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CSEC Physics Workshop- SBA

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1 CSEC Physics Workshop- SBA
Why SBA? Anna Singh Curriculum Officer -Physics Curriculum Planning and Development Division

2 scientific thinking To “do” science, students need to understand the roles of Observation (gather data and capture it in appropriate forms) Imagination (extrapolate), and Reasoning (application/synthesis). Scientific Inquiry therefore..... encourages students to learn inductively through concrete experiences and observation rather than rote memorization, gaining problem-solving skills that will help them throughout life.

3 RATIONALE for and PURPOSE of SBA in CSEC Physics
Practical work may therefore serve a range of purposes in secondary school Physics. These purposes include: · motivate pupils, by stimulating interest and enjoyment · teach laboratory skills · enhance the learning of scientific knowledge · give insight into scientific method and develop expertise in using it · develop 'scientific attitudes', such as open-mindedness and objectivity

Assessment that takes place during the learning process and teaching and thus: Provides feedback to the learner on his/her progress. Diagnoses the learner’s strengths and weaknesses. Assist in planning future learning. Support the teaching and learning process.

5 Assessment of Practical Skills in CSEC Physics
The SBA is intended to support formative or developmental assessment and thus emphasizes guided practice, feedback and remediation. mastery of content and skills.

6 Further Conversations
Your role in SBA: (VALIDITY) Provide guided practise that comprehensively covers content and skills to be developed. (RELIABILITY) Timely feedback and remediation. (ACCURACY) Evaluation of student’s mastery of content and skills.

7 Planning SBA Guided practice:
The SBA must consist of assessment of 4 practical skills (ORR, MM, AI, PD) using practical exercises.  Appropriate practical exercises for assessing ANY skill may be selected. The syllabus must be adequately sampled : A MINIMUM of 16 practicals excluding practise of skills should therefore be completed over the two year course (> 5 must have graphs).

8 Guided practice :  The practicals selected to develop or assess skills at a point must be planned to correspond to the relevant theory being taught at that point. [i.e. they should be planned in the scheme of work for the year and must correspond to general (G.O) or specific (S.O.) objectives.]   The underlining of a specific objective indicates those areas of the syllabus that are suitable for laboratory work, but teachers need not confine their practical exercises to these objectives

9 A MINIMUM of 12 topics [including those listed below] must be covered.
Measurement Statics Dynamics Properties of matter Reflection Refraction Action of lenses Waves E.M. Waves Current Electricity Magnetism and electromagnetism Radioactivity

10 Assessment It is advisable that only one skill be assessed in any one experiment, but a maximum of TWO skills may be assessed (PD subsumes O/R/R and A/I).  Each skill must be assessed at least TWICE at each assessment point.  Students must be informed WHEN they are being assessed for a particular skill and WHICH skill is being assessed. When the practicals are selected mark schemes based on the criteria for assessment of the skills must be developed.

11 Timeline Terms 2, 3, 4 and 5 (Points I-IV)

12 Documents! Proper Mark Scheme Listing of Laboratory Exercises
Indicate Skill Mark Breakdown Listing of Laboratory Exercises Table of Contents (Lab Books) Completed Moderation Sheet List of Samples

13 Students must be able to:
Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigations. Design and conduct a scientific investigation. Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data. Use evidence to develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models. Think critically and logically to relate evidence and explanations. Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and predictions. Communicate scientific procedures and explanations (LITERACY). Use mathematics in all aspects of scientific inquiry (NUMERACY).

14 CSEC Physics Workshop- SBA
QUESTIONS ???? Anna Singh Curriculum Officer -Physics Curriculum Planning and Development Division

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