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Presentation on theme: "Types of Maps PHYSICAL POLITICAL THEMATIC."— Presentation transcript:

There are three basic types of maps: PHYSICAL POLITICAL and THEMATIC. All maps tell us history over time, because maps change over time.

2 Physical Maps Physical maps show the physical features of the Earth.
Physical maps do not contain man made features. For example, a physical map would be a map of what you would see if you were looking down on Earth from space.

3 When you look at this map, what do you see?
Notice you do not see state borders or city markings. These divisions are created by people. What you do see though are physical feature landmarks like mountains, plains, desserts, beaches, lakes, oceans and rivers

4 Political Maps Unlike physical maps, political maps show humans interaction with the landscape. For example, city names, roads, country borders, etc. are all part of political maps. Political maps change frequently and must be redrawn often. A political map of the world that is 50 years old is no longer accurate.

5 Thematic Maps Thematic maps are used to study the amount of something in an area like climate, farming, population, etc. * Example: when you want to know which part of a world has the largest population. 2008 World population map

6 How Maps Show History All maps show history in some way shape or form. They can show how land moves and changes over time, how populations change, or how a nation grows.

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