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Civil Rights Movement Notes #1: Reconstruction at Last?

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Rights Movement Notes #1: Reconstruction at Last?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Rights Movement Notes #1: Reconstruction at Last?

2 I. Why the 1950s and 1960s? World War II, The Cold War, and the Embarrassment of Racism

3 B. Caught on Tape: Television and the Civil Rights Movement

4 C. The Politics of African-American Migration to the North

5 D. The Shift to Direct, Public Confrontation: New Leaders, New Organizations, and New Tactics


7 II. Key Moments in the Civil Rights Movement
A. Challenging the Law in the Courts: Segregated Schools, Brown v. Board (1954), and the Little Rock 9

8 Brown v. Board

9 The Little Rock 9


11 B. Challenging the Law in the Streets
1. Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

12 Montgomery Bus Boycott

13 2. Bull Connor & the Integration Struggle in Birmingham (1963)





18 3. The March on Washington & “I Have a Dream” Speech (1963)

19 III. 2 Key Civil Rights Victories & 1 Lingering Question
A. Victories: The Civil Rights Act (1964) and the End of Legal Segregation The Voting Rights Act (1965) and the End of Voting Restrictions

20 Civil Rights Act & Voting Rights Act

21 B. Lingering Question: Is This Enough?

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