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Literacy Work Stations
From Debbie Diller’s Literacy Work Stations Making Centers Work
The Literacy Work Station Continuum…
Where are you at? Freshman in College… Watch out Debbie, here I come!
What do Literacy Work Stations Look, Sound, and Feel Like?
The Vignette… What do Literacy Work Stations Look, Sound, and Feel Like?
What is a Literacy Work Station?
“An area within the classroom where students work alone or interact with one another, using instructional materials to explore and expand their literacy.” Diller, 2003
Literacy work stations are:
An area within the classroom Save classroom space They are not an extra Integral part of instruction Working alone or with Partners Most children work in partners Sometimes children work alone
Literacy work stations are:
Using Instructional Materials Materials that have been used for whole-group and/or small group instruction Model first before moving to work station Variety of Activities Choice is important for the success of literacy work stations Each work station should have a variety of choices but not so many that they overwhelm the students
Literacy work stations are:
Time for Children to practice Meaningful, independent practice Things are not put into the work stations just to keep children busy.
The Purpose of Literacy Work Stations
The Purpose of Literacy Work Stations is Two-Fold: Provide “meaningful practice that allows the learning to take root in the child’s brain.” (pg. 2) AND Provide time for the teacher to work with small groups to focus on meeting the needs of all students Work stations should include activities (independent practice) that are real, relevant, and meaningful for both the students and the teacher.
To increase students’ attention to tasks, students could:
Play a game Make something Talk with a partner Tell a story Be a recorder (have a job to do) Move Do something new Do minimal amounts of worksheets
Literacy Work Stations
Must place an emphasis on teacher modeling and increasing student responsibility. All students have equal access to the high level of engagement that Literacy Work Stations provide Activities should be grounded in manipulative type activities versus paper and pencil activities Students are better able to internalize what they are learning with multiple opportunities to practice what was taught – they can connect the old with the new.
Guaranteeing Independence
Teachers must model appropriate behavior, allow for a gradual release of responsibility, provide a risk-free environment and a proper independent work level, and communicate clear, explicit expectations. Modeling – must be modeled to children multiple times Gradual Release of Responsibility – Modeled (I do) , shared (we do), guided (we do), independent (you do) Risk-Free Environment – a place where they feel safe and secure Independent Work Level When the task is too hard, the students do not have a clear understanding of the task, or it has not been modeled, student struggle and then often misbehave Clear, Explicit Expectations – students need to know what they “can do” at each station
Non-Negotiables for Literacy Work Stations
Focus on practice and purposes, not the “stuff” of stations We must think about the WHAT (what you are trying to teach) before looking for the stuff Link to your teaching Student practice must be linked directly to instruction Slow down to speed up Do not put out too many work stations all at once when starting out Be sure you have explicitly modeled each station before releasing it students Balance process and product Include opportunities to create products at some work stations, but not all
Non-Negotiables for Literacy Work Stations
Less is more Do not put too many things in each work station – keep it manageable for the students Use novelty Introduce one new thing at a time – it will make the novelty last longer Simplify Keep your management system simple Keep your materials simple
Mini Lessons Short and Focused (5 to 10 minutes) Explicit
Types of Mini Lessons Beginning of the year how tos Introducing a work station After adding something new Reviewing work station activities Anchor charts I Can Lists
“I Can” List What is an “I Can” list?
A list if activities generated by the class that they could done at a work station. Why use I can lists? Helps build student ownership and buy in. They provide students with choice. Provides opportunity for differentiation.
Management Pocket Charts Rotation Wheel Planning Sheets
Work Station Check List
How to Document Progress at Literacy Work Station
Anecdotal notes Student work samples Take photos of students working at stations (twice a year) Use work station sharing time to collect information
The Focus of Literacy Work Stations
Key Components of Reading
Phoneme Awareness: the ability to isolate and manipulate the sounds of language Phonics: “the alphabetic principle” mapping print to sound Vocabulary: the ability to understand and use a broad variety of words Fluency: the ability to read with accuracy, automaticity and expression Comprehension: the ability to understand what is read by applying appropriate strategies Big 5/Big 3
Five Big Ideas Phonemic Awareness Teach to Automaticity Phonics
Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Teach to Automaticity Teach deeper Cognitive Processing Middle School Big 3 Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension
Changing Emphasis of Big Ideas
Comprehension Vocabulary Automaticity and Fluency with the Code Alphabetic Principle Phonological Awareness 3-8 2 1 K Listening Reading Multisyllables Letter Sounds & Combinations Changing Emphasis of Big Ideas Our long-term goal is that all children will read independently gain meaning from text. To do this, certain skills have more importance at different times. Our charge is to emphasize what is important at critical points in time.
Big Ideas
Evaluating Work Station Activities
Does the literacy station activity address one of the “Big Five”? How does this literacy station activity employ effective and efficient means to reach one of the “Big Five” goals? Does the activity provide meaningful literacy practice for your students and support what your are teaching? Is there anything that could be changed or added to this the activity to make it a more meaningful literacy activity for your students?
Work Stations for the Emergent Stage
Emergent Readers: Develop phonological awareness Develop print awareness and concepts of print Learn about letters and sounds Experiment with writing, using letters or letter-like forms
Work Stations for the Early Stage
Early Readers: learn to read and write high frequency words learn to decode and spell single syllable words use pictures and print to construct meaning, both in reading and in their writing are acquiring fluency they reread to self correct and attend well to print.
Work Stations for the Transitional Stage
Transitional Readers: Are gaining in fluency Have good decoding skills but may lack comprehension Have difficulty with decoding longer words or certain vowel patterns Are making the transition to silent reading and are learning to do more editing and revising
Places and Spaces Questions to consider:
What literacy stations do you want to have? Why? Where will you put them? How will they link to instruction? How will you structure them for independence? How will you share the ownership with the students?
Places and Spaces Materials that are used frequently need to be readily accessible.
Places and Spaces Worksheet driven literacy stations take the responsibility off the student and put it all on the teacher –choosing the papers, running copies, finding places to keep them, and of course the hours of grading – instead put the learning in the hands of the students.
Stations do not need to be a “thing of beauty” or
Places and Spaces Stations do not need to be a “thing of beauty” or “as seen on Pinterest”
Places and Spaces Think outside the box…
Places and Spaces Word walls can be great teaching tools, but are often “out of reach” for the students – they are intended for the students use and must be located where students can use and own them.
Places and Spaces Don’t lose sight of your whole-group instruction area – it is a place where kids feel like they are a part of the learning. Older students often pay more attention here than they do at their desks.
Places and Spaces Having an organized space can make more time for actual instruction Must make space for kids our priority
Places and Spaces Planning Your Space – Quotes from Debbie
“Think about your instruction first…then plan for space to make that happen.” “There is a direct link between structure, organization, and effective instruction.” “Clutter can lead to chaos.”
Planning YOUR Space Reflect on your CURRENT space…
Do you like the way your room is arranged? Is it conducive to student learning? Are there changes you would like to make for next year?
Work Stations
How to Add Literacy to Traditional Kindergarten Centers
House Keeping – Simple recipes, children’s cookbooks and class address or telephone book Blocks – Maps, architectural books, take pictures of structures for class building book Sand and Water – Letter molds, catch ABC confetti, bury magnetic letters for a letter treasure hunt See pages for more ideas
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