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The Mexican Revolution

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1 The Mexican Revolution
Chapter 22--The Mexican Revolution The Mexican Revolution Spodek, chapter on “Latin America: ”

2 Mexico is in political and economic chaos after independence
Race/Class Structure Remains Creoles Mestizos Indians Africans Iturbede ousted in 1824 and Mexico becomes a republic Santa Anna is the most dominant political leader.

3 Mexican-American War Americans proclaim independence of Texas—March 2, 1836 French try to take Mexico in 1838. Mexican-American War ( ) Mexico defeated. Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo on February 2, 1848. California, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico to US. US pays Mexico $15,000,000 Property owners assured can keep property

4 Mexico continued Benito Juarez is elected president in 1858.
He confiscated Church property. Mexico suspends payment of foreign debt in 1861. France, Great Britain, and Spain protest.

5 French occupy Mexico The French occupy Mexico in 1861 and capture Mexico City in 1863. Louis Napoleon makes Archduke Maximillian Emperor (April 10, 1864) Maximillian was Austrian and never understood Mexico There were many revolts Maximillian is captured and executed with the rest of his family. Juarez is restored.

6 Profirio Diaz Order and progress Stability to industrialize
Develops industry with foreign capital Develops railroads with foreign capital Oil Industry Standard Oil British Petroleum

7 The Porfiriato Foreign/Mexican owners discriminated against Mexican Workers and Mexican Middle Class Did nothing for poorest Mestizos Neglected Education Confiscated ejidos (common land)

8 The Mexican Revolution
By 1910 – large portions of Mexican society fed up with Diaz Political and social turmoil resulted May 25, 1911 Diaz overthrown Nov. 6, 1911 Francisco Madero, leader of the revolt becomes President

9 Madero, Zapata, and Villa

10 Other Threads of Revolution
Emiliano Zapata – organized peasants from southern Mexico Francisco “Pancho” Villa organized peasants from northern Mexico Understood new technology—machine guns Understood role of media better than most

11 Huerta/the US/Carranza
Victoriano Huerta leads Mexico starting in February 18, 1913—overthrows Madero US Intervenes for Standard Oil in April 21, 1914 Navy in Vera Cruz US Backs Venustiano Carranza Carranza becomes President in July 15, 1914. Huerta is out of power and the US leaves but the chaos continues

12 Villa and the United States

13 Villa, the U.S. and the Mexican Constitution
Villa raids New Mexico Farm on March 9, 1916. U.S. sends John J. Pershing and the US Army to Mexico US Fails and gives up on February 5, 1917 This background impacts the reaction to the Zimmerman Telegram Mexican Constitution was ratified on January 31, 1917. Universal suffrage Restrictions on Foreign Ownership 8 hour day Minimum wage Agrarian reform

14 Zapata and Villa and the end of Revolution
Zapata is tricked and executed in 1917 and that ended the revolution in the south of Mexico Carranza cuts a deal with Pancho Villa and later Villa is assassinated in 1923/

15 16. The Mexican Constitution on 1917 institutionalizes the revolution
The Mexican constitution of 1917 empowered the government to redistribute land, recognized labors right to organize, subjected the church to new restrictions. Carranza assumed to the presidency in 1917, but resigned after trying to rig the first election under the new constitution. Obregon succeeded Carranza and organized the Partido Nacional Revolucionario now known as the Partido Revolucionario Institucional

16 17. The Mexican Revolution Accomplished the Following:
Nationalization of the oil industry Transfer of more than 45 million acres of land to the power The near monopoly of political power by the PRI A socialist orientation by the politicians that followed

17 General Lazaro Cardenas, US and Britain

18 General Lazaro Cardenas, US and Britain
General Lazaro Cardenas Completes the Revolution after 1934 when he nationalized oil on March 18, 1938. The US and the British protest Mexico and the US come closer together after Mexico declares war on Germany and Japan

19 Who benefits and who gains little?
Mexican middle class Some Mexican workers Indian culture (Diego Rivera) PRI—the Institutionalized Revolutionary party Picks Mexican leaders Little Real Democracy Poorest Mexican Agricultural Workers Poorly paid Illiteracy

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