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Communication Skills for a Successful Partnership Between Your Client and Dog Helen McCain Dogs for Good UK.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Skills for a Successful Partnership Between Your Client and Dog Helen McCain Dogs for Good UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Skills for a Successful Partnership Between Your Client and Dog
Helen McCain Dogs for Good UK

2 The “Art” of Communication
During this session you will only take away 20% of what you hear and discuss.

3 Key messages... “define can confine” ... structure should only be used to provide guidelines. Communication requires an approach which is: Realistic Personal Achievable Being able to keep an appropriate distance from a situation enables you to have objectivity ... your support can then be clear, concise and simply more straight forward.

4 A successful “Match” How does this happen?

5 How do we gather information?

6 We must not underestimate the value of a home visit

7 Realistic Personal Achievable

8 Communication blockers...
Graduation Classical Conditioning Task Training Operant Conditioning Distraction Reinforcer Withdrawal of Support Reward based Training Punishers

9 How do we provide training which is Realistic, Personal and Achievable?

10 Create a safe place for a Trusting, Honest, Conversation.

11 This can take time and often more than one visit

12 Offering Solutions... Keep it simple...this sounds easy but often requires a creative approach. The solution must be accessible for the client

13 Does the solution meet the needs of the...
Client ... Dog ... Organisation ... (does your organisation have agreed values)


15 Thank You for listening

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