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Chapter 25:Vertebrate Diversity

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1 Chapter 25:Vertebrate Diversity

2 Section One: Vertebrate Orgins
Chordata Made up of vertebrates, tunicates, and lancelets Characteristics Notochord: flexible skeletal support rod embedded in the animal’s back Hollow nerve cord Pharyngeal slits Tail

3 Section One: Vertebrate Origins
Vertebrate Features and Classes Endoskeleton Classes Agnatha: jawless fish Chondrichthyes: cartilaginous fish (sharks) Osteichthyes: bony fish Amphibia Reptilia Aves: birds Mammalia

4 Section Two: Fish Diversity
Gills: large sheets of tissue filled with capillaries that take oxygen from the water and release carbon dioxide Countercurrent flow: the opposite flow of water against the blood in the fish gills Cartilaginous fish are fish with a cartilage skeleton instead of a skeleton made of bone

5 Section Four: Amphibians
The first tetrapods (vertebrate with 4 limbs) Breathe through their skin with gills or lungs Return to water for reproduction Salamander, frogs, and caecilians

6 Section Five: Vertebrates on Land
Amniotes Vertebrate whose embryo is enclosed in an amniotic sac Amniotic Egg: almost completely waterproof container that keeps the embryo from drying out as it develops Placenta: membranous organ that develops in female mammals during pregnancy Reptiles and Mammals Keratin: protein that is water repellent found in the skin

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