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By: Kathleen Carter and Kathleen Madigan

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1 By: Kathleen Carter and Kathleen Madigan
Cliffs of Moher By: Kathleen Carter and Kathleen Madigan

2 History of the Cliffs The Cliffs are made out of a sea bed that is three hundred million years old. Located in County Clare, Ireland.

3 The Formation of the Cliffs
The Cliffs are formed from sandstone, shale, and siltstone. With the oldest rocks at the bottom of the cliff. The layers are tilted slightly towards the southwest.

4 The Erosion of the Cliffs
Because of the current of the Atlantic Ocean the Cliffs have had erosion over time. The sandstones are more resistant to erosion than the siltstones, and thus stick out from the cliff-face compared with the intervening layers of siltstone. One such sandstone forms the platform below the path at the viewing point.

5 “Worm” Trails The flagstones line the path to the viewpoint which contain squiggly marks which are impressions of soft-bodied animals which burrowed through what was once mud and sand looking for food.

6 The Measurement of the Cliffs
The Cliffs of Moher are a line of sheer cliffs some 8km in length. The cliffs attain their maximum height of 200m.

7 Animals that live in the Cliffs
There are 30,000 birds of 29 species and the most interesting are the Atlantic Puffins. More animals found at the Cliffs are hawks, gulls, guillemots, shags ravens, and choughs

8 Quarries at the Cliff Flagstones and similar rocks are quarried southwest of the visitor center. The quarry has since been abandoned and is found at the cliffs edge.

9 Danger of the Cliffs Though the Cliffs are very beautiful, but be careful for falling rocks, strong winds, and steep falls.

10 Reference Page

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