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Rate-of-Return Regulation

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1 Chapter 12 Traditional Electricity Regulation: The Calm Before the Storm Part B

2 Rate-of-Return Regulation
Why not set price equal to marginal cost? QElectricity $/Q Demand LRMC LRATC PAC PMC QM QAC QMC DWL PM Existence of a natural monopoly, due to economies of scale creates a scenario where regulation may be required Average cost pricing is used to ensure a “normal” rate-of- return of 13

3 Chasing Efficiency The case for regulation depends upon two imperfect alternatives Limited competition Firms restrict output leading to increased prices Government Failures Averch-Johnson Effect Firms purposely use more capital than is necessary Regulatory Capture Politicians acting on behalf of producers rather than consumers Qelectricity $/Q Demand LRMC LRATC PMC QM QAC QMC PM LRATC’ of 13

4 Determining the Revenue Requirement
The revenue requirement is the amount of revenue a utility needs to take in to remain profitable Rev. Req. = Rate Base x Rate of Return +Operating Expenses Rate Base = Net Investment = Investment – Accumulated Depreciation Used and Useful Smyth v Ames (1898) Construction Work in Progress (CWIP) of 13

5 Calculating Required Rate-of-Return
Must be sufficient to allow the utility to attract additional capital Benchmark is “zero economic profit” Includes returns on equity (shareholders) and debt (bondholders) Discounts future earnings 𝐷𝐶𝐹= 𝑡=1 𝑛 𝐸𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠 𝑡 (1+𝑟) 𝑡 Incorporates risk Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 𝑅 𝑐 = 𝑅 𝑓 + 𝛽×( 𝑅 𝑚 − 𝑅 𝑓 ) of 13

6 Rate Classes Utilities set different rates for residential, commercial, and industrial customers Industrial customers face the lowest costs, residential the highest, and commercial in between This is determined based on the marginal costs of supplying electricity Rules for allocating capacity costs (fixed costs) is arbitrary Based on population, % peak energy demand, or % energy sold Residential customers prefer when determined by % energy sold Industry uses a higher percentage of electricity Industrial customers prefer when determined by population Basing rates off population size will often decrease the share of fixed costs paid by industrial customers of 13

7 Peak Load Pricing Efficient pricing calls for higher prices during peak periods Takes advantage of merit order: running generation facilities from least to most expensive depending on the level of demand Baseload units: Generally have high capital costs and low operating costs Peak units: Generally have lower capital costs but higher operating costs Peak load pricing is an incentive to decrease quantity demanded while generation facilities with higher variable costs are in use of 13

8 Peak Pricing Efficiency Gains
Flat rate: Too much is consumed when demand is high Too little is consumed when demand is low Consumers should use more when marginal costs are low and less when marginal costs are high No incentive to do so with flat rate pricing Quantity Price Dp Pf P2 Q2 P1 MC Q2’ Q1 Q1’ Do Peak SW Gain Off-Peak SW Gain of 13

9 Peak Pricing: Continued
Shifting Peaks Simply having peak and off-peak pricing could result in a situation where, in order to take advantage of lower prices, consumers all delay their energy use until peak pricing is over If enough consumers behave in this manner, peak energy use may not have decreased, but simply moved to a different time Shoulder Price An intermediate price between peak and off-peak meant to decrease the likelihood of shifting peaks May be more theoretically efficient, but a more complex tariff would also be more difficult for consumers to understand of 13

10 Demand Reduction (DR) Subsidizes customers for reducing demand during peak hours Consumers can be reluctant to accept peak pricing formats Customers fear that their bill might increase although the average consumer would likely pay less Demand reduction is a second-best option Compensates consumers for using less peak power than their baseline May cause consumers to artificially inflate their baseline if they are expecting any demand reduction programs in the future of 13

11 Energy Efficiency Programs
Utilities may encourage customers to consume less energy Complimentary energy saving bulbs Rebates for reducing energy use Not generally in the best interest of the utility Often mandated by state regulatory commissions What is the difference between demand reduction and energy efficiency programs? of 13

12 Decoupling Concept where utility revenue no longer depends on sales
If sales decrease due to energy efficiency, rates will shift upward so that revenue remains constant May be difficult to determine the cause of decreased sales Could result in load control Consumers face a reduced rate for shutting down certain appliances Rebound effect results in increased energy use in other areas, offsetting savings due to the decreased use of energy intensive appliances of 13

13 Incentive Regulation Traditional RoR regulation often produces an incentive to inflate costs Incentive regulation is designed to encourage utilities to accurately reveal costs Price under incentive regulation is determined according to: 𝑃 𝑡 = 𝐶 𝑡 +𝑠 𝐶 𝑡 − 𝐶 𝑒 𝑃 𝑡 : Regulated price at time “t” 𝐶 𝑡 : Actual cost at time “t” 𝐶 𝑒 : Estimated cost for time “t” 𝑠: Sharing Parameter Cost cutting is then beneficial for both the utility and the customer of 13

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