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*Includes adding a 658 Tag*

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1 *Includes adding a 658 Tag*
Adding a 658 Tag To A Record Step-by-step instructions for capturing a MARC record and adding a 658 Tag to a record. *Includes adding a 658 Tag* The Reinberger Children’s Library Center

2 Step 1 There are two options to opening UnicornECOLE by SIRSI. Option one is to click on the WorkFlows icon on the desktop (see image).

3 Step 1 Continued Option 2: Open the UnicornECOLE by clicking on the start menu, then clicking on programs, then clicking on SirsiDynix, and finally clicking on WorkFlows 3.2J.

4 Step 2 If not entered already, enter the IP address, port number, and workstation (Name) and then hit OK.

5 Step 3 Enter your User ID and PIN. Then click Ok.

6 Step 4 After hitting the OK button you will be redirected to the home screen for the cataloging program. *Make sure you are in the Lib1 tab.*

7 Step 5 Click on the down arrow in the Cataloging tab to bring down the options in the category’s box.

8 Step 6 After clicking on the down arrow in the Cataloging the screen should look like this with the cataloging tab pulled down.

9 Step 7 Click on “Smartport” link, which will then ask you where you want to copy MARC records from other large databases.

10 Step 8 Click on the boxes in which you want to search for MARC records (see image to the left for an example). When you are finished hit the “connect” button at the bottom.

11 Step 9 You can search MARC records by many ways-the ISBN is generally the first choice. Type it in the ISBN field and click “Search”

12 Step 10 After hitting search the results of your search should come in the lower box indicating by the arrow.

13 Step 11 Highlight the first record if it matches the item you are looking for. You can often tell by making sure the formats are the same (book verses audiovisual). Click “Display”.

14 Step 12 You will see the first MARC record appear. It is very important that the MARC record is detailed enough to match your item as best as possible. You can look at the next MARC records by simply clicking on the black arrows to compare and find the BEST record. Double check the ISBN, author, publisher, publication date and number of pages!

15 Step 13 Once you have found the best MARC record and have it on the screen, click “Capture.”

16 Step 14 This screen will appear-make sure you have chosen “Match and Load” and “Match on title control number and indexed MARC tag” IMPORTANT: Also make sure “Title control number source” is set on oisl. “Indexed MARC tag number” should be set on ils Call sources should be set on ATDEWEYLOC,949,, *Please Note: Some libraries may have different settings.*

17 Step 15 Click on the down arrow on the “Library” box and select your library. Then, click “OK.”

18 Step 16 The MARC record will then appear on the screen. You will need to click “Save” to save it to the catalog.

19 Step 17 If the book being added is correlated to the ODE Academic Content Standards, it needs a 658 tag. Scroll down the record and find the closest number to 658 in the tag column.

20 Step 18 Right click on the number closest to 658 and then select “add field after.” A box will appear (see image to right). *It is important that the number closest to 658 is chosen, it may be in the 500 range or in the 600 range, but it needs to be after the closest number to 658.*

21 Step 19 Type in “658” into this box. This will then allow you to enhance the MARC record.

22 Step 20 It is now time to copy and paste the Ohio Academic Content Standards into the MARC record. To find these, minimize the SirsiDynix program and go to the website, Click on the “Academic Content Standards” Icon.

23 Step 21 Click on the first link under INFOhio Resources that says “Aligning Resources to Ohio Academic Content Standards.”

24 Step 22 Depending on the content area of your material, you will click on the link related to the content area.For example, for social studies you will click on the social studies link.

25 Step 23 You will then click on the academic benchmark, which is covered in your material.For example, if it has a history benchmark, then you will click on the “01.History” link on the page.

26 Step 24 You will then find the indicator within the grade level, which is specific to the item. All indicators have a letter and a number (example B2). B stands for the benchmark and 2 stands for the indicator. Click on the link to the left of the correct indicator.

27 Step 25 You will then see, “658 Tag Formatted for Sirsi K-12 Product” on the bottom of the screen. It is the paragraph text directly underneath the 658 Tag heading (see image to the right).

28 Step 26 You will then drag your mouse to highlight the text. Then right click and select “copy.” You may also choose to press and hold simultaneously “ctrl” and “c” on the keyboard. Check to make sure you are only highlighting the non-bold text.

29 Step 27 You will then return to the Workflows program and insert the copied text to the 658 tag just added. To do this, click into the 658 content area and then press “ctrl” and “v” simultaneously on your keyboard.

30 Step 28 It is important to add your own unique code into the MARC record. This code is called the Code for Correlation Standard. To do this, copy and paste the code directly after the text that was just inserted in the 658 field . This code is best to be just copied and pasted from a word document to avoid any errors. If you copied the code from a word document simply paste it by typing Control and “v” at the same time.

31 Step 29 You will need to repeat Steps for each indicator in the material, including adding your library’s unique correlation code at the end of each 658 field.

32 Step 30 Click “Save.” This will save the record to the database.

33 Step 31 REMINDER! VERY IMPORTANT: Every new MARC record that is used also needs to have your unique library’s code inserted in the 040 field. This is called the LC/NUC code. This can be copied and pasted into the 040 field of the MARC record by inserting by holding “ctrl” and “v” simultaneously.  *Please Note: This code is different from the Code for Correlation Standard mentioned in slide 28.

34 Step 32 Once this information is entered, you may close the record by clicking “close.”

35 Step 33 You will now need to close the SmartPort box by clicking “close” at the bottom of the screen. You are now finished adding the 658 tag to the MARC record.

36 PowerPoint Created By: Trent Roberts & Angela Wojtecki,
Reinberger Children’s Library Center Graduate Assistants Kent State University School of Library & Information Science

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