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Cases of F-test Problems with Examples

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1 Cases of F-test Problems with Examples
Lecture 10 Review of Lecture 9 Cases of F-test Problems with Examples Review of Lecture 9: Three Basic Concepts: Full Model: contain ALL coefficients of interest Reduced Model: contain PART of the coefficients of interest Nested Model : one model is a SUBMODEL of the other one 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

2 Common Cases for Model Testing
Case 1: ALL NON-intercept coefficients are zero Case 2: SOME of the coefficients are zero Case 3: SOME of the coefficients are EQUAL to each other Case 4: Other specified CONSTRAINTS on coefficients All can be tested using F-test. 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

3 Steps for Model Comparison :
RM H0: The RM is adequate vs FM H1: The FM is adequate Step1: Fit the FM and get SSE (in the ANOVA table) df (in the ANOVA table) R_sq (under the Coefficient Table) Step 2: Fit the RM and get SSE, df, and R_sq. Step 3: Compute F-statistic: Step 4: Conclusion: Reject H0 if F>F(r,df(SSE,F),alpha) Can’t Reject H0 otherwise. 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

4 Case 1: ALL NON-intercept coefficients are zero
Statistical Meaning: ALL predictor variables have no explanatory power the effect of ALL predictor variables are zero. 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

5 MSR(F)= Mean Square due to REGRESSION for the Full Model
MSE(F)=Mean Square due to ERROR for the Full Model =Mean Squared Error for the Full Model The Test can be conducted using an ANOVA (ANalysis Of VAriance) table: Source Sum of Squares df Mean Square F-test P-value Regression SSR p MSR=SSR/p F=MSR/MSE Residuals SSE n-p-1 MSE=SSE/(n-p-1) Total SST n-1 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

6 Thus, Reject H0, i.e., not all coefficients are zero.
Example: the Supervisor Performance Data Analysis of Variance (ANOVA table) Source DF SS MS F P Regression Residual Error Total Thus, Reject H0, i.e., not all coefficients are zero. 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

7 The F-test using Multiple Correlation Coefficients R-square
The F-test based on ANOVA table is equivalent to the following test based on R-square: 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

8 Example: the Supervisor Performance Data
Results for: P054.txt Regression Analysis: Y versus X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 The regression equation is Y = X X X X X X6 Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant X X X X X X S = R-Sq = 73.3% R-Sq(adj) = 66.3% F(6,23,.05)=F(6,24,.05)=2.455, F(6,23,.01)=3.80 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

9 REMARK: when some of individual coefficients (t-test) are significant, the F-test for
testing if all non-intercept coefficients are zero will usually be significant. However, it is possible that none of the non-intercept coefficient t-tests are significant but the F-test is still significant. This implies that the combining explanatory power of the predictor variables is larger than that of any one of the individual predictor variables. 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

10 Case 2: Some of the Coefficients are zero.
If H0 is not rejected and hence is adequate, we should use the Reduced Model. The Principle of Parsimony: always use the ADEQUATE SIMPLER model. Two advantages for using the Reduced Models are 1) Reduced Models are simpler than Full Models 2) The RETAINED predictor variables are emphasized. 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

11 SSE(R)=, df(R) =, SSE(F)= df(F)=
Example: the Supervisor Performance Data (Continued) Regression Analysis: Y versus X1, X3 The regression equation is Y = X X3 Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant X X S = R-Sq = 70.8% R-Sq(adj) = 68.6% Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F P Regression Residual Error Total SSE(R)=, df(R) =, SSE(F)= df(F)= F=[(SSE(R )-SSE(F))/(df(R )-df(F))]/[SSE(F)/df(F)]= F(4,23,.05)=2.8, Can’t reject H0; the RM is adequate! 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

12 REMARKS: (1) F-test can be written in terms of the Multiple Correlation Coefficients of the RM and FM. That is, Actually 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

13 Example: the Supervisor Performance Data (Continued)
R_sq(F)= .733, df(F)=23, R_sq(R)=.708, df(R )=27, F=[( )/4]/[(1-.733)/23]=.528<2.8=F(4,23,.05), can’t Reject H0 Remark (2): When the RM has only 1 coefficient fewer than the FM, say, beta_j, then r=1, In this case, F-test is equivalent to t-test. 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

14 Two Remarks about the Coefficients Retaining
The estimates of regression coefficients that do not significantly differ from 0 are often replaced by 0 in the equation. The replacement has two advanatges: a simple model and a smaller prediction variance (the Principle of Parsimony). A variable or a set of variables may particularly be retained in an equation because of their theoretical importance in a given problem, even though the coefficients are statistically insignificant. For example, the intercept is often retained in the equation even it is not significant in statistical meaning. 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

15 Case 3: Some Coefficients are equal
(II) 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

16 SSE (R ) = , df(R )= SSE(F)= df(F)=
Example: the Supervisor Performance Data Results for: P054.txt, Regression Analysis: Y versus X1+X3 The regression equation is Y = (X1+X3) Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant X1+X S = R-Sq = 66.8% R-Sq(adj) = 65.7% Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F P Regression Residual Error Total SSE (R ) = , df(R )= SSE(F)= df(F)= F={[(SSE(R )-SSE(F)]/[df(R )-df(F)]}/{SSE(F)/df(F)}= =1.10, df=(5,23) F(5,23,.05)=2.49>1.10 So H0 is NOT Rejected. 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

17 SSE (R ) = , df(R )= SSE(F)= df(F)=
Example: the Supervisor Performance Data (Continued) Regression Analysis: Y versus X1, X3 The regression equation is Y = X X3 Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant X X S = R-Sq = 70.8% R-Sq(adj) = 68.6% Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F P Regression Residual Error Total SSE (R ) = , df(R )= SSE(F)= df(F)= F={[(SSE(R )-SSE(F)]/[df(R )-df(F)]}/{SSE(F)/df(F)}= =3.65, df=(1,27) F(1,27,.05)=4.21>3.65 So H0 is NOT Rejected. 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

18 Case 4: Other constraints on Coefficients
11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

19 Example: the Supervisor Performance Data (continued)
Regression Analysis: Y-X3 versus X1-X3 The regression equation is (Y-X3) = (X1-X3) Y= X X3 Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant X1-X S = R-Sq = 57.4% R-Sq(adj) = 55.9% Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F P Regression Residual Error Total SSE (R ) = , df(R )= SSE(F)= df(F)= F={[(SSE(R )-SSE(F)]/[df(R )-df(F)]}/{SSE(F)/df(F)}= =1.62, df=(1,27) F(1,27,.05)=4.21>1.62, So H0 is NOT Rejected. 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

20 After-Class Questions:
What is the difference between F-test and T-test? If H0 is rejected, does this show that the full model is better than the reduced model? 11/16/2018 ST3131, Lecture 10

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