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System Modeling Assessment & Roadmap Joint OMG/INCOSE Working Group

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1 System Modeling Assessment & Roadmap Joint OMG/INCOSE Working Group
Systems Engineering Model Construction Focus Area Snapshot December 8, 2015 Collaborate Analyze Integrate System Model Manage Transform Construct OMGSysML Model Construction Wiki Exchange Visualize 11/16/2018

2 Outline Background and Context Limitations of SysML v1.4
Focus: External reviewers Limitations of SysML v1.4 Focus: Model Construction related features Effectiveness measures as a basis for evaluating concepts Focus : Model Construction measures: Productivity (Time, Cost), Quality, Ease of Use, Learning Curve Complexity Services needed to support concept Focus: Model Construction services Illustrate how concept supports the Hybrid SUV scenario Focus: Model Construction 11/16/2018

3 System Modeling Assessment & Roadmap Joint OMG/INCOSE Working Group
Background and Context System Modeling Assessment & Roadmap Joint OMG/INCOSE Working Group Objectives: Assess effectiveness of system modeling with SysML in support of MBSE Adoption and Use Develop a preliminary System Modeling Roadmap to improve effectiveness Use the Roadmap to influence the SysML specification, tool vendor implementations, related standards efforts, and industry collaborations Scope: SysML modeling language and tools Modeling languages and tools that support use of SysML (e.g. constraint language, transformations) Reuse libraries (e.g., models, practices, ..) Integrations with other engineering models and tools Focus Areas: Systems Engineering Use Cases System Engineering Concept Model SysML v2/MBSE Capabilities including Model Construction, Model Visualization, Model Analysis, Model Management, Model Interoperability, Members: IBM, EADS, LMC, NASA/JPL, Raytheon, John Deere and Various Consultants 11/16/2018

4 MBSE Capability: Construct Model
Background and Context MBSE Capability: Construct Model Task objective Elaborate concepts, requirements, and metrics for effective model construction that support the next generation system modeling language (SysML v2) Use Cases Systems engineers and other discipline engineers contribute to the development and update of the system model throughout the lifecycle to support system specification, design, analysis, and verification activities Hybrid SUV Change Scenario MoE Ability to efficiently and intuitively construct models High Level Intent/Driving Requirement:   The next-generation modeling language and tools must enable much more intuitive and efficient model construction. It often requires several clicks to capture a core concept in a model. More streamlined and efficient user interfaces could reduce the time and effort to build and maintain a model. The ability to repeat common modeling patterns with reduced user input (e.g., table-based entry) is another capability to increase modeling productivity and understanding. 11/16/2018

5 MBE To-Be State Background and Context
Source: NDIA MBE Final Report dated February 2011 Hardware Models Q SET CLR S R System Models Component Models ò G ( s ) U Analysis Models Operational Models Component Models System Models ò G ( s ) U Analysis Models Operational Models Configuration Management Program Management Test Manufacturing Hardware Systems Customer Logistics Software System Models Operational Models The MBE to-be state leverages MBE across the acquisition life cycle to enhance affordability, shorten delivery time, and reduce risk. In the to-be state, the models become an integral part of the technical baseline, and evolve throughout the programs life cycle. The current state is characterized by gaps between domain silos and lifecycle development phase hand-offs that are often the source of errors until later in the development process when they are more expensive to fix.  The future state of MBE seeks to reduce these errors though seamless integration of model data across domains and across the lifecycle by aligning shared model properties and assumptions. Different engineering disciplines concurrently operate on different facets of the system and/or product design, such that the impact of a change in one model can be readily assessed in another model. Engineering and programmatic knowledge is shared through a common technical baseline. The models developed by each discipline evolve in maturity throughout the life cycle, and are not thrown away and redeveloped as the program transitions from one phase of development to another. This includes the up-front mission analysis models, the system requirements and architecture models, the detailed hardware and software design models, and the detailed simulation models used to assess and verify all aspects of the system as it evolves. Early validation of requirements including those for manufacturing and support, and efficient development of a fully integrated technical baseline result in significant improvement to the development process. The collaborative foundation provides a means to share the information from the model registry across the extended enterprise of customers, teammates and suppliers. The foundation includes the modeling standards that enable information exchange, the model registry that enables ready access to the different models, and a trusted environment which enforces protection of intellectual property and secure access to sensitive and classified data. The collaborative environment also enables reuse from one program to another to enable sharing across a family of products and system of systems. The MBE to-be state includes a workforce that is skilled in the use of the matured modeling methods and tools, an infrastructure that supports this capability, and policies that enable it. MBE Enhances Affordability, Shortens Delivery and Reduces Risk Across the Acquisition Life Cycle Needs Current Capabilities Budget/Schedule

