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An Introduction to Cricket

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2 An Introduction to Cricket
PRESENTED BY: SHAH ZAFAR & Derek Perera Cricket Ontario OFSAA CONFERENCE May 11, 2018 Humber College, Etobicoke

3 Outline Brief History Rules Demo! Advanced Techniques

4 A Gentleman’s Game… Marylebone Cricket Club formed in London in 1787
The ‘Home of Cricket’

5 And A ‘Religion’ Fanatic levels of support India Pakistan Sri Lanka
South Asia

6 BASIC RULES Similar to baseball ( ) 2 Teams: 11 players each
Batting Team – bats an innings and scores runs Fielding Team – bowls and gets batting team out Reverse roles after an innings Team with most runs wins

7 EQUIPMENT BALL Protective Gear Helmet, Gloves, Pads,… BAT
Wickets ≈ ‘Plate’ Stumps Bails Protective Gear Helmet, Gloves, Pads,…

8 FIELD Oval Field ≈ ‘Diamond’ Pitch in center ≈ ‘Inside Baselines’
No size restrictions, yards across Pitch in center ≈ ‘Inside Baselines’ PITCH


10 Players (Batting Team)
Players (Fielding Team) Batsman (2) ≈ ‘Batter’ Striker ≈ ‘Home Base’ Non-striker ≈ ‘Other Base’ Bowler (1) ≈ ‘Pitcher’ Wicketkeeper = Catcher


12 Play: Scoring & Getting Out
The Play: One ‘Ball’ Bowler bowls the ball to striker Striker tries to hit ball with bat Runs scored No runs scored Gets out

13 SCORING RUNS Running’ runs Ball remains inside the field
Batsmen run across the pitch Striker ↔ Nonstriker Each crossing of pitch = 1 run Score 1, 2, 3 or 4 runs Boundary: 4 runs Ball rolls outside the field Batsmen do not run across Boundary: 6 runs ≈ ‘Home Run’ Ball flies outside the field Batsmen do not run across

14 Getting Out Bowled ‘Strike Out’ Ball hits stumps
‘Caught Out’ Fielder catches ball before it touches the ground Run out ‘Thrown Out’ Batsmen run across Fielder hits stumps with ball before batsman reaches batting crease Leg Before Wicket (LBW)- Striker does not hit ball with bat, Ball hits striker, Ball was going to hit stumps, Fielders Appeal to Umpire -“Howzatt !!”

15 OTHER WAYS Stumped Hit-Wicket Handled Ball Double Hit Timed Out
Obstructing the field Only ONE batsman can get out / ball

16 Teaching & Organizational Skills
1. Selecting the Activity 2. Organization 3. Planning a session – The Start 4. Running a session – Communication 5. Running a session – The End 6.Manner and Appearance 7. Managing the Parents Breakdown of cycle to follow under next few slides.

17 Advance Techniques References MCC:
BBC Sports Academy: Hosking:

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