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Welcome: NEW students and parents.

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1 Welcome: NEW students and parents.
Advanced Choir Welcome: NEW students and parents. Handbook Overview

2 Advanced Choir Handbook
All goals & expectations are detailed in the: Advanced Choir Handbook Found on CHARMS or GPHS Website *Select “Handouts & Files” and it’s at bottom of page Niemann’s Teacher page on the GPHS Website







9 Choir Goals Quality rehearsals and performances through self discipline & respect for one another Representing our school & community to the best of our abilities

10 Grades

11 Rehearsals & Sectionals
Monday Night & After School Rehearsals Mandatory for all Advanced Choir members 40% of nine-weeks grade See “Advanced Choir Calendar” for exact dates Sectionals Required for District, Region and Area Added if necessary for Concerts & Choir Contest 1 Sectional - Every other week for 45 minutes

EXCUSED ABSENSES: Bonafide illness Other school-related activity Family emergency (illness or death in immediate family) UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: Truancy Jobs Car trouble Birthdays or other celebrations Baby sitting Driver's Education

13 Excuses A “parent” note, phone call or to Mrs. Niemann is required for any type of rehearsal absence. A student will NOT receive a make-up assignment without a parent note, phone call or . A student may be excluded from participation in a concert, competition and/or field trip for an Unexcused absence to a rehearsal or concert.

14 Make Up Work Monday Night & After School Rehearsals
Mrs. Niemann will decide on one of the following: Written Assignment – due 2 days after distributed Sing repertoire for one of the directors Perform spring show choreography (when absent from Spring Show rehearsal). Make-ups must be scheduled by student within 2 days of absence.

15 Make-Up Work Sectional Make-ups:
Sing for director to Demonstrate knowledge of repertoire Concert Make-Ups Sing music from concert for Mrs. Niemann or other director. AND Written exam over all information covered during the preparation for the concert

16 Classroom Rules GOOD CITIZENSHIP SCHOOL RULES No profanity Tardies
No PDA SCHOOL RULES Tardies Phone use NIEMANN RULES Listening skills (no talking) No Gum, food, drinks Participation/Materials expected Restroom between classes

17 Consequences Teacher/Student Conference Peer conference
Detention/Written Assignments Note or phone call to parents Office Referral Behavior Plan Possible removal from Advanced Choir

18 Please Note: Missed Conference = Detention
Missed Detention = Office referral Detention Assignment not signed/turned in = Office referral Consistent misbehavior = Loss of privileges and/or removal from the Advanced Choir. Suspended or expelled from school = no traveling with Choir

19 FORMAL UNIFORMS - BOYS The School provides:
Tuxedo Jacket, Tux Pants & Tux Shirt Tie & Cummerbund Uniforms cleaned twice a year by Director Students must pay for lost or damaged school property Uniforms will be altered by Mrs. Niemann; cost covered in Choir Fee. Boys must buy/own:

School Provides Formal Dress & necklace Uniforms cleaned twice a year by director; Cost covered by Choir Fee Students must pay for lost or damaged school property Uniforms will be altered by Mrs. Niemann; cost covered in Choir Fee. Girls Must Purchase: Pearl Earrings $5.00

21 Hair Guidelines Acceptable: Unacceptable:

22 Jewelry & Fingernails for CONCERTS

23 Informal Uniforms #1 – Red or Blue T-Shirt & Blue Jeans
Please do not wear: Capri Pants Skinny Jeans/High Heels Torn/frayed jeans

24 $19.00 for Advanced Choir

25 Spirit Shirts These are OPTIONAL
Shirts will be part of our first Fundraiser with Gandy Ink Spirit Items. More info will follow. Make Checks Payable to “GPHS CHOIR”

26 Spirit Shirts (Optional)
#1 Loud and Proud: $15.00

27 Competitions - TMEA All Advanced Choir members audition for District for a grade (Sept. 29th-All Day) Miss this audition = Sing cuts for director for a grade & repay entry fee; Membership probation Students who make District will prepare and audition for Region Choir (Nov. 3rd – All Day). Students who make Region Choir will perform at the Region Clinic/Concert (Nov. 10th–All Day). Students who make Area will prepare and audition for the All-State Choir (Jan. 12th-All Day) All-State Choir Clinic Convention – Feb in San Antonio, TX.

