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Peer Evaluation of Teammates

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1 Peer Evaluation of Teammates
World Campus IST 440W Peer Evaluation of Teammates Spring 2017 Qualtrics Survey Results from World Campus IST 440W Students (n = 5) March 28th 2017, 6:39 am EDT

2 Q11 - What is your class standing?
# Answer % Count 1 First-year student 0.00% 2 Sophomore 3 Junior 4 Senior 100.00% 5 Total 100%

3 Q1 - Consider your College of IST courses that include team assignments (e.g., projects, papers, presentations, etc.). With what frequency have you been asked to evaluate team members? # Answer % Count 1 > 75% of my courses that include teamwork require me to evaluate team members 80.00% 4 2 50-75% of my courses that include teamwork require me to evaluate team members 20.00% 3 < 50% (and at least in one) of my courses that include teamwork require me to evaluate team members 0.00% 0% of my courses that include teamwork require me to evaluate team members Total 100% 5

4 Q2 - Check all the tools that you have used for the purpose of evaluating team members:
# Answer % Count 1 CATME (Comprehensive Assessment for Team-Member Effectiveness) 80.00% 4 2 World Campus Peer Evaluation tool 40.00% 3 Online or paper evaluation created by the instructional team (i.e., the instructor and/or TA and/or LA) Other 0.00% Total 100% 5

5 Q6 - Do you think it is appropriate for students to evaluate their team members when working on team assignments? # Answer % Count 1 Definitely yes 60.00% 3 2 Probably yes 40.00% Might or might not 0.00% 4 Probably not 5 Definitely not Total 100%

6 Q7 - In your experience in College of IST courses, what is the most common weight that team member peer evaluations are given toward the team assignment grade? # Answer % Count 1 > 50% of the team assignment grade is determined by team member peer evaluations 0.00% 2 Between 26 and 50% of the team assignment grade is determined by team member peer evaluations 3 Between 11 and 25% of the team assignment grade is determined by team member peer evaluations 40.00% 4 Between 1 and 10% of the team assignment grade is determined by team member peer evaluations 60.00% 5 Although we are asked to evaluate our peers, the evaluation does not count toward the team assignment grade; it is counted as a separate grade altogether 6 Although we are asked to evaluate our peers, the evaluation does not count toward any part of our grade Total 100%

7 Q8 - Considering tools that you have used to evaluate your team members, which features are important to you? (Check all that apply.)

8 Q8 - Considering tools that you have used to evaluate your team members, which features are important to you? (Check all that apply.) # Answer % Count 1 Anonymity 80.00% 4 2 Rating scale that includes a broad range of points (i.e., at least 6 or 7 points, so that a 1-point deduction does not automatically reduce a student's grade from an A to a B) 60.00% 3 Option to rate myself as well as my team members Comparison of my self-rating with my team members' ratings of me 0.00% 5 Average scores from my team members 20.00% 6 Option to add written comments 7 Graphics that make the data easy to understand 8 Option to evaluate my team as a whole unit 40.00% 9 Ease of using the tool, in general 10 Other Total 100%

9 Q12 - What is the name of the tool that you have used most often to evaluate team members?
# Answer % Count 1 CATME (Comprehensive Assessment for Team-Member Effectiveness) 60.00% 3 2 World Campus Peer Evaluation tool 0.00% Online or paper evaluation created by the instructional team (i.e., the instructor and/or TA and/or LA) 40.00% 4 Other Total 100% 5

10 Q13 - Briefly, what do you like about CATME; and what do you dislike about CATME?
If gives a range to choice from that gives best scores to lowest scores. However, the wording gives the user that the first choice may not be the highest score. It would be better if CATME could be integrated directly into the course management system Q15 - Briefly, what do you like about the evaluation tool created by the instructional team; and what do you dislike about the evaluation tool created by the instructional team? Briefly, what do you like about the evaluation tool created by the instruct... The easy interface Q10 - If there is anything else you would like to share about your experiences with evaluating your peers on team assignments, please add your comments here. If there is anything else you would like to share about your experiences wi... While evaluating team members, the grades are sometimes given out during the course of the project. Team members can see if other team members gave them lower scores. This can cause them to work hard in a positive way, however, it can also make them want to get revenge and score the team member lower.

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