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Alexandria Pavkovich Jason Thomas Trent Sprenkle

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Presentation on theme: "Alexandria Pavkovich Jason Thomas Trent Sprenkle"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexandria Pavkovich Jason Thomas Trent Sprenkle
Complete Fractionation of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Using Newly Developed EPH SPE Cartridges Alexandria Pavkovich Jason Thomas Trent Sprenkle

2 Outline Background EPA Method Requirements Background and Recovery
PAHs in Used Motor Oil

3 What is EPH? Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Means to separate Aliphatic and Aromatic compounds Clean up step for environmental samples Typical cartridge format for MA and NJ methods: 5g irregular silica gel fritted in 25 mL syringe tube

4 Importance of EPH: Multiple states follow EPH Methods
MA, NJDEP, Texas, WA, Atlantic RBCA Used to assess impact of environmental samples Separates target aliphatic components from target aromatic components Allows separation of EPA priority 16 PAHs Higher proportion of aromatics have more hazardous designation relative to samples consisting of primarily aliphatic hydrocarbons

5 How does a EPH cartridge work?
Normal Phase Dried Silica Gel (Activated) is Polar Non-polar compounds will elute first Hexane pulls off non-polar aliphatic compounds Dichloromethane pulls off more polar aromatic compounds Compared to Hexane, DCM is moderately polar

6 EPH Method Requirements:
MA EPH Method 40 – 140% Recovery for Analytes and Surrogates < 5% Breakthrough for Naphthalene and 2- Methylnaphthalene NJ EPH Method Based off MA EPH Method Requires monitoring of additional analytes Texas EPH Method Uses Pentane instead of Hexane 60 – 140% Recovery for Analytes, 70 – 130% Recovery for Surrogates < 10 – 20% Crossover

7 Extractable Background
< 30 ng of background contamination on-column 8.2 ppm 11.5 ppm 5ppm min 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 Aliphatic Fraction 14.2 ppm 13.1 ppm 5ppm min 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 Aromatic Fraction ng on-column = ppm

8 Analyte Separation Aliphatic Aromatic

9 Recovery – MA and NJDEP EPH Cartridge: Reference Standards:
Resprep EPH Fractionation SPE Cartridge – Restek Cat # Reference Standards: MA Fractionation Surrogate Spike Mix – Restek Cat # 31480 MA Surrogate Spike Mix – Restek Cat # 31479 NJDEP Aliphatic Calibration Standard – Restek Cat # 30544 NJDEP Aromatic Calibration Standard – Restek Cat # 30545 Naphthalene Standard – Restek Cat # 31280 2-Methylnaphthalene Standard – Restek Cat # 31285

10 Recovery – MA and NJDEP Sample Preparation: Analysis:
Condition Cartridge with 15 mL Hexane Addition of 1 mL of Sample Elute with 19 mL of Hexane (Aliphatic Fraction), followed by 20 mL of dichloromethane (Aromatic Fraction) Concentration to a final volume of 1 mL Analysis: Agilent 7890 GC-FID Column: Rxi-5Sil MS – 30m x 0.32mm x 0.25µm – Restek Cat # 13624 Oven Program: 40°C (1.5 min.) → → 350°C (7 6°C/min Injection temperature: 300°C; Injection volume: 1.0 μL, Carrier: Helium, constant 3 mL/min. Injection mode: splitless, purge flow: 50 1min. Detector Temp: 350°C

11 Average of 3 Replicates of 3 Different Lots @ 35 ppm
Recovery – MA and NJDEP Average of 3 Replicates of 3 Different 35 ppm 40 – 140% Analyte Recovery

12 Recovery – Texas EPH Cartridge: Reference Standards:
Resprep EPH Fractionation SPE Cartridge – Restek Cat # 25859 Reference Standards: MA EPH Surrogate Spike Mix – Restek Cat # 31479 1-Chlorooctane – Restek Cat # 30084 8270 Calibration Mix #5, Revised – Restek Cat # 31995 BTEX Standard – Restek Cat # 30213 TNRCC 1006 Retention Time Marker Mix – Restek Cat # Custom 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene and Benzo(e)pyrene Mix

