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DO NOW Find Your Seat.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW Find Your Seat."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW Find Your Seat

2 DO NOW Find Your Seat

3 DO NOW Find Your Seat

4 Welcome to physics 1-2 Course Syllabus Course Expectations
Class Expectations/Rules Class Layout/Procedures

5 Class Procedures Everyday when you come in look at the board for directions Complete the directions Take a seat Notebooks should be out by the time the bell rings

6 Class Rules/ Expectations
Keep all electronics silent and put away unless told otherwise Homework must be completed on time and turned in Treat yourselves, this classroom, and each other with respect Raise your hands if you have a question, comment, or idea to share

7 Late Work Policy All homework must be turned in on time.
For everyday the assignment is left you will lose 10 % of the points After a week late work will not be accepted If you need an extension speak to me, I promise I won’t bite

8 Desert Island Activity
You and a team of scientists have been stranded on an unknown island after a giant tsunami. You realize that your boat has a giant hole and cannot take you back home. As the boat begins to sink, your team only has time to grab 8 items, that you brought on board, before everything vanishes into the deep blue sea.

9 Your Items 9) A Knife 10) A First Aid Kit 11) 12 Bottles of Water
12) A Mirror 13) A Net 14) A Quilt 15) A Compass 16) A Metal Bucket A Plastic Sheet Matches Oil Toilet Paper A Book Rope A Jacket A Flashlight

10 Your Task You will have 10 minutes ( by yourself) to choose the 8 items you would like to save. As you choose the 8 items you want to save, you will rank them from most important to least important. Next to your list you will also write why you decided to save that item. How will that item help you survive on an abandoned desert island?

11 Item’s Importance Items Reason for Saving
1 ( most important) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

12 Items some people saved
Items Everyone Saved Items some people saved Items Nobody Saved

13 Group’s Reason for Saving
Item Saved Group’s Reason for Saving 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 As you and your team decide on the final 8 items you will save, think about these two questions. ( You will be answering them when you share your list with the class) Which item was the easiest to for everyone to agree on? 2) Which item was the hardest for everyone to agree on?


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