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ZB I References for Registered Nurses, May 10, 2018

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1 ZB I References for Registered Nurses, May 10, 2018
The for my talk today is to have you understand what Zero Balancing is and how you can utilize Zero Balancing in your Massage Practices. Has anyone heard about Zero Balancing? I will give you a clue it is not an accounting course. Pass out copies of your brochures, ZBHA brochures, Certification brochures, handouts with blank piece of paper for notes, pens. ZB I References for Registered Nurses, May 10, 2018 Zero Balancing® is a Registered Trademark of the Zero Balancing Health Association. The Registered Trademark is implied with the use of the terms “Zero Balancing”, “ZB”, or “Zero Balancer”.

2 Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.
References Cullinan, M. (2004). The ABCs of ZB A Zero Balancing Primer. Blue Bell, PA: Mary Alice Cullinan. Dale, C., & Wehrman, R. (2009), The subtle body an encyclopedia of your energetic anatomy. Boulder, CO: Sounds True. Denner, S. S. (2007). The Advanced Practice Nurse and Integration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Holistic Nursing Practice, 21(3), doi: /01.hnp b Denner, S. S. (2009). The Science of Energy Therapies and Contemplative Practice. Holistic Nursing Practice, 23(6), Dossey, B. M., Keegan, L., & Barrere, C. (2016). Holistic nursing: A handbook for practice (7th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.

3 Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.
References Cont’d Duncan, A. D., Liechty, J. M., Miller, C., Chinoy, G., & Ricciardi, R. (2011). Employee Use and Perceived Benefit of a Complementary and Alternative Medicine Wellness Clinic at a Major Military Hospital: Evaluation of a Pilot Program. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 17(9), doi: /acm Essential Anatomy, Unparalleled Human 3D Engine - (n.d.). (2014). Retrieved June 16, 2016, from The Essential Anatomy 5 Application digital images were graciously supplied for educational purposes by Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.

4 Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.
References Cont’d Facts. (n.d.)Retrieved September 12, 2016, from Gray. (n.d.). Trapezius+muscle - Google Search. Retrieved from Hamwee, J. (1999). Zero balancing: Touching the energy of bone. London: Frances Lincoln. Harbour, R. (2015, June 14). Zero Balancing Professional Training. Retrieved September 1, 2016, from Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.

5 Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.
References Cont’d Harbour, R.|(n.d.). Picture – Zero Balancing is like … Retrieved September 25, 2016, from Holistic Educational Strategies. (n.d.). Retrieved June 30, 2016, from Laden, David. The Wisdom of Zero Balancing. (n.d.) Retrieved from Lauterstein, D. (2014, February 07). Zero Balancing and the Feet. Retrieved September 25, 2016, from Marcel Proust Quotes. (n.d). Retrieved August 4, 2016, from Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.

6 Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.
References Cont’d Mariano, C. (2007). Holistic nursing: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: American Holistic Nurses Association. Netter, F. H. (1997). Atlas of human anatomy (2nd ed.) (A. F. Daley II PhD, Ed.). East Hanover, NJ: Novartis. Neuman, B., PhD. (n.d.). Systems Theory. Retrieved March 8, 2016, from Oschman, James. (2009, April, 24). Dr. James Oschman on Energy Medicine. (video file). Retrieved from URL: Papathanasiou, I. (2013). Holistic Nursing Care: Theories and Perspectives. American Journal of Nursing Science, 2(1), 1-5. Proust, Marcel Quote. (n.d.) Retrieved August 4, 2016, from Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.

7 Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.
References Cont’d Quarry, Veronica, MS, MSPT, and Amanda King, MA, LMT, eds. Experiencing the Power of Zero Balancing. Palm Beach Gardens: Upledger Productions, Print. R. (2006, September 13). Dr Quantum - Double Slit Experiment. Retrieved from Smith, F. F. (1986). Inner bridges: A guide to energy movement and body structure. Atlanta, GA: Humanics New Age. Smith, F. F. (1997) Core Zero Balancing Teaching Manual. Columbia, MD: Fritz Smith. Smith, F. F. (2005). The alchemy of touch: Moving towards mastery through the lens of zero balancing. Taos, NM: Complementary Medicine Press. Smith, F. F., M.D. (2009). Core Zero Balancing Study Guide (3rd ed.) (J. Sullivan, Ed.). Columbia, MD: Zero Balancing Health Association. Stock Photos, Royalty-Free Images & Vectors By Dreamstime. (n.d.). Retrieved June 16, 2016, from ID # Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.

8 Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.
References Cont’d Sullivan, C. (2010, May 15). Zero Balancing: The Energy Effect. Retrieved from Zero Balancing Health Association. Our Association Tab. (Pictures of ZBHA Office Staff and ZBHA Board of Directors). Z. (2011, August 24). Zero Balancing - Fritz Smith Intro. Retrieved from Z. (2011, August 25). Zero Balancing - Fritz Smith Bone. Retrieved from Z. (2011, August 25). Zero Balancing - Fritz Smith Non Diagnostic. Retrieved from Z. (2011, August 25). Zero Balancing - Fritz Smith Particle Wave. Retrieved from Z. (2011, August 25). Zero Balancing - Fritz Smith Name. Retrieved from Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.

9 Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.
References Cont’d Z. (2011, August 25). Zero Balancing - Fritz Smith Fulcrum. Retrieved from Zero Balancing| Fritz Smith photo. (n.d.). Retrieved from Zero Balancing Principles. (n.d.). Retrieved from T. (2015, February 24). Fritz Smith - On the Pause - a Zero Balancing talk at The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School. Retrieved August 6, 2016, from Z. (2015, October 13). ZB Introduction – What is a Zero Balancing Session Like? Retrieved from (Note: Todd Williams’ demonstration, scroll down to bottom of home page to link.) Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.

10 Additional References (Not Used in Course)
Biel, A., & Dorn, R. (2001). Trail guide to the body: How to locate muscles, bones, and more (2nd ed.). Boulder, CO: Books of Discovery. Geggus, P. (2004). Introduction to the concepts of Zero Balancing. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 8(1), doi: /s (03) Oschman, J. L. (2000). Energy medicine: The scientific basis. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. Sieg, K. W., PhD, & Adams, S. P., PhD. (2002). Illustrated Essentials of Musculoskeletal Anatomy (Fourth ed.). Gainesville: Mega Books. Sullivan, C. (2009, October 12). ZB Mentor 5-Hip and Where is the Acetabulum? Retrieved from Sullivan, J. (2014). Zero balancing expanded: The attitude of awaiting a fish. Palm Beach Gardens, FL: Upledger. Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.

11 Additional References (Not Used in Course) Cont’d
Using the Spirits of the Points: The Small Intestine Meridian, Part Two. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wagner, J., DNP. (2015). Incorporating Acupressure into Nursing Practice. American Journal of Nursing, 115(12), Wang, L. S., PhD. (2000). Using Zero-Balancing to Reveal the Connection Between Physical and Psycho/Spiritual Qualities (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. Institute of Transpersonal Psychology Palo Alto, CA May 2000 Zero Balancing is a Registered Trademark of ZBHA.

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