report for 2014/15 and the 2013/14 Annual Performance Report Implementation evaluation of the EPWP of Social Sector Quarter 2 Target Implementation evaluation of the EPWP of Social Sector Inception report has been completed. Literature review has been completed, presented to the steering committee for inputs. A draft Theory of Change for EPWP has been developed. "Building a Caring Society. Together"

12 Programme 1: Strategy Development and Business
Annual Target Review Integrated Service Delivery Model (ISDM) for the Social Development Sector Quarter 2 Target Draft 2 of the Intergraded Service Delivery Model Quarter 2 Achievement Produced Draft 2 of the Intergraded Service Delivery Model Conduct 4 sector strategic management workshops for 40 officials Quarter 2 Target Result Based Management Workshop Quarter 2 Achievement Joint session of the Strategy and M&E Forum held in September 2014 on the Results Management Workshop "Building a Caring Society. Together"

13 Programme 1: International Relations
Annual Target Facilitate DSD participation in six international bodies Quarter 2 Target Facilitate participation in two international events Quarter 2 Achievement Facilitated participation in 2x UN, 1x ISSA, 1 x PPD, 2 x EU, 3x JICA, 1x SADC, 1x AIDS, 1x ISS meetings. Facilitated reporting to AU on children Facilitated Protocol Workshop Plenary of African and First Lady Meeting "Building a Caring Society. Together"

14 Programme 1: Human Capital Management
Annual Target Reduce vacancy rate to 10% Quarter 2Target Reduce vacancy rate to 12% Quarter 2 Achievement The vacancy rate is currently at 12%. Annual Target 100% of targeted employees to attend identified skills development programmes Quarter 2 Target 25% of employees to attend identified skills development programmes Quarter 2 Achievement (73) of (79) targeted employees attended training interventions during the second quarter (92%) Conclude 100% of grievances, complaints, disputes and disciplinary cases within the prescribed time frames 19 of 20 (95%) of complaint/ grievances, misconduct and disputes cases were finalised. "Building a Caring Society. Together"

15 Reach 55 000 people via DSD website and social media
Programme 1: Communications Annual Target Reach people via DSD website and social media Quarter 2 Target Reach people via DSD website and social media Quarter 2 Achievement The Department reached people via Facebook and 3 374 people via twitter. This brings the total to people reached during the reporting period Annual Target Host 4 Public Participation events for the Minister and 4 for the Deputy Minister Quarter 2 Target Host 4 public participation events for the Minister and 4 for the Deputy Minister Quarter 2 Achievement 11 outreach programmes for the Minister and 4 for the Deputy Minister were hosted Annual Target Reach 27 million people through marketing and advertising initiatives Quarter 2 Target Reach people through marketing and advertising initiatives Quarter 2 Achievement Total of people reached through marketing and advertising "Building a Caring Society. Together"

16 P1 : ADMINISTRATION R’000 53,88% Spent End Sept 2014 16 November 2018
Portfolio Committee 16 November 2018 P1 : ADMINISTRATION R’000 53,88% Spent End Sept 2014 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

17 P1 : ADMINISTRATION SUB PROGRAMMES Voted 2014/15 Expenditure
Portfolio Committee 16 November 2018 P1 : ADMINISTRATION SUB PROGRAMMES Voted 2014/15 Expenditure Apr – Jun 2014 July – Sept 2014 % Spent Available R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Ministry 24 949 8 777 12 903 86,90% 3 269 Departmental Management 61 158 12 404 14 103 43,34% 34 651 Corporate Services 94 672 32 890 20 049 55,92% 41 733 Finance 53 854 13628 15 779 54,61% 24 447 Internal Audit 10 810 1 884 1 348 29,90% 7 578 Office Accommodation 29 622 7 935 6 505 48,75% 15 182 TOTAL 77 518 70 688 53,88% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