6 Systems Modeling Environment Conceptual Architecture - Construct Model
Background and Context Systems Modeling Environment Conceptual Architecture - Construct Model Initial Scope

7 MBSE Capability: Construct Model
Background and Context MBSE Capability: Construct Model More Detailed Requirements: Model Changes (includes a change to a model element or change to a reference to an external model element or other data item, or possibly to a change in metadata) Create new elements or references Update existing elements or references Delete existing elements or references Create Variants of elements or element configurations Type of Data Input Manual entry Graphical Text/structure text Tabular/forms based Automated ingest from the following Another model of same type Another model of different type Structured data source (e.g., file, database) Unstructured document Linked data via reference Simple link (e.g., hyper link) Semantic relationship (e.g. OSLC) 11/16/2018

8 MBSE Capability: Construct Model
Background and Context MBSE Capability: Construct Model More Detailed Requirements (cont): Construction Operations Control  access (validate user has data access privileges) Automated ingest Select and validate data source Transform input to match schema Maintain links/log to external data source Manual entry Apply pattern Apply validation rules and assess Resolve validation errors Log changes to model Capture metadata regarding update (who changed, when, rationale, input source...) Report differences Non Functional Requirements Performance Security Extensibility New technology New requirements 11/16/2018

9 MBSE Capability: Construct Model
Background and Context MBSE Capability: Construct Model Stakeholders Customers Managers System Engineers Design (IV&V) Specialty / Whole Life Other Disciplines Software Hardware Mechanical Electrical Algorithms Mission / Business Analysts Sources Customer Specifications Management Cost/Schedule and EVMS System Level CONOPS – Operational Scenarios Specifications: SRD, SSS, ICS, etc. Software SRS, CSCI models/specs, UCs Hardware HWCI models/specs Algorithms Models/specs 11/16/2018

10 Background and Context
System Engineering Model Construction Role of the Concept Model, for example A model is a simplified representation of a system at some particular point in time or space intended to promote understanding of the real system. As an abstraction of a system, it offers insight about one or more of the system's aspects, such as its function, structure, properties, performance, behavior, or cost. Source: Table VIEW DB Text VIEW System Requirements System Test Cases Controller/Transform Table System Model Text VIEW System Interfaces Controller/ Transform MODEL Update 2003 Model with Latest Graphic Table Text Model System Design VIEW Controller/Transform CONCEPT MODEL Parse & Transform Using Concept / Meta model “grammar” 11/16/2018

11 MBSE Capability: Construct Model
Background and Context MBSE Capability: Construct Model Interactive Model Construction Standard tool HMI with Model Browser Model Diagram Model Tool Palette Model Library Access Stereo type extensions Data types, and units Patterns (e.g. Frequently used combinations of model elements) “Batch” Model Construction Tabular data import Requirements (ID, Description, attributes….) mapped to Requirement Stereotype Interfaces (ID, Description, Type, Attributes) mapped to Interface Stereotype Use Cases (ID, Description, Pre-Condition, Post-Condition, scenario steps,…) Structured document import Unstructured text Structured / Unstructured Graphics and Figures/Images & Hybrid 11/16/2018

12 Working Group Wiki Page
Background and Context Working Group Wiki Page 11/16/2018

13 Working Group Wiki Page
Background and Context Working Group Wiki Page 11/16/2018

14 Working Group Wiki Page
Background and Context Working Group Wiki Page 11/16/2018

15 MBSE Capability: Construct Model
Background and Context MBSE Capability: Construct Model Dependencies on other MBSE Assessment Capabilities Concept Model Understanding the core and extended concept model is a key pre-requisite to both interactive and batch model construction Includes transformation from tabular, structured text and natural language descriptions to model based representations SE Use Cases Consistent with use cases dependent on model construction Lifecycle aspects of model construction (e.g. concept, architecture, design, implementation, integration, verification, validation phases) MBSE Usability Viewpoint/Views for model construction Pattern: Model-View-Controller Tabular: e.g. MS Excel as the model view with macro adapters to the system model Graphical: e.g. MS Visio as the model view with templates and adapters to the system model 3-D Visualization: e.g. STK with adapters linking to the system model Pattern Libraries: e.g. domain specific system model patterns for all views driven from a common library Automation Techniques OSLC, etc. 11/16/2018

