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American Women By Allana Pattee, Ashley Cronan, Shelby Presley, Leo Merle, and Mackenzie Moor.

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Presentation on theme: "American Women By Allana Pattee, Ashley Cronan, Shelby Presley, Leo Merle, and Mackenzie Moor."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Women By Allana Pattee, Ashley Cronan, Shelby Presley, Leo Merle, and Mackenzie Moor

2 Introduction American Women gained new responsibilities, opportunities, and hardships during the second world war. They were needed to fill jobs that men left open when they left for war. This did not mean that they didn’t have difficulties at the workplace and at home.

3 Hardships Cope with rationing of products Wages weren't as high as men
Inequality in the work place Worked “double shifts” to cover a full days work NWLB ruled for equal pay to men and women widely ignored by companies

4 Opportunities After the men left for war, women filled in for their everyday jobs. Parts of the military such as the Army, Navy, and Coast Guard established auxiliary branches for women. Many women moved beyond stereotypical kitchen work and became truck drivers, mechanics, radio operators, air traffic controllers, of pilots. Tough physical labor increased the self-confidence, independence, and income of women.

5 Key Terms Women’s Army Corps WAC: The women in this group became members of the military and underwent rigorous army training. Only group of women to serve on the battle field. WAVES: Navy Women SPARs: Coast Guards Rosie the Riveter: Represented all of the real women who worked to support the war effort. She captured the spirit of the home front.

6 Assignments Allana: Title page, introduction, and key terms
Ashley: Opportunities Shelby: Opportunities Leo: Hardships Mackenzie: Hardships

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