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Collaboration in the NHS Who, and where, and making it happen

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1 Collaboration in the NHS Who, and where, and making it happen
Tel:+44-(0) 16 November 2018

2 Agenda Collaboration in the NHS environment
What the project in East Kent has achieved Addressing issues that emerged Summary Tel: +44-(0) 2 September, 2006

3 Where are the NHS collaboration needs?
Care delivery Ability to share information Multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs) in the Community Cross Agency working Clinical networks Ability for different disciplines to work together General business requirements Internal project work Suppliers, Consultants etc Tel: +44-(0) 2 September, 2006

4 Why collaborate – care delivery
Silos: organisational, departmental, discipline Patient journey has many touch points The challenges are making sufficient relevant information available from one episode of care to the next. giving input from different disciplines and perspectives into care that is recommended monitoring from different perspectives the ongoing case management and outcomes Complying with Care Record Guarantee Meeting Information Governance requirements

5 Why collaborate – the business story
PCTs: NHS history of re-organisation Multiple locations, even multiple HQs Still re-shaping services and teams How many ‘partners’ does the PCT have? Operational – the Council, Mental Health Trusts, Education……. Business – suppliers, NHS federation, nursing agencies

6 Background to the Eastern & Coastal Kent Groove pilot Project
Seed funding from Microsoft Helping CFH evaluate Groove for the Enterprise Agreement renewal Focused on teams, collaboration, personal productivity, not integration, messaging or connection to the Spine D2i Solutions Working with Groove pre-Microsoft Health & NHS expertise Intermediate care (IC) team selected No current technology support available One of IC five teams in the PCT Making the right choices Standardising tools/ software Economies of purchasing Improve transferability of staff from one role, or organisation Expertise Selecting suppliers that understand the technology and the NHS Prioritising projects Look for high benefits yield Opportunities to replicate solution across similar settings Tel: +44-(0) 2 September, 2006

7 Eastern & Coastal Kent PCT Geographical coverage
Eastern and Coastal Kent PCT Employees 3,500+ Headquarters 3 sites Clinical services 70+ sites Support services (finance / IT / facilities) 5 sites Geographical area of the organisation Partner organisations – other NHS, voluntary sector and social care

8 Aims of Shepway pilot Test Groove technology with multi-disciplinary teams Improve efficiency of care delivery Technology must “just work” Meet the challenge of poor connectivity Identify the potential benefits for IC Support clinical processes Communication between professionals Secure log of decision making; responsiveness Reduce number of unplanned admissions into hospital Evaluate Groove as a collaboration platform

9 Role of Groove Collaboration platform Data Management Application host
Presence Instant messaging & communications Security, etc Workspace management Data Management Automatically move all data changes to workspace members when they next connect Synchronisation capability with SharePoint Application host Data capture and tracking using Groove Forms Tel: +44-(0) 2 September, 2006

10 Patient workspace 2 September, 2006
Tel: +44-(0) 2 September, 2006

11 Outcomes -Non Intermediate Care sent to A&E

12 What are the issues going forward
Original pilot was successful Wider deployment needs Information Governance Services Infrastructure Delivering benefits Tel: +44-(0) 2 September, 2006

13 Information Governance
Backdrop of recent events Personal data being lost or mislaid All levels in NHS being held to account, Chief Execs, Caldicott guardians, CFH, Back to basics approach Using the Care Record Guarantee Develop solution design checklist Ongoing dialogue with CFH Ensure all projects are able to share benefits from developing best practice External scrutiny Tel: +44-(0) 2 September, 2006

14 Services Infrastructure
Groove Data encrypted on the PC, and in transit Only transmits changes Meets FIPS Level 2 security standards Take advantage of N3 Keep relay server in UK, within N3 D2i, ioko service for Groove Sharing Cross Agency Will need to verify their domain policies Move to a model where NHS manages on behalf of social services etc. Tel: +44-(0) 2 September, 2006

15 Clinical Benefits Improved Care Management
Faster actions and responses Clinical safety , share faster, contemporaneous notes Improved patient/staff interaction Potential for earlier hospital discharge & reductions in unscheduled admissions

16 Operational Benefits Cross- disciplinary and agency team working
Notes / actions information capture and sharing Better quality data, standardised, by-product of clinical activity Use of professional time Time shifting – work from anywhere Time slicing – make unproductive time useful Time release – use ‘dead’ time & reduce travel

17 Behavioural and Life-style Benefits
Behaviour change Quality of contribution Mobile working Work / life balance Reduced business mileage Professional empowerment Tel: +44-(0) 2 September, 2006

18 Summary Groove collaboration adds value
Action to address key issues going forward Learning, and hosted services infrastructure allows other NHS to fast-track based on the East Kent experience Tel: +44-(0) 2 September, 2006

19 People • Knowledge • Technology
From Data to Intelligence™ People • Knowledge • Technology

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