16 System Model Construction Current State & Vision
Background and Context System Model Construction Current State & Vision Current State Manual Entry Rich GUI interface Semi-Automated Bulk tabular data input via plug in scripts Structured document parsing Requirements Documents “shall” statements Design Documents Tool to tool transfer/exchange Third party support tools Bridges/Gateways File based/OSLC based Repository transfer/exchange Emerging Vision Full automation Sketch interpretation Concept development support Structured text interpretation Based on standardized document templates Drawing interpretation Structured graphics MS Powerpoint graphics MS Visio graphics Repository Exchange Schema based transformation Tool Exchange Model Interchange (UML based) Model Interchange (non UML) 11/16/2018

17 December 2015 Discussion Material
Limitations of SysML v1.4 Focus: Model Construction related features Effectiveness measures as a basis for evaluating concepts Focus : Model Construction measures: Productivity (Time, Cost), Quality, Ease of Use, Learning Curve Complexity Services needed to support concept Focus: Model Construction services Illustrate how concept supports the Hybrid SUV scenario Focus: Model Construction OMGSysML Model Construction Wiki 11/16/2018

18 Limitations of SysML v1.4 Model Construction
Language Limitations related to Model Construction Time representation: Milestone, Time Period Constructing: Timelines, Allocating System Elements to Time periods, Begin/End dates/times for activities Workflows Spatial representation: (X,Y,Z), (Lat, Lon, Elevation), (Azimuth, Elevation, Range) Environment spatial context Physical Representation of system deployments Views/Viewpoints “fit for purpose” representations of the system architecture/design, “non technical” viewpoints/views Stochastic Processes Random Variable representation Simple distributions (Normal, Exponential, etc.) 11/16/2018

19 Effectiveness Measures Model Construction
Interactive Model Construction Productivity Measures (Time on Task, # of interactions) Support for new model construction: element, attributes, operations, relationships Measure: # of interactions to complete a range of model construction tasks Support for model “re-use”: patterns, libraries Measure: # of interactions to complete pattern construction or library insertions Quality Measures Completeness: at end of task is the model complete e.g. all required fields have entries (where “required” is defined by the organizations work instructions) Consistency: at end of task is the model left in a “consistent” state (where “consistent” is defined by the organizations best practice guidelines) Ease of Use Intuitive Interface: Need to define what “intuitive” implies from a model construction perspective, e.g. window layout, menus, pop-ups, browsers, drawing areas are easy to find and access (based on standard windowing environments) Standard Human Factors principles employed Learning Curve Related to Ease of Use Measures related to length of time it takes a range of user categories to become “proficient” in constructing a model with a range of complexities (static, dynamic, parametric, etc.) 11/16/2018

20 Effectiveness Measures Model Construction
Batch or “Bulk” Model Construction Productivity Measures (Time on Task, # of interactions) Support for importing external data and constructing an initial model that represents the external data (tabular, free text, etc) Quality Measures Completeness: at end of task is the model complete and are all external data element represented in the model Consistency: at end of task is the model consistent with the “intent” of the external data description Ease of Use Intuitive Interface: Is it an easy to learn process to access the external data (tables, text documents, etc.), set up the import mappings and execute the transformation of the external data into the model representation? Standard Human Factors principles employed, specifically for transformation of information from one representation to another Learning Curve Related to Ease of Use Measures related to length of time it takes a range of user categories to become “proficient” in importing a model with a range of complexities (static, dynamic, parametric, etc.) 11/16/2018

21 Support Services Model Construction

22 Support Services Model Construction
Login Description: Provide user/process credentials, returns a pointer to the session. Service Signature: SessionLink login (String userID, String password) References: Logout Description: Terminate user/process session, returns null Service Signature: null logout() Create Model Element Description: Create a model element from a list of parameters, returns a UID (Unique id) of the new model element or null (for invalid element) (AttrValList is a comma separated value list of all of the model elements property names, property types and associated values) Service Signature: UID createModelElement( String stereoTypeName, String elementName, String elementDescription, AttrValList propertyList) Create Model Variant Description: Create a model variant of a model element, returns a UID (Unique id) of the new model variant or null (for invalid pattern) Service Signature: UID createModelVariant( String modelTypeName, String modelUID) 11/16/2018