18 Programme 2: Social Assistance
Annual Target Old Age Grant: Quarter 2 Target Increase Old Age Grant beneficiary coverage Quarter 2 Achievement (420 identified wards having access to social assistance through ICROP had greater impact on increase in numbers) Annual Target War veterans grant: 305 Quarter 2 Target Increase War Veteran Grant beneficiary coverage 360 Quarter 2 Achievement 366 war veterans benefitted from War Veterans Grant Annual Target Child Support grant: Quarter 2 Target Increase Child Support Grant beneficiary coverage Quarter 2 Achievement children benefited from Child Social Grants (CSG) Annual Target Disability grant: Quarter 2 Target Increase Disability Grant beneficiary coverage Quarter 2 Achievement people benefited from Disability Grant "Building a Caring Society. Together"

19 Care dependency grant: 135 285
Programme 2: Social Assistance Annual Target Care dependency grant: Quarter 2 Target Increase Care Dependency Grant beneficiary coverage Quarter 2 Achievement people benefited from Care Dependency Grant Annual Target Foster care grant: Quarter 2 Target Increase Foster Care Grant beneficiary coverage Quarter 2 Achievement children benefited from Foster Care Grant Annual Target Grant-in-aid: Quarter 2 Target Increase Grant-in-aid beneficiary coverage Quarter 2 Achievement people befitted from Grant-in-aid "Building a Caring Society. Together"

20 P 2: SOCIAL ASSISTANCE R’000 49,05% Spent End Sept 2014
Portfolio Committee 16 November 2018 P 2: SOCIAL ASSISTANCE R’000 49,05% Spent End Sept 2014 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

21 P 2: SOCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANT TYPE Voted 2014/15 Expenditure
Portfolio Committee 16 November 2018 P 2: SOCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANT TYPE Voted 2014/15 Expenditure Apr – Jun 2014 July – Sept 2014 % Spent Available R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Old age 48,76% War veterans 5 802 1 738 1 601 57,55% 2 463 Disability 49,67% Foster care 36,04% Care dependency 483,50% Child support 78 234 25,40% Grant-in-aid 88 188 500,92% Social relief 62 034 64 380 50,20% TOTAL 49,05% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

22 Programme 3: Social Security and Policy Administration
Annual Target Produce 3 oversight reports on adherence to norms and standards for social assistance programme Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Produce 1 oversight report on adherence to norms and standards for social assistance programme Three reports have been completed in the following provinces: KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape and Limpopo Annual Target Complete discussion paper on the universalisation of the older persons person’s grant and the child support grant Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Complete desktop study on the universalisation of the child support grant and the older persons grant Internal and external consultations on the universal provision of the Older Persons benefit are underway "Building a Caring Society. Together"

23 Programme 3: Inspectorate for Social Security
Programme 3 : Appeals Adjudication Annual Target 100% of appeals received from SASSA with complete records adjuducated within 90 days Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement 100% of appeals received from SASSA with complete record adjudicated within 90 days Adjudicated 100% (195 of 195) of appeals within 90 days Programme 3: Inspectorate for Social Security Annual Target Incubate the Inspectorate within comprehensive Social Security as a transitional arrangement Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Facilitate process for concurrence by Minister of Finance and DPSA Minister of Social Development dispatched letter requesting concurrence by the Minister of DPSA. The Minister DPSA availed two key staff from Macro Organisation of the State to finalise the Business Case and Structure of the Inspectorate together with staff from various streams in the Department. Several Task Team meetings were held "Building a Caring Society. Together"

Portfolio Committee 16 November 2018 P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION R’000 49,76% Spent End Sept 2014 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

Portfolio Committee 16 November 2018 P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION SUB PROGRAMMES Voted 2014/15 Expenditure Apr – Jun 2014 July – Sept 2014 % Spent Available R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Social Security Policy Development 46 282 11 780 8 977 44,85% 25 525 Appeals Adjudication 43 322 6 627 7 305 32,16% 29 390 Social Grants Administration 49,91% Social Grants Fraud Investigation 75 416 19 384 18 560 50,31% 37 472 Programme Management 5 403 2 441 -289 39,84% 3 251 TOTAL 49,76% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

