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Maths can sometimes be challenging so can also make some people feel uncomfortable!

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Presentation on theme: "Maths can sometimes be challenging so can also make some people feel uncomfortable!"— Presentation transcript:

1 St. Augustine’s Maths Parent Workshop - Leading the teaching of numeracy

2 Maths can sometimes be challenging so can also make some people feel uncomfortable!
We will be discussing what is needed for children to become confident and competent mathematicians, who have a strongly developed ‘sense of number’.

3 Main Aims of Mathematics
There are three main aims in the new maths curriculum: Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving

4 Aims of the National Curriculum
The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils: Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, with increasingly complex problems over time, so pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language. Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

5 Fluency Fluency is made up of three main parts: efficiency, accuracy and flexibility. To increase fluency children should become proficient at: Learning times table facts, Division facts, Doubles and halves, Number bonds to 10, 20, 100 and 1000 Addition and Subtraction of two digit numbers mentally There are many other numbers facts which help but it is vital that children learn how to apply these facts to other problems within mathematics.

6 Tell me all about the number 12.

7 Reasoning Problem Solving
To be able to reason children should be able to conjecture and offer a proof and explanation of their ideas. They should be able to form links between mathematical ideas and be able to apply and test these. Problem Solving Problem solving tasks are rich tasks.  This means they are problems which have multiple answers or different strategies to solve them.  They are not a simple closed question.  They may have several steps to complete in order to find the answer.  They may use several different elements of mathematics and they are suitable for any ability level.

8 Problem solving Put the numbers 1 to 4 in the circles so that the difference between each pair of joined numbers is more than 1 (Year 1) (Year 2) Put 15 buttons in three boxes so that each box has 3 more buttons than the one before. (Year 6) Complete this multiplication table X 4 9 8 18 3 12 35 14 2 (Year 4) Count all the rectangles in this diagram.

9 Answers 2 4 1 3 X 5 4 9 2 10 8 18 3 15 12 27 6 7 35 28 63 14 1

10 33 27 28 31 29 30 32 34 36 36 35 22 13 14 15 16 17 18 23 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 19 20 21 24 26

11 What mathematics is taught?
From September 2014 the mathematics curriculum has been organised into … Number, measures, geometry, statistics In addition Year 6 is taught Ratio & Proportion and algebra (see attachment) Fractions Data Handling Angles Money Area Time Temperature Perimeter Decimals 2 & 3D shape Percentages

12 Traditional methods to develop and consolidate knowledge and skills.
How to teach mathematics? Practical approaches to develop understanding, confidence and enjoyment. Traditional methods to develop and consolidate knowledge and skills.

13 Understanding of number
Whatever stage the children are at with their learning, and whatever method is being used, it must be underpinned by a secure and appropriate knowledge of number facts, along with those mental skills that are needed to both carry out the process and judge it was successful. What strategies to use? Practical – using fingers helps! Relationships between numbers and the strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication.

14 Appropriateness By the time children leave primary school they will have been taught mental and written methods that they understand and can use correctly. Children should be able to decided which method is the most appropriate when faced with a calculation. There are many ‘correct’ strategies but it is more effective for children to learn just a few and learn them well. Refer to the school’s Calculation Policy.

15 Reasonableness What is 27 divided by 6?
But what if the question is ….. 27 old age pensioners want to go to see the lights in Blackpool in 6 taxis and want to share the taxis. How many taxis will be needed? You have 27p to spend and want to buy CHOCOLATE. The chocolate bars cost 6p How many chocolate bars can you buy?

16 Calculation strategies
Four Operations of Number Ways of recording Children learn to use models and images – eg number lines to record or explain steps As mental methods become more refined so too are their informal written methods These methods become more efficient and succinct; leading to effective written methods

17 Addition Using number lines
Partition and recombine Carry out a standard written method of column addition

18 Carry out a standard written method of column subtraction
. Carry out a standard written method of column subtraction 4 5 6 3

19 Multiplication 23 x 17 = 391 123 x 7 = 861 32 x 3 = 96

20 Division Sharing Division by repeated subtraction
Up to 3 by 1-digit division …. with remainders … but no ‘carrying’ within the problem 3 by 1-digit division …. with remainders and ‘carrying’ within the problem

21 Multiplication - ‘Times Tables’ Division - ‘Times Tables’
Know by heart all the facts for 2,3,4,5,6,7 and 10 x tables AND Recognise and use multiplication as the inverse of division ……. 7 x 6 = ÷ 6 = 7

22 Mental Maths Mental maths is valued more than written methods because it is used in everyday life more widely. Mental maths does not mean written methods can not be used, but are given the opportunity to make informal jottings and use methods taught in lessons. The priority is placed on children being able to count in groups of numbers, both forwards and backwards. The aim is to have an excellent understanding of the links between times tables. Children should have a real sense of number. This means seeing number is a range of ways, e.g. tens, ones, number bonds, factors, prime numbers, multiples, square numbers, whole numbers, decimal numbers. Children should be able to separate numbers in ways other than just tens and one, e.g. 48 is 40+8, 30+18, 20+28, etc.

23 New National Curriculum Tests
KS1 Type Number of marks Time Paper 1 Arithmetic 15 15 minutes Paper 2 Mathematical fluency, solving problems and reasoning 35 35 minutes Total 50 50 minutes KS2 Type Number of marks Time Paper 1 Arithmetic 30 30 minutes Paper 2 Mathematical fluency, solving problems and reasoning 40 40 minutes Paper 3 40minutes Total 110 110 minutes

24 The Problem Solving Process
Read the question. Underline key words. Decide with operation/s (add, subtract, multiply, divide). Estimate. Calculate. Check. Answer with the correct unit if using any type of measurement (weight, volume, time, money, height, length, area, distance etc.)

25 Problem Solving Skills
Trial and improvement Working systematically Pattern spotting Working backwards Reasoning Visualising Conjecturing, generalising and proving. Now have a go at the KS1 and KS2 sample questions!

26 Helping your child with Maths
To help your child develop a good understanding of number, you should use any opportunity possible to bring in counting and exploring of number in everyday life: Play fun board games like dominoes, snakes and ladders, snap, connect 4. Practice all the times tables. Practice counting in different groups of number. Look at quantities of ingredients in recipes. Encourage your child to handle and answer questions about money. Explore bus timetables, television guide times, etc.

27 See your maths buddy booklet and maths mat
Free online maths games resources for all year groups. Fun maths games for all year groups. Useful website for all year groups to practice Key skills in maths. Follow the links to the correct Key Stage (KS1 for Years 1 And 2, KS2 for Years 3-6). This website is very useful for revision. This site explains maths concepts and has games for Practicing examples. Free educational games for all year groups.

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