13 Recovery – Texas Sample Preparation: Analysis:
Condition Cartridge with 15 mL Pentane Addition of 1 mL of Sample Elute with 40 mL of Pentane (Aliphatic Fraction), followed by 20 mL of Dichloromethane (Aromatic Fraction) Concentration to a final volume of 1 mL Analysis: Agilent 7890 GC-FID Column: Rxi-5Sil MS – 30m x 0.25mm x 0.25µm – Restek Cat # 13623 Oven Program: 35°C (4 min.) → → 4°C/min → Injection temperature: 300°C; Injection volume: 1.0 μL, Carrier: He, constant flow 2 mL/min Inj. mode: pulsed splitless, 30 psi until 0.5 min, 75 mL/min at 0.6 min Detector Temp: 330°C

14 60 – 140% Analyte Recovery 70 – 130% Surrogate Recovery
Recovery – Texas Average (n = 5ppm 60 – 140% Analyte Recovery 70 – 130% Surrogate Recovery

15 Matrix Overview: Motor oil loading at a range of concentrations
Evaluation of breakthrough of Naphthalene and 2- Methylnaphthalene Breakthrough of used motor oil samples at 20 mg/mL PAH levels A great fractionation is possible with clean samples, but what happens when the silica is loaded with a lot of hydrocarbons in a real sample, or even worse, with a very dirty sample. Does the activity of the silica decrease to the point where separation is affected?

16 Cartridge Loading Capacity
MADEP recommends maximum of 25 mg/mL Saturation of silica could lead to breakthrough of early eluting aromatics The separation is typically one of a delicate balance as it is without additional encumbrances Complex matrices A range of concentrations of motor oil were prepared Breakthrough of naphthalene and 2- methylnaphthalene monitored in hexane fraction

17 Sample Preparation – Loading Capacity
5W/20 conventional motor oil was diluted into hexane to produce each target concentration Each sample was spiked with naphthalene and 2- methylnaphthalene at 10 ppm Surrogates 1-chlorooctadecane, o-Terphenyl and fractionation surrogates, 2-bromonaphthlene and 2-fluorobiphenyl, were spiked at 20 ppm 6 levels of motor oil were prepared in hexane 5 mg/mL to 100 mg/mL

18 Sample Preparation – Loading Capacity
Condition Cartridge with 15 mL Hexane Addition of 1 mL of Sample Elute with 19 mL of Hexane (Aliphatic Fraction), followed by 20 mL of dichloromethane (Aromatic Fraction) Concentration to a final volume of 1 mL Analysis: Agilent 7890 GC-FID Column: Rxi-5Sil MS – 30m x 0.32mm x 0.25µm – Restek Cat # 13624 Oven Program: 40°C (1.5 min.) → → 350°C (7 6°C/min Injection temperature: 300°C; Injection volume: 1.0 μL, Carrier: Helium, constant 3 mL/min. Injection mode: splitless, purge flow: 50 1min. Detector Temp: 350°C

19 Sample Preparation – Loading Capacity
Samples of motor oil in hexane solution at 5 – 100 ppm. Note slight color as you get to the more concentrated. Jar of motor oil used to create samples.

20 Loading Capacity Results (100 mg/mL)
naphthalene 2-methylnaphthalene Blue trace – aromatic fraction Red trace – aliphatic fraction This is a demonstration that loading an oil sample with a 100 mg/ml concentration (4 x max recommended) resulted in no breakthrough into the aromatic fraction (the blue trace) not zoom of naph and 2MN.

21 PAHs in Used Motor Oil PAH is a result of incomplete combustion produced by internal combustion engines Can accumulate in motor oil through blow-by Would be expected in higher concentrations with increasing engine age and mileage Older technology and declining engine performance produce more PAH Deterioration of compression rings due to age and wear from high mileage increases blow-by Diesel vehicles produce more PAH during combustion Blow-by is the condition where high pressure gases from the combustion/compression process leak past the piston and into the crankcase.

