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Palliative & End of Life Care; how it all connects

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1 Palliative & End of Life Care; how it all connects
Tuesday 9th September 2014

2 Department of Health [Mandate]
One chance to get it right (LCP)/ Choices/ DNACPR NCPC (Choices) NHS England LTCs, older people and EoLC programme board [DOMAIN 2] [Business plan deliverables] NHS England Patients & Information directorate MONITOR Public Health England NHS England Finance directorate Voices team Bereaved carers survey Insight team Patient experience Patient participation team personal health budgets, care co-ordination Comms PHE – National End of Life Care Intelligence Network NHS England End of Life Care Steering Group NHS England, NHSIQ,PHE.,NCPC Palliative Care Funding Programme NHS England EoLC Partnership group DH, CQC, PHE, NHS IQ, Help the Hospices, Marie Curie, Macmillan, Sue Ryder, National Voices, Age UK, Together for Short lves. NHS IQ Transforming End of Life Care in Acute Hospitals Programme Electronic Palliative Care Co-ordination System (EPaCCS) Palliative and EoLC networks Commissioning strategy directorate Dying matters National Voices EoLC Facilitators & Social Care Champions Network CCGs, area teams and providers

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