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Greenville public school district

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1 Greenville public school district
Staff Motivational Plan

2 Pot Luck Day--Staff from each school/site will pick their favorite dish(es) to bring and share.  Staff members will get together and decide who will bring which favorite dish(es).  Identify staff for each month and carry it through for the year. This will be done every fourth Friday. (September 23, 2016, October 28, 2016, January 27, 2017, February 24, 2017, March 24, 2017, and April 28, 2017)

3 Lunch Day for Teachers and Assistant Teachers--Each school will get their dependable parents and/or volunteers to hold classrooms for one hour giving teachers and assistant teachers time to have a real lunch break during the day.  In order for this to work, you have to decide what time as a whole will be observed for the lunch break so that you don't have staff coming and going all hours of the day.  For the assistant teachers, they will treat this hour the same way they did during Teacher Academy week. Remember that the individuals you are considering would have to have a background check. (October 20, 2016—Akin; October 21, 2016—Armstrong; October 26, 2016—McBride Pre-K; October 27, 2016—Boyd; October 28, 2016—Darling; November 10, 2016—Stern; November 11, 2016—Trigg; November 16, 2016—Webb; November 17, 2016—Weddington; December 7, 2016—Solomon Magnet; December 8, 2016—Coleman; January 25, 2017—Weston; January 26, 2017—Greenville High; and January 27, 2017—Technical Center.

4 Spirit Day—Staff will wear their college/university paraphernalia and show their university pride. (September 30, 2016, October 28, 2016, November 18, 2016, and December 16, 2016)

5 Club Day—Staff will wear their fraternity, sorority, or club paraphernalia. (September 23, 2016, November 11, 2016, January 20, 2017, March 24, 2017 and May 12, 2017)

6 Crop/Capri Day—Staff will wear Crop/Capri pant or pantsuit on these special days. (October 7, 2016, March 31, 2017 and May 19, 2017)

7 Sports Day—Staff will dress in their favorite team paraphernalia
Sports Day—Staff will dress in their favorite team paraphernalia. This includes all sports. (September 16, 2016, October 14, 2016, February 17, 2017, and March 3, 2017)

8 Blue jeans day—staff that have not missed any days during each nine week period, will be allowed to wear blue jeans on these specific dates: October 14, 2016, December 16, 2016, February 17, 2017, and april 28, 2017.

9 Sleeveless/footloose day—female staff will be allowed to wear a sleeveless shirt, blouse or dress; they can wear shoes with no back. October 7, 2016 and may 12, 2017

10 Employee Appreciation Day—Each school/site will be responsible for bringing dishes that will feed district staff and family members. This event will be held at the Washington County Convention Center. We will also participate in games and activities, such as softball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, etc. (tentatively scheduled for, Saturday, April 8, :00 am – 3:00 pm)

11 District retirement program—the district will recognize retirement staff at its annual retirement program. Tentatively, the event is set for may 12, 2017, at manning support building.

12 Early release—this year the district will recognize staff with perfect attendance for each 9 weeks period. These staff members will be allowed to leave early on select Fridays. The superintendent will authorize the release of staff at designated times.

13 Recognition of student achievement on district assessments and accelerated reader (ar)—the district will secure banners/signs that will recognize students for their achievement or accomplishment on district assessments and accelerated reader.

14 Teachers of the year—the district will secure a billboard and list the teachers of the year on it.

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