23 Support Services Model Construction
Create Model Pattern Description: Create a model pattern from a list of model elements, returns a UID (Unique id) of the new model pattern or null (for invalid pattern) (AttrValList is a comma separated value list of all of the model elements property names, property types and associated values) Service Signature: UID createModelPattern( String patternTypeName, String patternName, String patternDescription, modelElementList elementList) References: SelectModel Pattern Description: Select a model pattern from a list of model patterns, returns a UID (Unique id) of the new model pattern or null (for invalid pattern) (AttrValList is a comma separated value list of all of the model pattern names) Service Signature: UID selectModelPattern( String patternTypeName, String patternName, AttrValList propertyList) 11/16/2018

24 Support Services Model Construction
Delete Model Element Description: Deletes the model element referenced by UID, returns true if deletion successful, or false if failed delete. Service Signature: Boolean deteleModelElement( UID elementUID) References: Delete Model Pattern Description: Deletes the model pattern referenced by UID, returns true if deletion successful, or false if failed delete. Service Signature: Boolean deteleModelPattern( UID elementUID) Modify Model Element Description: Modifies the referenced model element, returns true if modification successful, or false if failed modification. Service Signature: Boolean modifyModelElement( UID elementUID, String propertyName, String propertyValue) Modify Model Pattern Description: Modifies the referenced model pattern, returns true if modification successful, or false if failed modification. Service Signature: Boolean modifyModelPattern( UID elementUID, String patternName, String patternValue) 11/16/2018

25 Support Services Model Construction
Create Model Elements from Table Description: Creates a set of new model elements from a tabular listing of each model element, uses createModelElement service for each row an array of UIDs for each element created (null for invalid model elements) (table format is a CSV (comma separated value) formatted table Service Signature: UID[] createModelFromTable (Table ModelElementsTable) References: Create Model Elements from Graphic Description: Creates a set of model elements from a formatted graphic (e.g. MS Visio or PowerPoint) representation of the model elements, their properties and their annotated relationships whith each other. Service Signature: UID[] createModelFromGraphic ( Graphic modelElementsGraphic) Create Model Elements from Text Description: Creates a set of model element from a textual description of the model elements (assumes a structured representation of the model element that can be parsed using natural language parsing rules to discover nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc. that represent structural, behavioral, requirement and parametric descriptions of a systems model Service Signature: UID[] createModelFromtext (String modelElementSpecification) References: 2012 Drechsler, 2015 Tao Yue Link Model Elements from Graph Description: Creates a set of model elements from a directed graph representation of the system model, returns a list of created model element UID’s Service Signature: UID[] createModelFromGraph(Graph modelElementGraph) 11/16/2018

26 Support Services Model Construction
Create Validation Rule Description: Create a validation rule for a set of model elements, returns a UID (Unique id) of the new rule or null (for invalid pattern) (RuleValList is a comma separated value list of all of the rule property types and associated values) Service Signature: UID createValidationRule( String ruleTypeName, String ruleName, RuleValList ruleValueList) References: DeleteValidation Rule Service Signature: Boolean deleteValidationRule( String ruleUID) UpdateValidation Rule Description: Update a validation rule, returns a UID (Unique id) of the updated rule or null (for invalid pattern) (RuleValList is a comma separated value list of all of the rule property types and associated values) Service Signature: UID updateValidationRule( String ruleUID, RuleValList ruleValueList) Execute Validation Rule Description: Execute a validation rule , returns a Boolean indicated 1 success, 0 failure of the exectuion) Service Signature: Boolean executeValidationRule( String ruleUID ) 11/16/2018

27 Hybrid SUV Scenario Model Construction
Vehicle design unable to satisfy a requirement Model Construction: Question: Role of the “model” at this point in the scenario? Query, analyze? Trouble Report Model? Propose requirement change Model Construction New Requirement as variant to and existing requirement. Question: Change as “variant”? New dependencies between new requirement and design model elements New Constraints as variant to existing constraints New value bindings for the constraint variants Assess potential impact to system design Question: Analysis capability….potential for new analysis comments/notes or analysis model elements Propose update to specifications Specification updates to the design model elements as variants linked to the requirement and constraint variants Report update and creation Implement change Question: How to model “implementation” change (e.g. Model execution, generation from model) Add new “build” model element (representing a model based build package) Add new build scripts to the build model element Verify system meets requirement Add new test scenario, test case, test procedures, test results Add test artifact links to design elements and requirement variant 11/16/2018

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