28 Competitions - UIL Solo & Ensemble is optional, but required for letter jacket. Students must pay entry fee and a portion of pianist’s fee ($20.00 for solo & $7.00 for ensemble) Students must demonstrate readiness or director will not allow them to compete (song prepared & memorized). Entry fee will not be refunded if the student does not attend for any reason

29 Competition Guidelines
Students must: Be academically eligible Have exemplary attendance at all after-school and Monday-night rehearsals and concerts Attend school regularly Demonstrate appropriate behavior in all classes Please see Advanced Choir Handbook for further details.

30 FUND RAISING GP Spirit Items from Flyer/Website & left overs from last year Brochure sales with Mrs. Niemann (Spring) Must have signed parent/student contract. Earn points for each item sold. Points carry over from year to year (but not between friends).

31 Spring Trip To Participate, Students Must:
Be eligible (grades). Participate at UIL Choir Contest Attend school regularly Make payments on time Have exemplary behavior Fun trip for students’ hard work all year Destination selected based on musical/opera, etc. Cost will include charter bus, hotel accommodations, attraction tickets and some meals.

32 Choir Officers These students help make decisions for the choir, help director with daily, weekly & yearly duties of the choir, and help their peers as needed. Elected by students in May the previous year. Section Leaders appointed by director Candidates must be in advanced choir for at least 1 year.

33 CHOIR CALENDAR: Choir is a performing organization. Please keep up with rehearsal/concert/competition dates. Calendar contains MOST of the required rehearsals and concerts for the year. PLEASE AVOID making appointments on rehearsal and/or concert dates Sectionals are NOT on choir calendar; they will be scheduled separately by each section. Extra rehearsals may be added by the director if necessary. They will be required and graded. Continued Advanced Choir Membership in the Spring is contingent upon Fall rehearsal attendance.

34 Required Fees & Forms Annual Choir Fees:
$25 fee includes uniform dry cleaning, alterations, clinicians, student rewards, etc. May use fund raising credits to pay this fee (notify director if this is your preference).

35 Choir Member Agreement Card:
Annual Pledge by students and parents to abide by the policies and procedures outlined in the G-P Choir Handbook. Due first day of school. If you complete Charms, you may skip info side of card. Contact Information – Accuracy is key for communication Competition Entry Info – Director uses cards for Competition “entry forms”

36 Permission and Medical Release Form:
Official permission slip for the entire year. Can’t travel without it. Emergency Information: Crucial in case of an illness or injury. Please notify director throughout the year of any changes in phone numbers, addresses, emergency contacts, allergies, etc. Director will keep personal information secure.

37 (participation optional):
Fund Raising Contract (participation optional): It explains fund raising responsibilities: Proper care of merchandise Collecting money Turning in money Consequences for not turning in money owed to the choir All students & parents must sign this contract to fund raise with the choir.

38 Remind101 and Charms: Students MUST sign up for R101 to receive announcements, handouts, important links, etc. Students MUST create or update CHARMS each year. With this website or APP parents & students may access choir calendar, track, fundraising credits, forms, etc. Setting up these two items the FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL is a REQUIRED for each choir student. Students may NOT perform, compete, travel, fund raise, etc. until CHARMS update is complete

39 Letter Jackets A Student MUST:
Be in G-P High School Advanced Choir for at least 2 years. Audition for TMEA District choir each year of his/her membership. Make District and Region choir the year he/she applies for a letter jacket. Audition for Solo & Ensemble each year of his/her membership Receive a “Superior” rating on a Class I or Class II solo the year he/she applies for a letter jacket. A student must be a choir member in good standing (attends all rehearsals & concerts) A student must plan to be a member of the choir for all 4 years of high school. A student must have participated at UIL Choir Contest the year he/she applies for the letter jacket (previous years reviewed as well). 4-year recipient possible if student is a choir member in good standing and has participated in Choir Contest all four years.


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