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Variation in Controlling Emotion

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Presentation on theme: "Variation in Controlling Emotion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Variation in Controlling Emotion
Emotion Regulation

2 The Three Periods of ER Psychoanalytic Tradition Defense Mechanisms
Coping Problem-Focused Strategies Emotion-Focused Strategies Emotion Regulation

3 Emotion Process

4 Emotion Regulation Process

5 Emotion Regulation Antecedent Strategies
Strategies employed before the emotion takes place Reappraisal Refers to the selection of which of a number of possible meanings is attached to the situation

6 Emotion Regulation Response Strategies
Strategies employed to modulate the response to emotion (behaviorally, physiologically, and expressively) Expressive Suppression Inhibiting the expression of emotion

7 Individual Differences in Emotion Regulation
REAPPRAISAL SUPPRESSION Greater positive emotions Less negative emotion Closer relationships w/ friends Less positive emotions Increase in negative emotions Less social closeness and support

8 Effective Emotion Regulation
Reappraisers felt less emotional distress (disgust) than watch and suppression. Suppressors did not feel differently than watch/control participants.

9 Suppressors had greater physiological arousal than reappraisers and control participants

10 Eating & ER

11 Eating & ER Eating ‘comfort food’ is an emotion regulation strategy
How we regulate emotion influences whether we use this strategy Reappraisal and Suppression influences healthy and unhealthy behavior

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