26 Programme 4 Welfare Service: Children
Annual Target Finalise ECD policy Quarter 2 Target Consultations on the Draft ECD Policy with the ECD sector Quarter 2 Achievement Consultations were conducted with 7 provinces except LP and MP Annual Target Finalise comprehensive ECD programme Quarter 2 Target Finalisation of the comprehensive ECD programme Quarter 2 Achievement Finalised Roll out Plan on ECD Consultations on ECD rollout plan in 4 provinces Consultations on ECD rollout was not done. Universal access to ECD services will be informed by the ECD Policy which will be finalised in March 2015 Building a Caring Society. Together"

27 Programme 4: Children "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Annual Target Increase the number of children adopted by 10% Quarter 2 Target Register 495 adoption Quarter 2 Achievement 421 adoptions have been registered:Inter-country:74,National adoption 348. Post Office strike has impacted negatively on the registration of adoption cases as there was less documentation received from courts. Commemorate the National Child Protection Week (CPW) Quarter 2 Target Evaluation of Child Protection Week 2014 Child Protection Week 2014 outcomes were successfully evaluated and evaluation report disseminated Finalise foster care policy Consult stakeholders in 4 provinces on the draft Foster Care policy All provinces were consulted on the draft Foster Care policy "Building a Caring Society. Together"

28 Programme 4: Children "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Annual Target Monitor the implementation of the transformation plan in provinces Quarter 2 Target Monitor the implementation of the transformation strategies of Child and Youth Care Centre (CYCC) in 3 provinces Quarter 2 Achievement Implementation of the transformation strategies of CYCC monitored in 5 provinces namely, GP, NW, FS, EC, and WC Annual Target Capacity building on the Guidelines for the Registration of Drop-in Centres Conduct capacity building sessions in 3 provinces on the guidelines for the Registration of Drop-in Centres Capacity building sessions conducted in the following 7 provinces: MP, EC; NC; GP; FS; LP; WC. Develop an implementation plan for Isibindi Model Collate and analyse information from 9 provinces on the implementation of Isibindi Model Quarter 2 Achievement Six Provinces namely GP, FS, MP, KZN, NC & NW submitted progress reports on the implementation of the model. "Building a Caring Society. Together"

29 Programme 4: Anti-Substance Abuse
Annual Target Monitor implementation of the National Anti-Substance Abuse Program of Action by national departments Quarter 2 Target Monitor implementation by 9 national departments Quarter 2 Achievement Collated analysed and consolidate inputs from the National Departments. Provided Technical Support to the IMC Monitor and support implementation of the NDMP Support and monitor implementation Quarter 2 Achievement Trained 8 National Departments to develop the Master Plans. Presented the Drug Master Plan to the Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature. Compiled Annual Report on the implementation of the National Master Drug Plan "Building a Caring Society. Together"

30 Programme 4: Victim Empowerment
Annual Target Finalise draft Bill on victim empowerment support services Quarter 2 Target Consult on the draft Bill on victim empowerment support services Quarter 2 Achievement Conducted a 3 days consultative workshop with National stakeholders to refine the 3rd draft Bill. Fourth draft Bill is currently in place Monitor the implementation of the Gender Based Violence (GBV) prevention programmes Monitor implementation of the GBV prevention programmes Quarter 2 Achievement Information session was conducted with all DSD staff as part of the GBV prevention. Crime Victims’ Rights week was conducted in MP and LP focusing on Everyday Heroes as part of GBV prevention programme. Establish GBV command centre 24/7 days toll free line Quarter 2 Target Develop comprehensive roll-out plan for GBV command centre Quarter 1 Achievement Command Centre National workshop held on the 4-5 August to develop a comprehensive roll out plan "Building a Caring Society. Together"