22 PAHs in Used Motor Oil Because of PAH content (as well as metals and other contaminants) used motor oil is more of a concern than new oil Wrecking yards, storage tanks Why the interest in PAHs being in used motor oil? PAHs as well as heavy metals are much more toxic than saturated hydrocarbons. Examples of places expected to have/be sources of used motor oil. Photo illustrates new motor oil versus very dark colored used oil

23 PAHs in Used Motor Oil Samples were collected from vehicles with a range of ages and mileage

24 PAHs in Used Motor Oil Samples were collected from vehicles with a range of ages and mileage 1B 2B 4B 6B 7B 8B Although all the samples of used oil looked very dark, once diluted to 20 mg/mL, there were obvious differences. Does this represent different levels of PAH’s. These id’s are carried through the presentation so you can get an idea of what the samples looked like.

25 PAHs in Used Motor Oil Extent of migration of color band during elution Sample Loading After Extraction Photo 1 shows color differences in samples again at the start. Photo 2 shows bulk of color is held behind illustrating cleanup capacity of dirt/junk.

26 PAHs in Used Motor Oil (Breakthrough)
naphthalene 2-methylnaphthalene 1 chlorooctadecane surr. This is an overlay of the aliphatic fraction from two samples (2B and 4B) with the highest level of light PAH’s and were used to illustrate the fractionation capacity of samples with a dirty matrix. Napht and 2Mnaph are pointed out here as the highest PAHs and so also serve as the breakthrough check. The box indicates the area of interest that will be focused on in next slides.

27 PAHs in Used Motor Oil (Breakthrough-Aromatic Fraction)
Naphthalene 2-Methylnaphthalene 10 ppm std. Sample 2B Sample 4B 5 ppm std. This is a close up of the same two samples 2B and 4B showing an overlay of the aromatic fractions compared to a 5 and 10 ppm standard to give an idea of PAH concentration

28 PAHs in Used Motor Oil (Breakthrough-Aliphatic Fraction)
Naphthalene 2-Methylnaphthalene Sample 2B DCM Sample 4B DCM Sample 2B hex Sample 4B hex Overlay of the aliphatic and aromatic versions of samples 2B and 4B showing no breakthrough. Small peaks in aliphatic do not match, besides naphtha breakthrough allows precedes 2 M napht, so if RTs were off, the naphtha peak would be the larger of the two.

29 PAHs in Used Motor Oil (Heavier PAHs)
Benzo(a)anthracene and chrysene Phenanthrene and anthracene fluoranthene and anthracene dibenzo(a,h)anthracene and benzo(g,h,i)perylene This is 2B & 4B aromatic fraction overlaid with 5 ppm standard showing presence of other PAHs at lower levels than the light PAHs Blue and red are 2B and 4B and green is the standard. Qualitative screening to show that there are heavier PAHs in samples. 2B and 4B had the highest amount of PAHs of all samples analyzed.

30 PAHs in Used Motor Oil (Diesel compared to gasoline powered vehicle)
surrogates Blue and red are 2B and 4B again and green is now 6B (motor oil from a diesel pickup) showing no PAHs at the low end. Also, none of all the other peaks found in the gasoline powered vehicles. This indicates PAHs are not coming (at least the vast majority) from blowby, but notice the similarity of the front end of these cgrams to weathered gasoline. Minimal PAHs in oil pulled from Diesel engine for lighter PAHs whereas the oil pulled from a gas engine samples contain the lighter PAHs.

31 Likely Source of Lighter PAHs in Used Motor Oil (Diluted gasoline sample)
Naphthalene 2-methylnaphthalene Overlay of 2B and 4B (blue & red) with diluted gasoline sample (green) note good match in the zoomed area. Lighter parts of the gasoline are driven off by the heat of the engine. This strongly suggests that the lighter PAHs observed in the motor oil is a result of gasoline washing down the sides of the cylinder into the cranckcase. Naph and 2-Methylnaph are in gas standard and since we see these in oil from a gas engine, we can conclude that this is a result of unburned gas making its way into the motor oil.

32 Conclusions A method specific Silica gel cartridge provides excellent fractionation and cleanup properties even under heavy loading and with complex matrices PAHs were found in used motor oil samples but not necessarily correlated to vehicle age and mileage Likely reason for lack of correlation is that lighter PAHs are likely a result of concentrated gasoline in the oil rather than from blow-by

33 Questions? Alexandria Pavkovich –
Jason Thomas – Trent Sprenkle –

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