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??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Final.

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2 ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 Final

3 Long-lived Organisms Laws Evolutionary Aspects Place Management Reserve Function 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

4 The commission responsible for determining the ban on whaling worldwide

5 What is the International Whaling Commission (IWC) 100 points

6 The term used to describe no-take zones set up to protect certain areas

7 What are marine reserves 200 points

8 Term used to fishing gear that takes advantage of behavioral differences between bycatch and target species

9 What is bycatch reduction devices 300 points

10 The name for a hook that sets in the lip or corner of the jaw

11 What are circle hooks 400 points

12 When shareholders are given a %age of the total quota and they can fish for their share throughout the year or can sell (transfer) their quota

13 What is individual transferable quota (ITQ) system 500 points

14 Protects all marine mammals, including cetaceans, pinnipeds, sirenians, sea otters, and polar bears, within the waters of the United States

15 What is the Marine Mammal Protection Act 100 points

16 Provides for the conservation of species that are endangered or threatened throughout all or a significant portion of their range

17 What is the Endangered Species Act 200 points


19 Environmental law that promotes the enhancement of the environment

20 What is the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 300 points

21 Primary law governing marine fisheries management in US federal waters

22 What is the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act 400 points

23 An algorithm designed to set stable catch limits from minimal data and was developed through extensive simulation modelling

24 What is the Revised Management Procedure (500 points)

25 Traits determined and influenced by both genetic and environmental factors

26 What are continuous traits (100)

27 The combined genetic and environmental contributions to a trait

28 What is phenotypic value (200 points)

29 A statistic that can be used to describe the potential of an organism to undergo directional evolution due to exploitation

30 What is heritability (300 points)

31 The change in the mean value of a trait caused by selection

32 What is selection differential (400 points)

33 the change in the mean value of the trait from one generation to the next

34 What is selection response (500 points)

35 Protecting certain places temporarily or permanently from some or all preventable harm

36 What is the place-based approach (100)

37 Have narrower goals rather than broader biodiversity and ecosystems—generally temporary

38 What are time-area closures

39 How many stocks are exploited in US waters

40 What is 900 (300 points)

41 What percent of MPAs are properly managed?

42 What is 9% (400 points)

43 What percent of the combined areas of MPAs is closed to all forms of fisheries

44 What is 0.2% (500 points)

45 Geographic area with discrete boundaries that has been designated to enhance the conservation of marine resources

46 What is marine protected area (100 points)

47 Leaking of adults, larvae, and eggs inside a marine reserve to areas outside the reserve that can be fished

48 What is spillover effect (200 points)

49 Marine reserves are a subset of ____________

50 What is MPAs (300 points)

51 In 2000, estimates revealed what percentage of world fisheries were overfished beyond their maximum capacity

52 What is 75% (400 points)

53 In 2000, predatory fish populations were _______ of their historic abundance

54 What is 1/10th (500 points)


56 In 2000, predatory fish populations were _______ of their historic abundance


58 What is 1/10th (500 points)

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