31 Programme 4: Victim Empowerment
Annual Target Finalise the Policy Framework accreditation of services and programmes for victims of human trafficking Quarter 2 Target Consult 5 provinces on the draft framework Quarter 2 Achievement Consultative workshops held in 5 provinces i.e. North West, Mpumalanga,Limpopo,Free State and Western Cape Annual Target Development and roll out of Integrated Justice Systems Quarter 2 Target Development of systems Quarter 2 Achievement Accreditation Diversion System is developed and ready for implementation. "Building a Caring Society. Together"

32 Programme 4: Services to Older Persons
Annual Target Manage and monitor the register for residential care facilities Quarter 2 Target Manage, monitor and develop status report on provincial registers for residential care facilities Quarter 2 Achievement 117 Residential facilities monitored in Western Cape during the reporting period Manage and monitor the register for CBCSS Manage, monitor and develop status report on provincial registers for CBCSS Quarter 2 Achievement 36 Community based Care and support services monitored in Western Cape during the reporting period Train 90 service providers on the implementation of the electronic elder abuse register Train 30 service providers Trained 89 service providers on the Older Persons Abuse Register (VEPOPAR) on the electronic Abuse Register in NW and KZN. "Building a Caring Society. Together"

33 Programme 4: People with Disabilities
Annual Target Finalised Bill on social development services to people with disabilities Quarter 2 Target Consult on the Draft Bill Quarter 2 Achievement consultation on the Draft Bill was held with stakeholders Respite care model developed and piloted in three provinces Draft the Respite care model Quarter 2 Achievement Draft respite care model was developed "Building a Caring Society. Together"

34 Programme 4: Families "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Annual Targets Facilitate the establishment and strengthening of national and provincial forums Quarter 2 Target Facilitate the establishment of provincial family service forum Quarter 2 Achievement Provincial Forum launched in KZN . Key stakeholders graced the occasion Build capacity on and monitor the Fatherhood and Active Parenting programme for teenagers Monitor the implementation of the Active Parenting of teenagers Programme The monitoring of Active parenting programme was conducted in the EC. Monitor the implementation of the Fatherhood Programme in three provinces Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Fatherhood Strategy conducted in the EC and LP "Building a Caring Society. Together"

35 Programme 4: Youth "Building a Caring Society. Together"
Annual Target 6 000 youths participating in mobilisation programmes dialogues Quarter 2 Target 1 500 participants in mobilisation programmes Quarter 2 Achievement youth participated in youth mobilisation through DSD programme. EC 2094, NW 3325, LP 1 396 NC 4152, MP 336, GP Total: 1 200 youths attending leadership camps 600 participants attending leadership camps Quarter 2 Achievement 793 youth participated in camps Mpumalanga 150, LP 193 and NC 250, EC 200. Total: 593 5600 youths participating in skills development programme 2 000 participants attending skills development programme 3 273 youth participated in skills development programmes in provinces. "Building a Caring Society. Together"

36 Programme 4: HIV and AIDS
Annual Target Reach people through social and behavior change programmes Quarter 2 Target Reach people Quarter 2 Achievement 102 758 people through social behaviour change Reach 1 900 000 beneficiaries on Psychosocial Support Programmes Quarter 2 Target Reach 500 000 beneficiaries of PSS Quarter 2 Achievement 293 564 people reached through PSS programmes "Building a Caring Society. Together"

37 Programme 4: HIV and AIDS
Annual Target Train community caregivers on psychosocial programmes Quarter 2 Target Train 475 Community caregivers Quarter 2 Achievement 566 community caregivers trained Train 400 Community Based Organisations (CBOs) Train 100 CBOs on CBIMS Quarter 2 Achievement 155 organisations trained on Community Based Information Management System (CBIMS). Train 1340 Home Community Based Care (HCBC) organisations Quarter 2 Targets Train 335 HCBC organisations Quarter 2 Achievements 341 organisations trained on HIV and AIDS and TB programmes "Building a Caring Society. Together"

38 Summary of key achievements: Welfare Services
Training of National Department of Defence, Department of Health, FAMSA and Khulisa on White paper for families Conducted a consultative workshop with national stakeholders on the Victim Empowerment Bill Consultative workshops held in 5 provinces on Policy Framework for the Accreditation Services and Programmes for Victims of Human Trafficking Review of the White Paper Training on Social Welfare Services framework Conducted Elder Abuse Day for 500 delegates, Conducted a programme for Prevention of elder abuse for and family support for delegates "Building a Caring Society. Together"

