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Renaissance Artists.

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1 Renaissance Artists

2 Techniques Improvements
Appearance of the natural world Use of space-linear perspective Laws of proportion Effects of light and color Balance

3 Specific Techniques Contrapposto-weight of body rest on one leg, other leg is relaxed, giving “S” curve appearance Fresco-pigments applied to plaster for walls Putto-images of winged babies Sfumato-hazy effects to soften outlines Chiaroscuro-effects of light (chiaro) and dark (oscuro)

4 Michelangelo The Florentine Pieta
Sculpture is a self portrait(hooded man) trying to hold up Christ It was supposed to go on his tomb

5 Michelangelo Sistine Chapel Painted on the ceiling
Picture of God beginning his creation

6 Michelangelo “The Creation of Adam”

7 Michelangelo The Pieta
Most important early work in his career, established his reputation Located in St. Peters Basilica, Vatican


9 Raphael School of Athens
Greek philosophers Plato (left) and Aristotle (right) Roman architecture Harmony and balance


11 Raphael The Cowper Madonna
Best known for his depictions of the Madonna

12 Raphael Angels in the Sistine Chapel


14 Leonardo da Vinci Self-portrait Only existing likeness of the artist

15 Da Vinci Flying machine Da Vinci had a fascination with human flight

16 Da Vinci The Last Supper Done on the side of a monastery wall Fresco
Poor condition due to elements that made the painting, has been restored

17 Da Vinci Mona Lisa Extreme contrast of light and darkness
Most famous portrait probably ever done Calm and graceful


19 Da Vinci Vitruvian man Scientific drawing of the study of human body and proportions Produced more drawings than any other artist before his time

20 Donatello David First large freestanding bronze statue since classical era Focus on beauty of human body Donatello created David 3 times

21 Filippo Brunelleschi Pazzi Chapel Notice arch and columns
Balance and harmony All virtues of classical architecture

22 Jan van Eyck The Madonna and Child with Chancellor Rolin
One of first Renaissance artist outside of Italy Focus on light, perspective and detail

23 Albrecht Dürer Madonna Engraving
Shows great emotion by the use of lines and shadows

24 Dürer Four Horseman of the Apocalypse Engraving
From the last book of the Bible, Revelations

25 Dürer Melencolia I Engraving Shows the learning instruments of the day
Happiness may not come with learning

26 Dürer Self-portrait Christ like depiction of himself
Attention to detail done by northern Renaissance artist Ideal beauty of human form

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