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COM – LMGEM CPPM Tamburini C., Robert A., Fuda JL., Lefèvre D…

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Presentation on theme: "COM – LMGEM CPPM Tamburini C., Robert A., Fuda JL., Lefèvre D…"— Presentation transcript:

1 COM – LMGEM CPPM Tamburini C., Robert A., Fuda JL., Lefèvre D…
Data transfer between an autonomous oceanographic mooring line and the secondary junction box : Hydrology-O2 & Remineralisation COM – LMGEM Tamburini C., Robert A., Fuda JL., Lefèvre D… CPPM Billault M., Payre P., Arnaud K., Beurthey S. Curtil C. Escoffier S….


3 O2 in the Ocean Deep Ocean

4 Why monitoring Deep in situ Oxygen [AOU=f(t)]
To follow a decrease in oxygen concentration related to an increase in temperature (reducing the deep ocean ventilation), and linked to climate change To follow the deep oxygen consumption due to biological activity leading to an increase in CO2 production in the deep ocean, linked to the oceanic carbon cycle, carbon exportation to the deep ocean. AOU-T Diagram from Antares Site May 2007, WMDW T-S Diagram from Antares Site May 2007 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Obs Temp t+ 0.01°C t+ 0.05°C AOU (µmol dm-3) DAOU=f(t°C) 13.1 13.15 13.2 13.25 13.3 13.35 Temperature (°C) 4

5 Change in circulation, Heat flux or Biological oxygen demand ?

6 Bacteria O2 consumption in the deep ocean
In Situ long term survey of TS-O2 [O2] = in situ oxygen concentration  O2 optode sensor IODA6000 [O2] = f(T, S, p) & Biological activity CTD C* = O2 solubility (Benson & Krause, DSR 1984) Bacteria O2 consumption in the deep ocean C* value will be determined during the deep-sea formation at the ocean surface Apparent Oxygen Utilisation (AOU) = C*- [O2] AOU is providing an estimation of the biological oxygen consumption since the water has left the ocean surface. 6

7 Biological activity evaluation: different time scales
MW1, T, S, O2 O2 Obs [O2] AOU MW = Mode Water Mixing Line MW2, T, S, O2 T (°C) In Situ O2 = Time integrated Biological Activity Months to years, upon water circulation AOU = Departure from mixing line IODA = Oxygen dynamics : Biological Activity Daily to weekly scale 7

8 COM implication into IL07
COM is member of the ANTARES collaboration since nov'05 (Ravenna collaboration meeting) videomonitoring camera  bioluminescence MicroCAT CTD  T, S O2 optode sensor (Aanderaa 3830)  [O2] videomonitoring camera bioluminescence

9 IL07 Time series January – June 2008 – Floor 3 & 4 T S O2

10 IODA6000 v3.0 for ANTARES Line 12 2 O2 optode sensors: 1 internal and one external


12 BOUM Cruise – June July 2008 – Depth :100 m

Buoy T, S O2 Currents IODA UVP Xmissiometer Data Transmission Antares DataBase Wireless transmission Acoustic releaser JBX Weight

14 IODA6000 v4.0, requirements: Alimentation: 12V / 250 mA
O2 optode Aanderaa:12V / 100 mA (continuous) Motors: 12 V / 0.5 A (1 min d-1) Readout: RS232 Weight: 4 kg in water / 7 kg in air ANTARES "slow control" for driving, data storage, data access 14

15 Thank You

16 Link between OM and prokaryotes OM + O2 => CO2
Azam & Long (2001)

17 2 years operation from 05 to 07
Interdisciplinary Instrumentation line Lines Std MILOM IL 07 Ligne 12 6 storeys with new devices: Cameras O2 Hydrophones for acoustic detection Deployed in July 07 hydrophones CT IODA (F25) Seismometer (BSS) Line with 3 storeys: ADCP SV CT C-Star Seismometer OMs LOB 2 years operation from 05 to 07 14.5m Camera ADCP Ligne 5 OM 80m C-Star Courantometer AquaDopp (F23) SV CT 14.5m hydrophones Ligne 4 O2 14.5m SV–CTD (F24) hydrophones C-Star 80m Camera Extension OM ADCP hydrophone 98m Secondary JB Pr Sismomètre

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