39 Summary of key achievements: Welfare Services (cont.)
Capacitated 36 stakeholders on the Substance Abuse Act and Regulations Provincial Forum for strengthening care and support services to families was launched in KZN Conducted HIV Prevention Strategy workshops in 4 provinces and 215 stakeholders were trained Developed the social skills enhancement HIV prevention programmes Conducted a workshop on HIV prevention with men as partners "Building a Caring Society. Together"

40 Summary of key achievements: Welfare Services (cont.)
Capacity building sessions conducted in 7 provinces on the guidelines for the registration of Drop in Centres in terms of the Children’s Act Consultation done on 9 provinces on the draft foster care policy Consultation done in 7 provinces on the comprehensive package of services for children in ECD "Building a Caring Society. Together"

Portfolio Committee 16 November 2018 P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION R’000 47,53% Spent End Sept 2014 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

Portfolio Committee 16 November 2018 P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION SUB PROGRAMMES Voted 2014/15 Expenditure Apr – Jun 2014 July-Sept 2014 % Spent Available R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Service Standards 23 473 6 032 4 066 43,02% 13 375 Substance Abuse 62 713 1 851 4 681 10,42% 56 181 Older Persons 13 663 1 668 1 755 25,05% 10 240 People with Disabilities 10 425 1 311 2 112 32,83% 7 003 Children 57 721 11 089 16 447 47,70% 30 185 Families 8 137 1 622 1 378 36,86% 5 138 Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment 47 308 8 832 9 967 39,74% 28 509 Youth 9 135 2 532 2 551 55,64% 4 052 HIV and AIDS 79 433 6 117 32 491 48,60% 40 826 Social Worker Scholarships - 60,00% Programme Management 10 442 2 029 1 819 36,85% 6 594 TOTAL 43 081 47,53% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

43 Programme 5: Special Projects and Innovation
Annual Target Create job opportunities Quarter 2 Targets Quarter 2 Achievements Create job opportunities job opportunities created by Department of Social Development Annual Target Provide support to the existing 5 Kwanda sites Quarter 2 Targets Quarter 2 Achievements 5 Kwanda sites supported There is ongoing support to established socio-economic enterprises in 5 existing sites. Support involves provision of guidance on firming and sustaining activities for projects and resource mobilisation. There is also a continuous monitoring of agreed plans and activities emanating from the reinvigoration phase. "Building a Caring Society. Together"

44 Programme 5: Non-profit organisations
Annual Target Process 95 % of NPO registration application within two months of receipt Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Process 90% of NPO registration applications within two months of receipt 98.7% (7 439 of 7 535) applications processed within two months. Annual Target Process 85 % of all submitted annual reports within two months of receipt Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Process 85% of all submitted annual reports within two months of receipt 87.4% (5 078 of 5 565) reports processed within two months "Building a Caring Society. Together"

45 Programme 5: Non-profit organisations
Annual Target Train NPO’s on governance and compliance with the NPO Act Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Train 750 NPOs 821 NPOs trained on governance and compliance with the NPO Act Annual Target Train 300 provincial officials Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Train 80 provincial officials 153 provincial officials trained "Building a Caring Society. Together"

46 Programme 5: Zero hunger/ Food for All
Annual Target Profile households Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Profile 100 000 households households profiled Annual Target 600,000 people accessing food through community development feeding programmes Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement 150,000 people accessing food through community development feeding programmes people accessed food through Community Development feeding programmes "Building a Caring Society. Together"

47 Programme 5: Zero hunger/ Food for All
Annual Target Reach people through community mobilization Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Reach 15 000 people people reached through community mobilization Annual Target Support 400 change agents Quarter 2 Target Quarter 2 Achievement Support 150 change agents 2 089 change agents supported "Building a Caring Society. Together"

