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Bacterial Isolation & Identification

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Presentation on theme: "Bacterial Isolation & Identification"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacterial Isolation & Identification
sample/ swab Day 1 BA McA streak Blood agar Mac Conkey agar 37 0C hr


3 pick up a suspected colony
Day 2 subculture BA McA subculture 37 0C hr

4 BA McA Day 3 pure culture Staining: shape, Gram+, Gram-
Primary test: OF, catalase, oxidase, motility 37 0C hr



7 compare the result with the table
genus identification Day 4 Secondary test 37 0C hr

8 compare the result with the table
bacterial identification (genus and species) Pseudomonas aeruginosa Day 5 Sensitivity test

9 compare the result to the manufacturer
report Day 6

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