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What they say vs what they do
God’s Kids What they say vs what they do Matthew 21:28-32
Spoken in the Temple Courts in Jerusalem
Jesus entered the temple courts, and, while he was teaching, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him. --Mt 21:23 It’s the week before His crucifixion. He has come onto enemy turf.
In this confrontation, Jesus is questioned about His authority
"By what authority are you doing these things?" they asked. "And who gave you this authority?“ –vs 23
We’re so quick to judge them those unbelieving Jewish leaders
They didn’t question the reality of Jesus miracles. The blind could see The lame could walk The dead were living Lepers were healed. They only questioned his authority. But have we ever questioned Jesus? Why He didn’t… Why He allows… If He doesn’t do things our way we question his authority. If Jesus can be discredited, none of us have to account to Him.
Jesus agreed to answer on condition
What authority do you recognize? by what authority John the Baptist baptized. The dilemma revealed their real motive. They were not seeking truth, they were rebelling against it. This was the moment Jesus chose to tell this parable
HEAR THE PLAIN TRUTH in the parable
1st HEAR THE PLAIN TRUTH in the parable 2 sons – the first said he wouldn’t but did, the second said he would but didn’t “Which of the two did what his father wanted?” “The first,” they answered. Mt 21:31
The Jews were the people who had entered a covenant with God
Children of God God’s kids At the foot of Mt. Sinai, Moses communicated God's Law to the people. "The people all responded together, "We will do everything the LORD has said." -- Ex 19:8 Since then every Jewish boy, at his bar mitzvah, becomes a "son of the law." These leaders were the KIDS who had said they would, but didn't. The despised prostitutes and tax collectors were the KIDS who said the wouldn’t but did.
2 kinds of sinners But only one kind had regret
RECOGNIZE THE TRAGEDY 2 kinds of sinners But only one kind had regret
Jesus is not praising either In this parable
He simply points out that sin takes two forms. Neither attitude brings joy to the Father’s heart. Both responses evidence the evil bent in the human heart. But the one who changed his mind to do right in the end was infinitely better than the other one.
3rd AN HONEST LOOK IN THIS MIRROR REVEALS ATTITUDES JUST LIKE OURS 32 For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him. --vs 21:32
Two categories in the community of faith
Others evidence a far better practice than their profession. These folk may be moral, generous, kind and good. But, for some reason, they do not claim to be "Christians." Their lifestyle may be more winsome than that of the first. Those whose profession is better than their practice. These people promise anything. They make great boasts about their spirituality and their righteousness. The tragedy is that their practice does not measure up. The world has seen far to many of these. A proper disillusionment results.
Getting the perspective
Are we really better than those we are judging?
These honest words were spoken on the way to the cross.
He was going there on purpose as an atoning sacrifice. The price He was going to pay was too high to not be brutally honest. Imagine the heaviness on his heart. But He would atone for the sin of both the brothers.
You and I may look pretty good in our own eyes
But how do we look in this mirror that Jesus holds up? Let’s not forget the Good News. He died to atone for our sin! We don’t have to remain the way we were We can be transformed!
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