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Convergence in infinite rod Extrapolation length influence

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1 Convergence in infinite rod Extrapolation length influence
NEA/NSC/WPNCS EGAMCT Convergence in infinite rod Extrapolation length influence Paris 28 June 2017 Dennis Mennerdahl, EMS

2 “Long” infinite rod Fissions not converged?
2015 and 2016 meeting presentations suggest better convergence for “short infinite rod” than for a “long infinite rod”. EMS SCALE/KENO V.a calculations (several billion histories): Unreliable KENO V.a restart results for fission densities make conclusions difficult Planned presentation of results cancelled

3 No problem! Infinite length rod: Only one relevant zone
Long rod, subdivided into multiple zones, gives more information on neutron transport All information from short rod calculation available from long rod results General: EG should express what is meant by under-sampling, etc. Some regions have no relevance for requested results

4 Dominance ratio Several EG AMCT meetings and Monte Carlo papers on Dominance Ratio: Extrapolation length ignored! Symmetry: Zero flux at symmetry line! Different dominance ratios for different rod lengths Green’s function: Extrapolated length required: Symmetry line: Total extrapolated length = 2*(L/2+l) Infinite rod: L + 2*l is infinite

5 Symmetry – Added tallies
The draft final report and earlier presentations: Symmetry -> tally of individual position is not calculated, only the sum of symmetric tallies “True uncertainties” based on repeated runs appear to be based on non-converged tallies ¼ symmetry: Away from centre -> Sum of 4 well separated tallies. Near centre -> 4 close tallies, essentially only one (larger variations)

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