48 Summary of key achievements: Integrated Development
Conducted national workshop on norms and standards for community development Trained 304 Community Development Practitioners Established 7 food distribution centre for the Household food and nutrition security integrated plan Visited 25 communities in all nine provinces through Ministerial outreach programmes Youth mobilisation programme conducted and youth participated "Building a Caring Society. Together"

49 Summary of key achievements: Integrated Development
Leadership youth camps held in 3 provinces and 793 youth participated NPO roadshows held in 72 local municipalities Conducted public consultation on the NPO policy framework with stakeholders Held the National Faith-Based Organisation 20-year celebration for 500 delegates "Building a Caring Society. Together"

Portfolio Committee 16 November 2018 P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY R’000 70,87% Spent End Sept 2014 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

Portfolio Committee 16 November 2018 P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY SUB PROGRAMMES Voted 2014/15 Expenditure Apr – Jun 2014 July – Sept 2014 % Spent Available R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Social Policy Research and Development 5 243 704 814 28,94% 3 725 Special Projects and Innovation 8 375 2 398 1 817 50,33% 4 160 Population Policy Promotion 27 898 6 800 7 517 51,32% 13 581 Registration and Monitoring of Non-Profit Organization 31 054 5 132 9 490 47,08% 16 433 Substance Abuse Advisory Services and Oversight 6 369 671 621 20,29% 5 077 Community Development 62 856 5 514 7 573 20,82% 49 769 National Development Agency 89 169 100,00% - Programme Management 3 034 993 661 54,51% 1 380 TOTAL 70,87% 94 125 Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

52 Overall Programme Performance
"Building a Caring Society. Together"

53 Standard Reporting Format and Rating System
For the quarterly report, and for ease of analysis an additional colour coded column, (green, amber and red), is used to determine progress towards meeting pre-determined targets and objectives. On course – no major action needed. Moderate risk that some problems exist and as a result the target will not be achieved in the planned time frames- remedial action is needed to avoid this. Certainty that the target will not be achieved or was not achieved in the planned timeframes- major remedial action and urgent intervention is required "Building a Caring Society. Together" 53

54 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

55 Summary of Overall Performance
During the second quarter reporting period ( July 2014 – September 2014). There was an overall improvement in the achievement of targets in the second quarter as compared to the first quarter. 64% of the planned targets were fully met as compared to 51% in the first quarter. Targets that are in-progress (partially met) increased by 1% from 17% in the first quarter to 18% in the second quarter. The number of targets that were not achieved also declined from 32% in the first quarter to 18% in the second quarter. "Building a Caring Society. Together"

56 Overall Expenditure 16 November 2018 Select Committee

49,14% Spent End Sept 2014 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

Voted 2014/15 Expenditure Apr – Jun 2014 July – Sept 2014 % Spent Available R’ 000 R’000  R’000 P1 :Administration 77 518 70 688 53.88% P2: Social assistance 49.05% P3: Social Security Policy And Administration 49.76% P4: Welfare Services Policy Development And Implementation Support 43 081 47.53% P5: Social Policy And Integrated Service Delivery 70.87% 94 125 TOTAL 49.14% Spending progress 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

Portfolio Committee 16 November 2018 QUARTERLY EXPENDITURE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Economic Classification Voted 2014/15 Expenditure Apr – Jun 2014 July – Sept 2014 % Spent Available R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Compensation of Employees 87 098 88 436 49,33% Goods and Services 69 327 79 582 46,02% Transfers and Subsidies 49,15% Provinces and municipalities 29 000 0,00% Departmental agencies and accounts 51,57% Higher education institutions 400 1 800 450,00% -1 400 Foreign governments and international organisations 3 260 81 2,48% 3 179 Non-profit institutions 77 624 26 918 34,68% 50 706 Households 49,03% Payments of Capital Assets 6 698 3 633 -2 497 16,97% 5 561 Payments for Financial assets TOTAL 49,14% 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

60 THANK YOU! 16 November 2018 "Building a Caring Society. Together"

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